Routing for UAS604
intro1 (intro)
This survey asks about how you have been feeling lately, and about how life has been going.
For technical reasons, there will be no “Back” buttons on the screens. For each question, please select your answer and click “Next” to continue.
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(2, "catitems_spanish_full", "meaningquestionnames", "meaningquestiontexts", "meaningoptions", "meaningirt", "meaningfixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(2, "catitems_full", "meaningquestionnames", "meaningquestiontexts", "meaningoptions", "meaningirt", "meaningfixeditem")
End of if
if meaningmax = empty then
meaningmax := meaningmax + 1
End of if
Loop from 1 to MEANINGMAX
meaning_nextitem := getNextCatItem(meaningcnt, meaningmax, "meaningquestionnames", "meaningoptions", "meaningquestion", "meaningirt", "meaningthetas")
if meaning_nextitem = empty then
End of if
meaningorder[meaningcnt] := meaningfixeditem[meaning_nextitem]
if meaningcnt < meaningmax then
meaningquestion (meaning question)
[meaning question texts[]]
1 [meaning options[]]
2 [meaning options[]]
3 [meaning options[]]
4 [meaning options[]]
5 [meaning options[]]
6 [meaning options[]]
7 [meaning options[]]
8 [meaning options[]]
9 [meaning options[]]
10 [meaning options[]]
End of loop
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(8, "catitems_spanish_full", "emotionalquestionnames", "emotionalquestiontexts", "emotionaloptions", "emotionalirt", "emotionalfixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(8, "catitems_full", "emotionalquestionnames", "emotionalquestiontexts", "emotionaloptions", "emotionalirt", "emotionalfixeditem")
End of if
if emotionalmax = empty then
emotionalmax := emotionalmax + 1
End of if
Loop from 1 to EMOTIONALMAX
emotional_nextitem := getNextCatItem(emotionalcnt, emotionalmax, "emotionalquestionnames", "emotionaloptions", "emotionalquestion", "emotionalirt", "emotionalthetas")
if emotional_nextitem = empty then
End of if
emotionalorder[emotionalcnt] := emotionalfixeditem[emotional_nextitem]
if emotionalcnt < emotionalmax then
emotionalquestion (emotional question)
[emotional question texts[]]
1 [emotional options[]]
2 [emotional options[]]
3 [emotional options[]]
4 [emotional options[]]
5 [emotional options[]]
6 [emotional options[]]
7 [emotional options[]]
8 [emotional options[]]
9 [emotional options[]]
10 [emotional options[]]
End of loop
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(9, "catitems_spanish_full", "informationalquestionnames", "informationalquestiontexts", "informationaloptions", "informationalirt", "informationalfixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(9, "catitems_full", "informationalquestionnames", "informationalquestiontexts", "informationaloptions", "informationalirt", "informationalfixeditem")
End of if
if informationalmax = empty then
informationalmax := informationalmax + 1
End of if
informational_nextitem := getNextCatItem(informationalcnt, informationalmax, "informationalquestionnames", "informationaloptions", "informationalquestion", "informationalirt", "informationalthetas")
if informational_nextitem = empty then
End of if
informationalorder[informationalcnt] := informationalfixeditem[informational_nextitem]
if informationalcnt < informationalmax then
informationalquestion (informational question)
[informational question texts[]]
1 [informational options[]]
2 [informational options[]]
3 [informational options[]]
4 [informational options[]]
5 [informational options[]]
6 [informational options[]]
7 [informational options[]]
8 [informational options[]]
9 [informational options[]]
10 [informational options[]]
End of loop
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(10, "catitems_spanish_full", "instrumentalquestionnames", "instrumentalquestiontexts", "instrumentaloptions", "instrumentalirt", "instrumentalfixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(10, "catitems_full", "instrumentalquestionnames", "instrumentalquestiontexts", "instrumentaloptions", "instrumentalirt", "instrumentalfixeditem")
End of if
if instrumentalmax = empty then
instrumentalmax := instrumentalmax + 1
End of if
instrumental_nextitem := getNextCatItem(instrumentalcnt, instrumentalmax, "instrumentalquestionnames", "instrumentaloptions", "instrumentalquestion", "instrumentalirt", "instrumentalthetas")
if instrumental_nextitem = empty then
End of if
