Routing for UAS605
intro1 (intro)
This survey asks about your experiences in various parts of your life. To begin with...
Group of questions presented on the same screen
The next questions ask about various things that may or may not happen to you. For each one, indicate how often in your day-to-day life, if at all, does that happen to you?
Subgroup of questions
eds_a (You are treated with less courtesy than other people are.)
You are treated with less courtesy than other people are.
1 Almost everyday
2 At least once a week
3 A few times a month
4 A few times a year
5 Less than once a year
6 Never
eds_b (You are treated with less respect than other people are.)
You are treated with less respect than other people are.
1 Almost everyday
2 At least once a week
3 A few times a month
4 A few times a year
5 Less than once a year
6 Never
eds_c (You receive poorer service than other people at restaurants or stores.)
You receive poorer service than other people at restaurants or stores.
1 Almost everyday
2 At least once a week
3 A few times a month
4 A few times a year
5 Less than once a year
6 Never
eds_d (People act as if they think you are not smart.)
People act as if they think you are not smart.
1 Almost everyday
2 At least once a week
3 A few times a month
4 A few times a year
5 Less than once a year
6 Never
eds_e (People act as if they are afraid of you.)
People act as if they are afraid of you.
1 Almost everyday
2 At least once a week
3 A few times a month
4 A few times a year
5 Less than once a year
6 Never
eds_f (People act as if they think you are dishonest.)
People act as if they think you are dishonest.
1 Almost everyday
2 At least once a week
3 A few times a month
4 A few times a year
5 Less than once a year
6 Never
eds_g (People act as if they’re better than you are.)
People act as if they’re better than you are.
1 Almost everyday
2 At least once a week
3 A few times a month
4 A few times a year
5 Less than once a year
6 Never
eds_h (You are called names or insulted.)
You are called names or insulted.
1 Almost everyday
2 At least once a week
3 A few times a month
4 A few times a year
5 Less than once a year
6 Never
eds_i (You are threatened or harassed.)
You are threatened or harassed.
1 Almost everyday
2 At least once a week
3 A few times a month
4 A few times a year
5 Less than once a year
6 Never
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
if eds_a in [1,2,3,4] OR eds_b in [1,2,3,4] OR eds_c in [1,2,3,4] OR eds_d in [1,2,3,4] OR eds_e in [1,2,3,4] OR eds_f in [1,2,3,4] OR eds_g in [1,2,3,4] OR eds_h in [1,2,3,4] OR eds_i in [1,2,3,4] then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
eds_followup (main reason for experiences)
What do you think is the main reason for these experiences?
1 Your Ancestry or National Origins
2 Your Gender
3 Your Race
4 Your Age
5 Your Religion
6 Your Height
7 Your Weight
8 Some other Aspect of Your Physical Appearance
9 Your Sexual Orientation
10 Your Education or Income Level
11 Other, please specify:
eds_followup_other (other main reason for experiences)
End of group of questions
End of if
Which of the following best describes your current situation. Please check all that apply.
1 Employed (working for an employer)
10 Self-employed
2 On sick or other leave
3 Temporarily laid off
4 Unemployed - looking for work
5 Retired
6 Disabled
11 Homemaker
12 Student
13 Not working - not looking for work
7 Other
if 1 in laborstatus_13 OR 2 in laborstatus_13 OR 3 in laborstatus_13 or 10 in laborstatus_13 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
How much choice/control do you have over the following in your current work?
Subgroup of questions
jqs45_a (choice/control When you can take vacations or days off)
When you can take vacations or days off
1 None or little
2 Some
3 A lot
jqs45_b (choice/control When you can take off a few hours)
When you can take off a few hours
1 None or little
2 Some
3 A lot
jqs45_c (choice/control When you begin and end each work day )
When you begin and end each work day
1 None or little
2 Some
3 A lot
jqs45_d (choice/control The total number of hours you work each week)
The total number of hours you work each week
1 None or little
2 Some
3 A lot
jqs45_e (choice/control When you can take vacations or days off)
The days you work each week
1 None or little
2 Some
3 A lot
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
The next set of questions ask about your experiences in the day-to-day functions of your job. Thinking about your main job, rate your level of agreement with each of the following statements.
Subgroup of questions
jqs46_a (My job allows me to make a lot of decisions on my own.)
My job allows me to make a lot of decisions on my own.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
jqs46_b (I have very little freedom to decide how to do my work.)
I have very little freedom to decide how to do my work.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
jqs46_c (I have a lot of say about what happens at my job.)
