Routing for UAS607
isAITrackerRespondent := isAITrackerRespondent()
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of a computer or machine to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning from experience, solving problems, and making decisions.
Fill code of question 'FLPeriod' executed
ai001 (heard about or used AI-assisted self-driving cars or trucks)
Have you heard about or used AI-assisted self-driving cars or trucks?
1 I have never heard about them
2 I have heard about them but I have never used one
3 I have used them
4 I don't know
if ai001 = 3 then
ai001b (used AI-assisted self-driving cars or trucks in the past 4 weeks)
Have you used AI-assisted self-driving cars or trucks in the [past 4 weeks]?
1 Yes
2 No
End of if
ai002 ( heard about or used AI applications that create human-like text or code)
Have you heard about or used AI applications that create human-like text or code, such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat?
1 I have never heard about them
2 I have heard about them but I have never used one
3 I have used them
4 I don't know
if ai002 = 3 and isAITrackerRespondent = 2 then
ai002b (used AI applications that create human-like text or code in the past 4 weeks)
Have you used AI applications that create human-like text or code, such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat, in the [past 4 weeks]?
1 Yes
2 No
if ai002b = 1 then
ai002c (version used AI applications that create human-like text or code in the past 4 weeks)
Have you used a free or paid version of AI applications that create human-like text or code, such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat?
1 Free version
2 Paid version
3 I don't know
End of if
End of if
ai003 (heard about or used AI applications that create images from a text description)
Have you heard about or used AI applications that create images from a text description, such as Midjourney, DALL-E, or Stable Diffusion?
1 I have never heard about them
2 I have heard about them but I have never used one
3 I have used them
4 I don't know
if ai003 = 3 and isAITrackerRespondent = 2 then
ai003b (used AI applications that create images from a text description in the past 4 weeks)
Have you used AI applications that create images from a text description, such as Midjourney, DALL-E, or Stable Diffusion, in the [past 4 weeks]?
1 Yes
2 No
End of if
ai008 (heard about or used AI applications that create videos from a text description)
Have you heard about or used AI applications that create videos from a text description, such as InVideo, Synthesia, Fliki, or Sora?
1 I have never heard about them
2 I have heard about them but I have never used one
3 I have used them
4 I don't know
if ai008 = 3 then
ai008b (used AI applications that create videos from a text description in the past 4 weeks)
Have you used AI applications that create videos from a text description, such as InVideo, Synthesia, Fliki, or Sora, in the [past 4 weeks]?
1 Yes
2 No
End of if
ai004 (heard about, used, or interacted with AI-assisted robots that perform manual tasks)
Have you heard about, used, or interacted with AI-assisted robots that perform manual tasks like sorting, packing, moving goods, or cleaning in a warehouse or factory setting?
1 I have never heard about them
2 I have heard about them but I have never used or interacted with one
3 I have used or interacted with them
4 I don't know
if ai004 = 3 then
ai004b (used or interacted with AI-assisted robots that perform manual tasks in the past 4 weeks)
Have you used or interacted with AI-assisted robots that perform manual tasks like sorting, packing, moving goods, or cleaning in a warehouse or factory setting, in the [past 4 weeks]?
1 Yes
2 No
End of if
ai005 (heard about or used AI-assisted household devices)
Have you heard about or used AI-assisted household devices, such as voice-controlled assistants (like Google Assistant, Siri, or Alexa), robot vacuum cleaners (like Roomba or Ecovacs), or smart appliances (like a smart fridge or oven)?
1 I have never heard about them
2 I have heard about them but I have never used one
3 I have used them
4 I don't know
if ai005 = 3 then
ai005b (used AI-assisted household devices in the past 4 weeks)
Have you used AI-assisted household devices, such as voice-controlled assistants (like Google Assistant, Siri, or Alexa), robot vacuum cleaners (like Roomba or Ecovacs), or smart appliances (like a smart fridge or oven), in the [past 4 weeks]?
1 Yes
2 No
End of if
ai006 (heard about or used AI applications that automate organizational decision processes)
Have you heard about or used AI applications that automate organizational decision processes, such as job interviews, scheduling, or hiring/firing?
