Routing for UAS641
if randomizer_timeframe = empty then
randomizer_timeframe := getTimeFrame()
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLIntro' executed
This survey covers several unrelated topics. Some of the questions in the survey may seem similar to other questions. Thank you for your patience in answering them to the best of your ability.
Also, some of these questions may apply to you more than others, including some you may have answered recently, as they are part of a monthly series. As always, we appreciate your answers, which ensure we have the most recent information and are an important contribution to our research.
FLMonth := getLastMonth()
FLCurrentMonth := getCurrentMonth()
last_completed_monthly := getLastCompletedSurvey(array(580,590,592,598,599,615,618,622,625,636))
if last_completed_monthly = response then
last_completed_monthly_endtime := getUASMonthlyPreload(last_completed_monthly, "endtime")
last_completed_empl1 := getUASMonthlyPreload(last_completed_monthly, "empl1")
last_completed_monthly_lastendtime := getDateString(last_completed_monthly_endtime)
last_completed_monthly_lastdate := getDateStringLastDate(getUASMonthlyPreload(last_completed_monthly, "FLLastDate"))
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLLastDate' executed
Fill code of question 'FLLastDateLower' executed
Fill code of question 'FLLastDateOnly' executed
last_completed_climate := getLastCompletedSurvey(array(618,636))
if last_completed_climate = response then
last_completed_climate_endtime := getUASMonthlyPreload(last_completed_climate, "endtime")
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLLastDateClimate' executed
Fill code of question 'FLLastDateClimateLower' executed
Fill code of question 'FLLastDateClimateOnly' executed
First, we have some questions about your life and your health.
LE_HRS_s1 (overall life satisfaction)
Please think about your life-as-a-whole. How satisfied are you with it? Are you completely satisfied, very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not very satisfied, or not at all satisfied?
1 Completely satisfied
2 Very satisfied
3 Somewhat satisfied
4 Not very satisfied
5 Not at all satisfied
LE_HRS_srh1 (overall health)
Would you say your health is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?
1 Excellent
2 Very good
3 Good
4 Fair
5 Poor
brfss_lonely (how often feel lonely)
How often do you feel lonely? Would you say...
1 Always
2 Usually
3 Sometimes
4 Rarely
5 Never
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Over the past fourteen days, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?
Subgroup of questions
phq4a (Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge)
Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge
1 Not at all
2 Several days
3 More than half the days
4 Nearly every day
phq4b (Not being able to stop or control worrying)
Not being able to stop or control worrying
1 Not at all
2 Several days
3 More than half the days
4 Nearly every day
phq4c (Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless)
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
1 Not at all
2 Several days
3 More than half the days
4 Nearly every day
phq4d (Little interest or pleasure in doing things)
Little interest or pleasure in doing things
1 Not at all
2 Several days
3 More than half the days
4 Nearly every day
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
LE_HRS_p1 (often troubled by pain)
Last month, in [[]], were you often troubled by pain?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if LE_HRS_p1 = 1 then
LE_HRS_p2 (how bad was pain most of time)
How bad was the pain most of the time?
1 Mild
2 Moderate
3 Severe
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For the next questions, please now think about your feelings and thoughts during the last month (over the last 4 weeks).
Subgroup of questions
pss4_1 (unable to control important things)
In the last month, how often have you felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life?
1 Never
2 Almost never
3 Sometimes
4 Fairly often
5 Very often
pss4_2 (confident handling personal problems)
In the last month, how often have you felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems?
1 Never
2 Almost never
3 Sometimes
4 Fairly often
5 Very often
pss4_3 (felt things going your way)
In the last month, how often have you felt that things were going your way?
1 Never
2 Almost never
3 Sometimes
4 Fairly often
5 Very often
pss4_4 (difficulties piling up)
In the last month, how often have you felt difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them?
1 Never
2 Almost never
3 Sometimes
4 Fairly often
5 Very often
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
The next questions ask how you have been feeling or responding lately.