I have a lot of say about what happens at my job.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
jqs46_d (I do not have enough time to get my work done.)
I do not have enough time to get my work done.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
jqs46_e (My workload is manageable.)
My workload is manageable.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
jqs46_f (My job is physically demanding.)
My job is physically demanding.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
jqs46_g (My job is mentally demanding.)
My job is mentally demanding.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
jqs46_h (My job is emotionally demanding.)
My job is emotionally demanding.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
jqs46_i (I feel fulfillment from my job.)
I feel fulfillment from my job.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
jqs46_j (I feel valued in the work that I do.)
I feel valued in the work that I do.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
jqs46_k (I feel invested in my job.)
I feel invested in my job.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
We'd like to ask you some questions about your close friends. Close friends are people you communicate with frequently and confide in about personal matters.
se001 (number of close friends)
About how many close friends do you have? Close friends are people, including relatives, you communicate with frequently and confide in about personal matters.
RANGE 0..50
if se001 > 0 then
if sizeof(se002_order) = 0 then
se002_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7))
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
About how many of your close friends would you say are similar or the same as you with respect to the following characteristics? If you're not sure, please give your best guess.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 7
if se002_order[cnt] = 1 then
se002a (similar Ancestry or ethnicity)
Ancestry or ethnicity
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se002_order[cnt] = 2 then
se002b (similar Primary language)
Primary language
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se002_order[cnt] = 3 then
se002c (similar Race or skin color)
Race or skin color
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se002_order[cnt] = 4 then
se002d (similar Political affiliation)
Political affiliation
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se002_order[cnt] = 5 then
se002e (similar Sexual orientation)
Sexual orientation
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se002_order[cnt] = 6 then
se002f (similar Education or income level)
Education or income level
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se002_order[cnt] = 7 then
se002g (similar Religion)
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
se003 (number of people in extended social circle)
Beyond close friends and relatives, about how many people are in your extended social circle? These are people you interact with occasionally, perhaps see socially or in the workplace. (Do not include "friends" or "connections" you are linked to via social media but do not interact with).
RANGE 0..50
if se003 > 0 then
if sizeof(se004_order) = 0 then
se004_order := se002_order
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
About how many of your extended social circle would you say are similar or the same as you with respect to the following characteristics? If you're not sure, please give your best guess.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 7
if se004_order[cnt] = 1 then
se004a (similar extended Ancestry or ethnicity)
Ancestry or ethnicity
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se004_order[cnt] = 2 then
se004b (similar extended Primary language)
Primary language
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se004_order[cnt] = 3 then
se004c (similar extended Race or skin color)
Race or skin color
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se004_order[cnt] = 4 then
se004d (similar extended Political affiliation)
Political affiliation
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se004_order[cnt] = 5 then
se004e (similar extended Sexual orientation)
Sexual orientation
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se004_order[cnt] = 6 then
se004f (similar extended Education or income level)
Education or income level
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
elseif se004_order[cnt] = 7 then
se004g (similar extended Religion)
1 None
2 Some
3 Most or all
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
You may have answered questions in this final section before. We appreciate your patience in making sure we have the most up to date information.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
urbanicity_7 (7-item Urbanicity)
Which of the following comes closest to describing the region where you now live?
(If you live in more than one location, please choose the description that best describes your main residence.)
1 Large city
2 Small city
3 Suburb near a city
4 Small town or village
5 Rural - Agricultural / Ranch/ Farm area
6 Rural but not Agricultural / Ranch / Farm
7 Reservation
8 Other, please specify:
urbanicity_7_other (other urbanicity)
End of group of questions
internet_reliability (internet access and reliability at home)
Which statement best describes your internet access at home?
1 I do not have internet access at home
2 I have internet access, but it is often slow or unreliable
3 I have internet access, and it is generally reliable but occasionally slow
4 I have fast and reliable internet access at all times
mesa1 (Safe walking in neighborhood day or night)
I feel safe walking in my neighborhood, day or night.
1 Agree strongly
2 Agree somewhat
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Disagree somewhat
5 Disagree strongly
mesa2 (Violence is a problem in my neighborhood.)
Violence is a problem in my neighborhood.
1 Agree strongly
2 Agree somewhat
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Disagree somewhat
5 Disagree strongly
mesa3 (Neighborhood is safe from crime.)
My neighborhood is safe from crime.
1 Agree strongly
2 Agree somewhat
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Disagree somewhat
5 Disagree strongly
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)