1 I have never heard about them
2 I have heard about them but I have never used one
3 I have used them
4 I don't know
if ai006 = 3 and isAITrackerRespondent = 2 then
ai006b (used AI applications that automate organizational decision processes in the past 4 weeks)
Have you used AI applications that automate organizational decision processes, such as job interviews, scheduling, or hiring/firing, in the [past 4 weeks]?
1 Yes
2 No
End of if
ai007 (ever used any other types of AI technologies)
Have you ever used any other types of AI technologies beyond those we have already mentioned?
1 Yes
2 No
if ai007 = 1 then
ai007_other (other ever used any other types of AI technologies)
What other types of AI technologies (beyond those we have already mentioned) have you used?
End of if
if ai002 = 3 then
us001 (how often use AI applications such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat)
You said earlier that you have used AI applications such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat. How often do you use them?
1 Rarely
2 Less than once a month
3 Once or a few times per month
4 Once or a few times per week
5 Every day
if isAITrackerRespondent = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
us002 (what use AI applications such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat for)
What do you use AI applications such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat for? Please select all that apply.
1 Out of curiosity
2 For entertainment
3 For social connection
4 To learn something new about the world
5 For work-related tasks
6 For school-related tasks
7 To generate additional income (other than your regular work)
8 To gather information or explore details about a specific health condition or treatment
9 To create content for social media
10 To assist in personal tasks, such as planning activities, trips, getting ideas for gifts, etc.
11 To improve communications (for instance, help in writing emails, letters, etc.)
12 As a tool for mental health, such as working through thoughts or emotions
13 To help with creative pursuits, like writing stories, scripts, music, etc.
14 Other, please specify:
us002_other (other what use AI applications such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat for)
End of group of questions
us003 (how useful AI applications such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat)
How useful do you find AI applications such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat?
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
us004 (how harmful AI applications such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat)
How harmful do you find AI applications such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing Chat?
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
How much would you trust AI in the following daily life activities?
Subgroup of questions
tr001a (Giving a health diagnosis)
Giving a health diagnosis
1 Less than a human professional or expert
2 As much as a human professional or expert
3 More than a human professional or expert
4 Not sure
tr001b (Providing financial advice)
Providing financial advice
1 Less than a human professional or expert
2 As much as a human professional or expert
3 More than a human professional or expert
4 Not sure
tr001c (Designing a diet and exercise program)
Designing a diet and exercise program
1 Less than a human professional or expert
2 As much as a human professional or expert
3 More than a human professional or expert
4 Not sure
tr001d (Making travel reservations)
Making travel reservations
1 Less than a human professional or expert
2 As much as a human professional or expert
3 More than a human professional or expert
4 Not sure
tr001e (Driving a taxicab)
Driving a taxicab
1 Less than a human professional or expert
2 As much as a human professional or expert
3 More than a human professional or expert
4 Not sure
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
wk001 (current work status)
What is your labor force status? Please choose all that apply.
1 Employed (working for an employer)
2 Self-employed (working for yourself/business owner)
3 On sick or other leave
4 Temporarily laid off
5 Unemployed - looking for work
6 Retired
7 Disabled
8 Homemaker
9 Student
10 Not working - not looking for work
11 Other
if 1 in wk001 OR 2 in wk001 OR 3 in wk001 OR 4 in wk001 then
Next, we will ask you about the impact AI technologies will have on the workplace. If you aren’t sure about the answer to a question, please use your best guess.
wk002 (how think AI technologies might affect number of jobs over next 5 years)
Thinking of the type of job you do, how do you think AI technologies might affect the number of jobs like yours over the next 5 years?
1 AI will create more jobs like mine than it will eliminate
2 AI will eliminate more jobs like mine than it will create
3 AI will not change the number of jobs like mine
wk003 (how think AI technologies change how much can accomplish in typical workday over next 5 years)
Thinking of your current job, how do you think AI technologies might change how much you can accomplish in a typical workday over the next 5 years?
1 AI will increase how much I can accomplish in a workday
2 AI will decrease how much I can accomplish in a workday
3 AI will not change how much I can accomplish in a workday
wk004 (how think AI technologies change how much enjoy job in next 5 years)
Thinking of your current job, how do you think AI technologies might change how much you enjoy your job in the next 5 years?