Note: For technical reasons, there will be no "Back" button. Please just select your answer and click "Next" to continue.
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(4, "catitems_spanish", "positivequestionnames", "positivequestiontexts", "positiveoptions", "positiveirt", "positivefixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(4, "catitems", "positivequestionnames", "positivequestiontexts", "positiveoptions", "positiveirt", "positivefixeditem")
End of if
if positivemax = empty then
positivemax := positivemax + 1
End of if
Loop from 1 to POSITIVEMAX
positive_nextitem := getNextCatItem(positivecnt, positivemax, "positivequestionnames", "positiveoptions", "positivequestion", "positiveirt", "positivethetas")
if positive_nextitem = empty then
End of if
positiveorder[positivecnt] := positivefixeditem[positive_nextitem]
if positivecnt < positivemax then
positivequestion (positive question)
[positive question texts[]]
1 [positive options[]]
2 [positive options[]]
3 [positive options[]]
4 [positive options[]]
5 [positive options[]]
6 [positive options[]]
7 [positive options[]]
8 [positive options[]]
9 [positive options[]]
10 [positive options[]]
End of loop
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(3, "catitems_spanish", "angerquestionnames", "angerquestiontexts", "angeroptions", "angerirt", "angerfixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(3, "catitems", "angerquestionnames", "angerquestiontexts", "angeroptions", "angerirt", "angerfixeditem")
End of if
Loop from 1 to ANGERMAX
anger_nextitem := getNextCatItem(angercnt, angermax, "angerquestionnames", "angeroptions", "angerquestion", "angerirt", "angerthetas")
if anger_nextitem = empty then
End of if
angerorder[angercnt] := angerfixeditem[anger_nextitem]
if angercnt < angermax then
angerquestion (anger question)
[anger question texts[]]
1 [anger options[]]
2 [anger options[]]
3 [anger options[]]
4 [anger options[]]
5 [anger options[]]
6 [anger options[]]
7 [anger options[]]
8 [anger options[]]
9 [anger options[]]
10 [anger options[]]
End of loop
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(2, "catitems_spanish", "meaningquestionnames", "meaningquestiontexts", "meaningoptions", "meaningirt", "meaningfixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(2, "catitems", "meaningquestionnames", "meaningquestiontexts", "meaningoptions", "meaningirt", "meaningfixeditem")
End of if
if meaningmax = empty then
meaningmax := meaningmax + 1
End of if
Loop from 1 to MEANINGMAX
meaning_nextitem := getNextCatItem(meaningcnt, meaningmax, "meaningquestionnames", "meaningoptions", "meaningquestion", "meaningirt", "meaningthetas")
if meaning_nextitem = empty then
End of if
meaningorder[meaningcnt] := meaningfixeditem[meaning_nextitem]
if meaningcnt < meaningmax then
meaningquestion (meaning question)
[meaning question texts[]]
1 [meaning options[]]
2 [meaning options[]]
3 [meaning options[]]
4 [meaning options[]]
5 [meaning options[]]
6 [meaning options[]]
7 [meaning options[]]
8 [meaning options[]]
9 [meaning options[]]
10 [meaning options[]]
End of loop
if last_completed_monthly = response then
if last_completed_monthly > 580 and last_completed_empl1 = response and last_completed_empl1 < 8 then
Last time you completed this survey, you answered that you had [last completed survey change in employment status[]] between [last completed monthly survey last date[]] and [last completed monthly survey last endtime string[]].
The following question will ask about additional changes that may have happened since then.
End of if
End of if
empl1 (change in employment status)
[Since August 1, 2024/Since ], has there been a change in your employment situation?
8 There was no change in my employment situation [since August 1, 2024/since ]
1 I retired
2 I changed jobs
3 I was working, but now I am not working
4 I was not working, now I am working
5 I moved from full-time to part-time employment
6 I moved from part-time to full-time employment
7 There was some other change in my employment situation
if empl1 = 7 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
empl2 (what change in employment situation)
Which of the following describe your change in employment situation. Select all that apply.
