Routing for UAS643
intro1 (intro)
In this survey we will play a game where you type the name of the object shown on the screen. The next screen explains how. We hope you have fun with it!
Instructions: In this task, you will see several pictures. Below each picture there will be an empty box. Please type the name of the pictured object in the empty box. You may enter answers in uppercase or lowercase. If you do not know what is pictured, type in your best guess.
Please click “Next” to see an example.
Fill code of question 'PV901' executed
For example, if you see a picture of any kind of car, you would just type the word "car."
You can see this example below. In this example, the answer has already been entered in the box. In the next example, you will be able to practice typing the answer.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
What is the arrow pointing to? Please type the name in the box.
In the above example, you would type "eraser" in the empty box. While the picture shows a pencil, the arrow is pointing to a specific part of this pencil - its eraser. Not all pictures will have arrows. In those cases, you are to enter the word that best describes the entire picture. So in the above example, if no arrow were present, you would simply type "pencil" in the empty box.
You will now be asked to identify fourteen more pictures. Please click "Next" to begin.
End of group of questions
PVA11 (PVA11)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
if ((contains(PVA11, "chicken") OR contains(PVA11, "bird") OR contains(PVA11, "hen")) AND !inAnswerArray(PVA11, getPictureVocabularyAnswers("PVA11"))) then
PVA11p (PVA11p)
You told us that the picture below shows a [PVA11[]]. Can you be more specific?
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA11", "PVA11p")
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA11")
End of if
PVA12 (PVA12)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA12")
PVA13 (PVA13)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA13")
PVA31 (PVA31)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA31")
PVA22 (PVA22)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA22")
PVA23 (PVA23)
What is the arrow pointing to? Please type the name in the box.
if ((contains(PVA23, "man")) AND !inAnswerArray(PVA23, getPictureVocabularyAnswers("PVA23"))) then
PVA23p (PVA23p)
You told us that the picture below shows a [PVA23[]]. Can you please be more specific about what the arrow is pointing to?
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA23", "PVA23p")
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA23")
End of if
PVA32 (PVA32)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA32")
PVA41 (PVA41)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
if ((contains(PVA41, "motorcycle") OR contains(PVA41, "bicycle") OR contains(PVA41, "bike") OR contains(PVA41, "motorized")) AND !inAnswerArray(PVA41, getPictureVocabularyAnswers("PVA41"))) then
PVA41p (PVA41p)
You told us that the picture below shows a [PVA41[]]. Can you please be more specific?
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA41", "PVA41p")
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA41")
End of if
PVA42 (PVA42)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
if ((contains(PVA42, "ocean")) AND !inAnswerArray(PVA42, getPictureVocabularyAnswers("PVA42"))) then
PVA42p (PVA42p)
You told us that the picture below shows an [PVA42[]]. Can you please be more specific about the object in front of the ocean?
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA42", "PVA42p")
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA42")
End of if
PVA43 (PVA43)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA43")
PVA33 (PVA33)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA33")
PVA51 (PVA51)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA51")
PVA52 (PVA52)
What is shown in this picture? Please type the name in the box.
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA52")
PVA53 (PVA53)
What is the arrow pointing to? Please type the name in the box.
PVScore := PVScore + getPictureVocabularyScore("PVA53")
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)
dummy := completedPictures()