1 AI will increase the enjoyment I get from my job
2 AI will decrease the enjoyment I get from my job
3 AI will not change the enjoyment I get from my job
wk005 (how think AI technologies influence how much you get paid over over next 5 years)
Thinking of your current job, how do you think AI technologies might influence how much you get paid over the next 5 years?
1 AI will increase my pay
2 AI will decrease my pay
3 AI will not change my pay
wk006 (what portion of tasks think could be performed either partially or entirely by AI over next 5 years)
Now, think of the tasks that you typically perform as part of your job. On a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means none and 100 means all of them, what portion of these tasks do you think could be performed either partially or entirely by AI over the next 5 years?
wk007 (what are chances that will lose job because it is replaced by AI in next 5 years)
On a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means absolutely no chance and 100 means absolutely certain, what are the chances that you will lose your job because it is replaced by AI in the next 5 years?
We will now ask you about steps that you or your employer may have taken to prepare for how AI technologies may impact your job.
wk008 (employer provided any training or resources to help prepare for how AI may impact job)
Has your employer provided any training or resources to help you prepare for how AI may impact your job?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
4 I don't have an employer
wk010 (considered switching jobs concerned current job may be replaced by AI)
Have you considered switching jobs because you are concerned your current job may be replaced by AI?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
wk009 (learning new skills that might help find a new job if current job is replaced by AI)
Are you learning new skills that might help you find a new job if your current job is replaced by AI?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
if wk009 = 1 then
wk009_other (other learning new skills that might help find a new job if current job is replaced by AI)
Which new skills are you learning?
End of if
End of if
sc001 (currently have children in elementary, middle, or high school)
Do you currently have children in elementary, middle, or high school?
1 Yes
2 No
if sc001 = 1 and ai002 in [2,3] then
Please think about your oldest school-aged child when you answer the following questions.
sc001b (grade child during 2023-24 school year)
In what grade is this child during the 2023-24 school year?
0 Kindergarten
1 1st grade
2 2nd grade
3 3rd grade
4 4th grade
5 5th grade
6 6th grade
7 7th grade
8 8th grade
9 9th grade
10 10th grade
11 11th grade
12 12th grade
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Thinking about your child’s awareness and use of AI applications like ChatGPT or Google Bard/Gemini, Bing Chat:
Subgroup of questions
sc002a (child ever used AI applications to complete a school assignment)
Has your child ever used these AI applications to complete a school assignment?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
sc002b (child ever used AI applications to help them understand something they are learning in school)
Has your child ever used these AI applications to help them understand something they are learning in school?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
sc002c (any of child teachers prohibited the use of AI applications for school work)
Have any of your child's teachers prohibited the use of these AI applications for school work?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
sc002d (any of child teachers encouraged the use of AI applications for school work)
Have any of your child's teachers encouraged the use of these AI applications for school work?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
sc002e (child teachers or school sent information home about policies around students using AI applications for schoolwork)
Has your child's teachers or school sent information home about their policies around students using AI applications for schoolwork?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you agree with the following statements:
Subgroup of questions
sc003a (Schools should be teaching students how to use AI applications)
Schools should be teaching students how to use AI applications.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat agree
5 Strongly agree
sc003b (Schools should not allow students to use AI applications at all)
Schools should not allow students to use AI applications at all.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat agree
5 Strongly agree
sc003c (If students use AI applications to do their schoolwork, they will not learn important basic skills they should be learning)
If students use AI applications to do their schoolwork, they will not learn important basic skills they should be learning.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat agree
5 Strongly agree
sc003d (Students who learn to use AI applications effectively will be at an advantage (e.g., in school and in future jobs) compared to students who do not learn to use them)
Students who learn to use AI applications effectively will be at an advantage (e.g., in school and in future jobs) compared to students who do not learn to use them.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat agree
5 Strongly agree
sc003e (Students using AI applications to complete schoolwork are cheating unless the teacher has specifically allowed it)
Students using AI applications to complete schoolwork are cheating unless the teacher has specifically allowed it.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat agree
5 Strongly agree
sc003f (AI applications can help my child learn)
AI applications can help my child learn.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat agree
5 Strongly agree
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
sc004 (in last six months, discussed the appropriate use of AI with child)
In the last six months, have you discussed the appropriate use of AI with your child?
1 Yes
2 No
End of if
if sizeof(pl001_order) = 0 then
pl001_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3))
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
How much do you oppose or support the role of the following in shaping and developing AI?