1 I started a business
2 I got promoted
3 I got a raise
6 I started an additional job
9 I quit one of my jobs
7 I am now on leave from work
8 Other, please specify:
empl2_other (other what change in employment situation)
End of group of questions
elseif empl1 in [2,3,5] then
if empl1 = 2 then
empl_f2 (what best describes change in employment situation)
Which of the following describe your change in jobs?
1 I changed jobs with the same employer
2 I changed jobs to a different employer
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
empl3 (main reasons change in employment situation)
What were the main reasons for this change? Select all that apply.
1 Business closed
2 I got fired /I was laid off
3 Have more time for family /caregiving obligations
4 Moved (to a different city, region, etc.)
5 Found a job where I could work from home more days per week
6 Found job with better pay / benefits.
7 Find a better job (other reasons)
8 Retired from prior job
9 Couldn't do prior job due to health reasons
10 Needed a change
11 Other, please specify:
empl3_other (other main reasons change in employment situation)
End of group of questions
End of if
if empl1 < 8 then
if empl_when_year = empty then
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
empl_when_month (date of employment change)
When did this change occur? If you aren't sure of the exact date, just your best guess will do.
1 January
2 February
3 March
4 April
5 May
6 June
7 July
8 August
9 September
10 October
11 November
12 December
empl_when_day (day of employment change)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31
empl_when_year (year of employment change)
2023 2023
2024 2024
empl_when_before (employment change before last date)
1 This change happened before [August 1, 2024/ ]. There has been no change in my employment situation [since August 1, 2024/since ]
Please select the year and month (and optionally the day) or check the "This change happened before..." box Or click "Next" to continue.
End of group of questions
End of if
LE_HRS001a (suffered serious illness)
[Since August 1, 2024/Since ], did you suffer the ONSET of a serious illness, were injured, or were diagnosed with a new disease? Select all that apply.
1 I fell down or was injured in an accident
2 I was assaulted
3 I experienced a heart-related event: suffered a heart attack, or was diagnosed with heart disease, angina, congestive heart failure, or other heart problems
4 I was diagnosed with cancer or a malignant tumor
5 I was diagnosed with dementia, senility or another serious memory impairment
6 I was diagnosed with diabetes
7 I contracted influenza
8 I contracted pneumonia
9 I contracted COVID-19
10 I was diagnosed with kidney disease
11 I was diagnosed with a chronic lung disease, such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema
12 I was diagnosed with arthritis, rheumatism
13 I was diagnosed with osteoporosis
14 I underwent surgery or joint replacement because of arthritis
15 A doctor told me that I have high blood pressure or hypertension
16 I contracted shingles
17 A doctor told me that I have an emotional, nervous, or psychiatric problem
18 A doctor or other health professional informed me of a sleep disorder
19 I contracted or was diagnosed with an illness not listed above
20 I did not suffer the ONSET of a serious illness or injury [since August 1, 2024/since ]
if 19 in LE_HRS001a then
LE_HRS001a_other (other which illnesses)
Please describe this illness.
End of if
if LE_HRS001a < 20 then
if LE_HRS001_when_year = empty then
LE_HRS001_when_year := 2024
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
LE_HRS001_when_month (month of illness)
When did this illness, injury or diagnosis happened? If you aren't sure of the exact date, just your best guess will do.
1 January
2 February
3 March
4 April
5 May
6 June
7 July
8 August
9 September
10 October
11 November
12 December
LE_HRS001_when_day (day of illness)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31
LE_HRS001_when_year (year of illness)
2023 2023
2024 2024
LE_HRS001_when_before (illness before last date)
1 This illness, injury, or diagnosis happened before [August 1, 2024/ ]. There has been no new illness, injury or diagnosis [since August 1, 2024/since ]
Please select the year and month (and optionally the day) or check the "This illness, injury, or diagnosis happened before..." box Or click "Next" to continue.
End of group of questions
End of if
fin1 (experienced a major change in financial situation)
Have you experienced a major change in your financial situation [since August 1, 2024/since ]?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if fin1 = 1 then
fin2 (positive change or a negative change)
Was this a positive change or a negative change?
1 Positive
2 Negative
if fin2 = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
fin4 (primary reasons for positive change)
What were the primary reasons for this change? Select all that apply.
1 I started working, increased my work hours, or received a raise
2 A spouse, partner, or some other family member started working, increased their work hours, or received a raise
3 Higher than usual earnings from business or self-employment
4 Started receiving payments from a pension, Social Security benefits, or other government program
5 Increase in benefits from Social Security or other government program
6 Finished paying off a debt (e.g., car loan, mortgage)
7 Student or other loan payments got reduced significantly, or debt was forgiven.
8 Reduction in expenses (medical, rent, child-related expenses, etc.)
9 Sold or rented-out property
10 Received financial assistance from friends, family, or someone else outside the household
11 Was repaid a loan I had provided
12 Something else, please specify:
fin4_other (other primary reasons for positive change)
End of group of questions
elseif fin2 = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
fin3 (primary reasons for negative change)
What were the primary reasons for this change? Select all that apply.
1 I lost a job, or faced a reduction in work hours/income
2 A spouse, partner or other family member lost a job or faced reduction in work hours/income
3 Losses in financial investment(s) or business
4 Significant medical or dental care expenses for me or a family member
5 Home or automobile accident or repair
6 Big rent or mortgage payment increase
7 Unpaid taxes or problem with the IRS
8 Victim of financial fraud, or some other major financial transaction that was not completely understood
9 Penalties and/or higher-than-expected interest from a loan
10 Gambling losses
11 Other increases in expenditures, such as in child or adult care,
12 New education expenditures (for instance, I or a family member started college)
13 Provided assistance to family members or friends outside the household
14 General increases in prices of goods and services
15 Other, please specify:
fin3_other (other primary reasons for negative change)
End of group of questions
End of if
if fin1_when_year = empty then
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
fin1_when_month (date of financial change)
When did this major change in your financial situation happen? If you aren't sure of the exact date, just your best guess will do.
1 January
2 February
3 March
4 April
5 May
6 June
7 July
8 August
9 September
10 October
11 November
12 December
fin1_when_day (day of financial change)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31
fin1_when_year (year of financial change)
2023 2023
2024 2024
fin1_when_before (financial change before last date)
1 This change in my financial situation happened before [August 1, 2024/ ]. There has been no major change in my financial situation [since August 1, 2024/since ]
Please select the year and month (and optionally the day) or check the "This financial change happened before..." box Or click "Next" to continue.
End of group of questions
End of if
if randomizer_timeframe = 1 then
insecurity_begin := date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
The questions in this section are about food, and if you have been able to get food that you want and need. You may have answered these or similar questions in recent surveys. We appreciate your patience as we make sure we have the most up to date information.
Fill code of question 'FLTimeframe' executed
Fill code of question 'FLTimeFrameCAPS' executed
These next questions are about the food eaten in your household [in the last 30 days/in the last 12 months], and whether you were able to afford the food you need.
The following are statements that people have made about their food situation. For these statements, please indicate whether the statement was often true, sometimes true, or never true for you [in the last 30 days/in the last 12 months].
fs001 (food bought didnt last and no money to get more)
The first statement is, "The food that I bought just didn't last, and I didn't have money to get more". Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you [in the last 30 days/in the last 12 months]?
1 Often true
2 Sometimes true
3 Never true
99 Don't know
fs002 (I couldnt afford to eat balanced meals)
"I couldn't afford to eat balanced meals." Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you [in the last 30 days/in the last 12 months]?