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 3
if pl001_order[cnt] = 1 then
pl001a (Government role)
1 Strongly oppose
2 Somewhat oppose
3 Neither support nor oppose
4 Somewhat support
5 Strongly support
elseif pl001_order[cnt] = 2 then
pl001b (Corporations role)
1 Strongly oppose
2 Somewhat oppose
3 Neither support nor oppose
4 Somewhat support
5 Strongly support
elseif pl001_order[cnt] = 3 then
pl001c (Universities role)
1 Strongly oppose
2 Somewhat oppose
3 Neither support nor oppose
4 Somewhat support
5 Strongly support
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
When people interact with AI tools, companies record the interactions and use that data to improve their products and potentially increase profits. If given anonymized access to the data, independent researchers and auditors can test whether companies are using these AI tools responsibly. Please rate how much you agree with the following statements:
Subgroup of questions
pl002a (Companies should be free to do whatever they think is best with the data they collect)
Companies should be free to do whatever they think is best with the data they collect
1 Strongly disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat agree
5 Strongly agree
pl002b (Companies should be required to make anonymized user data available to independent researchers and auditors)
Companies should be required to make anonymized user data available to independent researchers and auditors
1 Strongly disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat agree
5 Strongly agree
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
pl003 (Should society invest in the development of new superintelligent AI systems that perform better than humans on almost any task?)
How much do you agree with the idea that society should invest in the development of new superintelligent AI systems that perform better than humans on almost any task?
1 Strongly disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat agree
5 Strongly agree
pl004 (how critical processes for all people / the general public to have input into development and potential uses)
If companies do develop new superintelligent AI systems that perform better than humans on almost any task, it is critical that there be processes for all people / the general public to have input into the development and potential uses of such systems.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat agree
5 Strongly agree
if pr001_randomizer = empty then
pr001_group := getExperimentGroup()
pr001_randomizer := getExperimentTreatment()
if pr001_randomizer = empty then
pr001_randomizer_flag := 2
pr001_randomizer_flag := 1
End of if
End of if
if pr001_group = 2 and pr001_randomizer = response then
if pr001_randomizer = 1 then
Many people have begun using AI applications that create human-like text or code, such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing, as conversation tools to seek advice and assistance that might improve their lives. Whether you have used these tools or not, we are interested in learning what you would ask them, if you could.
Next, we are going to show you what the main page of an AI tool, like ChatGPT, looks like. You will see examples of the kinds of questions you can ask it.
elseif pr001_randomizer = 2 then
Many people have begun using AI applications that create human-like text or code, such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing, as conversation tools to seek advice and assistance that might improve their lives. Whether you have used these tools or not, we are interested in learning what you would ask them, if you could.
Next, we are going to show you what the main page of an AI tool, like ChatGPT, looks like. You will see examples of the kinds of questions you can ask it and answers that it provides.
ChatGPT answer to one of the questions
elseif pr001_randomizer = 3 then
Many people have begun using AI applications that create human-like text or code, such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing, as conversation tools to seek advice and assistance that might improve their lives. Whether you have used these tools or not, we are interested in learning what you would ask them, if you could.
Next, we are going to show you what the main page of an AI tool, like ChatGPT, looks like. You will see examples of the kinds of questions you can ask it and answers that it provides.
ChatGPT answer to one of the questions
elseif pr001_randomizer = 4 then
Many people have begun using AI applications that create human-like text or code, such as ChatGPT, Google Bard/Gemini, or Bing, as conversation tools to seek advice and assistance that might improve their lives. Whether you have used these tools or not, we are interested in learning what you would ask them, if you could.
Next, we are going to show you what the main page of an AI tool, like ChatGPT, looks like. You will see examples of the kinds of questions you can ask it and answers that it provides.
ChatGPT answer to the first question
ChatGPT answer to the second question
End of if
End of group of questions
pr002 (question to maximize work productivity or professional success)
Thinking about how to maximize your work productivity or professional success, please write a question you or someone like you might ask an AI-based tool that could help you in this area.
pr003 (question to gain support for mental health and well-being)
Thinking about how to gain support for your mental health and well-being, please write a question you or someone like you might ask an AI-based tool that could help you in this area.