1 Often true
2 Sometimes true
3 Never true
99 Don't know
fs003 (ever cut size of meals or skip meals because not enough money for food)
[In the last 30 days/In the last 12 months], did you ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn’t enough money for food?
1 Yes
2 No
99 Don't know
if fs003 = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
fs003b (how many days cut the size of meals or skip meals)
[In the last 30 days/In the last 12 months], how many days did this happen?
RANGE 1..30
fs003b_dk (dont know how many days cut the size of meals or skip meals)
99 Don't know
Please enter the number of days or check the "Don't know" box.
End of group of questions
End of if
fs004 (ever eat less because not enough money for food)
[In the last 30 days/In the last 12 months], did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food?
1 Yes
2 No
99 Don't know
fs005 (ever hungry but didn't eat because not enough money for food)
[In the last 30 days/In the last 12 months], were you ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food?
1 Yes
2 No
99 Don't know
fs023 (live by self or with others)
Do you currently live by yourself, or do you live with others in your household?
1 I live by myself
2 I live with others
Fill code of question 'FL_fs020a' executed
[The following question asks about your ability to be able to decide what you eat./The following question asks about your household's ability to be able to decide what you eat.]
fs020a (last 12 months worry food would hurt health and well being)
[^FLTimeFrameCAPS, I worried that the food I was able to eat would hurt my health and well-being./^FLTimeFrameCAPS, we worried that the food we were able to eat would hurt our health and well-being.]
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Always
99 Don't know
Group of questions presented on the same screen
In the past month, did you or anyone in your household receive any of the following government benefits?
Subgroup of questions
ei005f (Special Supplemental Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC))
Special Supplemental Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
1 Yes
2 No
3 Unsure
ei005h (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, also known as CalFresh or Food Stamps))
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, also known as CalFresh or Food Stamps)
1 Yes
2 No
3 Unsure
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
insecurity_end := date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
insecurity_time := (strtotime(insecurity_end) - strtotime(insecurity_begin))/60
End of if
FL30daysago := getDateString(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-30 days")))
climate_begin := date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
previous_clim001 := getUASMonthlyPreload(last_completed_climate, "clim001")
previous_experience := '2'
if previous_clim001 = 1 then
previous_experience := '1'
End of if
if previous_experience = 1 then
When you completed a similar survey on [August 1, 2024], you answered that you had experienced an extreme weather event. The next questions ask about any additional weather events that may have happened since that date.
The next questions ask about events that may have occurred since [August 1, 2024/the last time you answered similar questions on ].
End of if
clim001 ( experience any extreme weather events)
[Since August 1, 2024/Since ], did you experience any extreme weather events (for example, extreme heat or cold, severe storm, winter storm, smoke from wildfire) or natural disaster (for example, hurricane, tornado, tropical storm, wildfire, earthquake, landslide or mudslide, drought, flood, volcanic eruption, tsunami)?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if clim001 = 1 then
if sizeof(clim002_order) = 0 then
clim002_order := array(1 => 1, 2=> 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 16, 5 => 4, 6 => 5, 7 => 6, 8 => 7, 9 => 8, 10 => 9, 11 => 10, 12 => 11, 13 => 12, 14 => 13, 15 => 14, 16 => 15)
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
clim002 (extreme weather events or natural disasters experience)
Which of the following extreme weather events or natural disasters did you experience [since August 1, 2024/since ]? Check all that apply.
1 Extreme heat
2 Extreme cold
3 Severe storm (including high winds, hail, heavy rain, lightning, thunder)
4 Smoke from wildfire
5 Hurricane
6 Tornado
7 Tropical storm
8 Wildfire
9 Earthquake
10 Landslide or mudslide
11 Drought
12 Flood
13 Volcanic Eruption
14 Tsunami
15 Other, please specify:
16 Winter storm
clim002_other (other extreme weather events or natural disasters experience)
End of group of questions
clim003 (any negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s))
Did you experience any negative consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if clim003 = 1 then
if sizeof(clim004_order) = 0 then
clim004_order := array(1 => 1, 2=> 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 17, 7 => 6, 8 => 7, 9 => 8, 10 => 9, 11 => 10, 12 => 11, 13 => 12, 14 => 13, 15 => 14, 16 => 15, 17 => 16)
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
clim004 (which negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s))
Which of the following consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s), if any, did you experience? Please check all that apply.
1 Temporary evacuation
2 Unable to get to work because you could not find transportation
3 Loss of income due to inability to work
4 Loss, destruction, or damage of property (including downed trees or tree limbs, flooded basement, roof leak)
5 Loss, destruction, damage of possessions
6 Health problem(s)
7 Unable to obtain medications when needed
8 Unable to obtain needed medical care from a doctor or hospital
9 Unable to spend time outdoors
10 Unable to meet essential expenses
11 Took on additional debt
12 Did not have adequate food for your family
13 Could not find adequate childcare
14 Person you know was injured or killed
15 Pets were injured, killed, or lost
16 Other, please specify:
17 Loss of power or other utilities
clim004_other (other which negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s))
End of group of questions
clim_last30days (climate experience in last 30 days or not)
Did this extreme weather event occur in the past 30 days (since [[]])?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if clim_last30days = 2 then
if previous_clim001 = 1 and getDayDifference(last_completed_climate_endtime) < 31 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
clim_same (same extreme weather event as in previous survey)
To help us better understand your experiences:
In your last survey, you reported that you experienced an extreme weather event prior to [August 1, 2024]. In this survey you also reported experiencing an extreme weather event. Were these two separate extreme weather events, or are they part of the same event?
Please choose a response:
1 I experienced two different extreme weather events
2 I experienced only one extreme weather event
3 Other. Please explain:
clim_same_other (other same extreme weather event as in previous survey)
End of group of questions
elseif clim_same = 3 or clim_same = empty then
End of if
uas636_clim003 := getUASMonthlyPreload("636", "clim003")
uas618_clim003 := getUASMonthlyPreload("618", "clim003")
previous_negative_experience := '2'
if uas636_clim003 = 1 then
previous_negative_experience := '1'
elseif uas618_clim003 = 1 then
previous_negative_experience := '1'
End of if
uas636_fema := getUASMonthlyPreload("636", "fema")
if uas636_fema = 1 then
End of if
if previous_fema = 2 then
if clim003 = 1 and previous_negative_experience = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
fema_past_and_now (receive disaster-related individual assistance)
On a prior survey, and again on this survey, you indicated that you experienced a consequence resulting from an extreme weather event or natural disaster.
fema (past month receive disaster-related individual assistance)
Did you or anyone in your household receive disaster-related individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other agency because of this?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Unsure
End of group of questions
elseif clim003 = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
if clim_when = 2 then
fema_now (receive disaster-related individual assistance)
You indicated that you experienced a consequence resulting from an extreme weather event or natural disaster [since August 1, 2024/since ].
fema_before (receive disaster-related individual assistance)
You indicated that you experienced a consequence resulting from an extreme weather event or natural disaster before [August 1, 2024].
End of if
fema (past month receive disaster-related individual assistance)
Did you or anyone in your household receive disaster-related individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other agency because of this?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Unsure
End of group of questions
elseif previous_negative_experience = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
fema_past (receive disaster-related individual assistance)
On a prior survey, you indicated that you experienced a consequence resulting from an extreme weather event or natural disaster.
fema (past month receive disaster-related individual assistance)
Did you or anyone in your household receive disaster-related individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other agency because of this?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Unsure
End of group of questions
End of if
End of if
number_consequence_group := getTotalNumber("consequence_group_asked")
number_weather_group := getTotalNumber("weather_group_asked")
number_control_group := getTotalNumber("control_group_asked")
uas636_ask_mechanism := getUASMonthlyPreload("636", "ask_mechanism")
previous_asked_mechanism := '2'
if uas636_ask_mechanism in [1,2,3] then
previous_asked_mechanism := '1'
End of if
if previous_asked_mechanism = 1 then
if (clim_recent = 1 and consequence_group = 1 and number_consequence_group < 51) then
elseif (clim_recent = 2 and consequence_group = 1 and number_control_group < 51) then
elseif (clim_recent = 1 and weather_group = 1 and number_weather_group < 51) then
elseif (clim_recent = 2 and weather_group = 1 and number_control_group < 51) then
elseif (control_group = 1 and number_control_group < 51) then
End of if
End of if
consequence_group_asked := '2'
weather_group_asked := '2'
control_group_asked := '2'
if ask_mechanism in [1,2,3] then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
The following questions ask how you think about time.
Subgroup of questions
time001a (how often during past week spend time thinking about present)
How often during the past week did you spend time thinking about the present?
1 Rarely or never
2 Sometimes
3 Often
4 Most or all of the time
time001b (how often during past week spend time thinking about past)
How often during the past week did you spend time thinking about the past?
1 Rarely or never
2 Sometimes
3 Often
4 Most or all of the time
time001c (how often during past week spend time thinking about future)
How often during the past week did you spend time thinking about the future?
1 Rarely or never
2 Sometimes
3 Often
4 Most or all of the time
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
We would like to ask you some questions about your emotional life, in particular, how you control (that is, regulate and manage) your emotions. The questions below involve two distinct aspects of your emotional life. One is your emotional experience, or what you feel like inside. The other is your emotional expression, or how you show your emotions in the way you talk, gesture or behave. Although some of the following questions may seem similar to one another, they differ in important ways.
Subgroup of questions
erq001 (When I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change the way I’m thinking about the situation.)
When I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change the way I'm thinking about the situation.
1 1
Strongly disagree
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Strongly agree
erq002 (I keep my emotions to myself.)
I keep my emotions to myself.
1 1
Strongly disagree
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Strongly agree
erq003 (When I want to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger) I change the way I’m thinking about the situation. )
When I want to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger) I change the way I'm thinking about the situation.
1 1
Strongly disagree
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Strongly agree
erq004 (I control my emotions by not expressing them.)
I control my emotions by not expressing them.
1 1
Strongly disagree
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Strongly agree
erq005 (I control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation that I’m in.)
I control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation that I'm in.
1 1
Strongly disagree
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Strongly agree
erq006 (When I am feeling negative emotions, I make sure not to express them.)
When I am feeling negative emotions, I make sure not to express them.
1 1
Strongly disagree
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Strongly agree
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
if ask_mechanism = 1 then
consequence_group_asked := '1'
elseif ask_mechanism = 2 then
weather_group_asked := '1'
elseif ask_mechanism = 3 then
control_group_asked := '1'
End of if
End of if
climate_end := date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
climate_time := (strtotime(climate_end) - strtotime(climate_begin))/60
if language = 1 then
The following question changes focus, asking you to report whether you provide care or assistance with daily personal activities to someone in need.
cg001 (past 30 days spent any time assisting someone)
Are you currently spending any time assisting someone (parent, grandparent, wife, husband, child, another family member, neighbor, or close friend) with basic personal activities because they are unable to handle them without help?
By assisting someone with basic personal activities, we mean daily activities such as dressing, eating, bathing, paying bills, managing medication, food preparation, grocery shopping, doctor visits, emotional support, driving, and other personal assistance. Please exclude assistance given to children who are not yet self-sufficient due to their age (for example, too young to dress themselves or unable to prepare a meal).
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if cg001 = 1 then
dummy := addToCaregiverBaseline()
Thank you for your response. Since you’ve indicated that you are a caregiver, you are invited to take a follow-up survey that focuses specifically on your caregiving activities and experiences. The link to survey UAS634 will be available when you complete this survey and return to your panel page.
End of if
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)