instrumentalorder[instrumentalcnt] := instrumentalfixeditem[instrumental_nextitem]
if instrumentalcnt < instrumentalmax then
instrumentalquestion (instrumental question)
[instrumental question texts[]]
1 [instrumental options[]]
2 [instrumental options[]]
3 [instrumental options[]]
4 [instrumental options[]]
5 [instrumental options[]]
6 [instrumental options[]]
7 [instrumental options[]]
8 [instrumental options[]]
9 [instrumental options[]]
10 [instrumental options[]]
End of loop
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(7, "catitems_spanish_full", "socialquestionnames", "socialquestiontexts", "socialoptions", "socialirt", "socialfixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(7, "catitems_full", "socialquestionnames", "socialquestiontexts", "socialoptions", "socialirt", "socialfixeditem")
End of if
if socialmax = empty then
socialmax := socialmax + 1
End of if
Loop from 1 to SOCIALMAX
social_nextitem := getNextCatItem(socialcnt, socialmax, "socialquestionnames", "socialoptions", "socialquestion", "socialirt", "socialthetas")
if social_nextitem = empty then
End of if
socialorder[socialcnt] := socialfixeditem[social_nextitem]
if socialcnt < socialmax then
socialquestion (social question)
[social question texts[]]
1 [social options[]]
2 [social options[]]
3 [social options[]]
4 [social options[]]
5 [social options[]]
6 [social options[]]
7 [social options[]]
8 [social options[]]
9 [social options[]]
10 [social options[]]
End of loop
transition (intro)
Now, we would like to know how you felt over the past 7 days.
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(4, "catitems_spanish_full", "positivequestionnames", "positivequestiontexts", "positiveoptions", "positiveirt", "positivefixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(4, "catitems_full", "positivequestionnames", "positivequestiontexts", "positiveoptions", "positiveirt", "positivefixeditem")
End of if
if positivemax = empty then
positivemax := positivemax + 1
End of if
Loop from 1 to POSITIVEMAX
positive_nextitem := getNextCatItem(positivecnt, positivemax, "positivequestionnames", "positiveoptions", "positivequestion", "positiveirt", "positivethetas")
if positive_nextitem = empty then
End of if
positiveorder[positivecnt] := positivefixeditem[positive_nextitem]
if positivecnt < positivemax then
positivequestion (positive question)
[positive question texts[]]
1 [positive options[]]
2 [positive options[]]
3 [positive options[]]
4 [positive options[]]
5 [positive options[]]
6 [positive options[]]
7 [positive options[]]
8 [positive options[]]
9 [positive options[]]
10 [positive options[]]
End of loop
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(3, "catitems_spanish_full", "angerquestionnames", "angerquestiontexts", "angeroptions", "angerirt", "angerfixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(3, "catitems_full", "angerquestionnames", "angerquestiontexts", "angeroptions", "angerirt", "angerfixeditem")
End of if
Loop from 1 to ANGERMAX
anger_nextitem := getNextCatItem(angercnt, angermax, "angerquestionnames", "angeroptions", "angerquestion", "angerirt", "angerthetas")
if anger_nextitem = empty then
End of if
angerorder[angercnt] := angerfixeditem[anger_nextitem]
if angercnt < angermax then
angerquestion (anger question)
[anger question texts[]]
1 [anger options[]]
2 [anger options[]]
3 [anger options[]]
4 [anger options[]]
5 [anger options[]]
6 [anger options[]]
7 [anger options[]]
8 [anger options[]]
9 [anger options[]]
10 [anger options[]]
End of loop
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(5, "catitems_spanish_full", "fatiguequestionnames", "fatiguequestiontexts", "fatigueoptions", "fatigueirt", "fatiguefixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(5, "catitems_full", "fatiguequestionnames", "fatiguequestiontexts", "fatigueoptions", "fatigueirt", "fatiguefixeditem")
End of if
if fatiguemax = empty then
fatiguemax := fatiguemax + 1
End of if
Loop from 1 to FATIGUEMAX
fatigue_nextitem := getNextCatItem(fatiguecnt, fatiguemax, "fatiguequestionnames", "fatigueoptions", "fatiguequestion", "fatigueirt", "fatiguethetas")
if fatigue_nextitem = empty then
End of if
fatigueorder[fatiguecnt] := fatiguefixeditem[fatigue_nextitem]
if fatiguecnt < fatiguemax then
fatiguequestion (fatigue question)
[fatigue question texts[]]
1 [fatigue options[]]
2 [fatigue options[]]
3 [fatigue options[]]
4 [fatigue options[]]
5 [fatigue options[]]
6 [fatigue options[]]
7 [fatigue options[]]
8 [fatigue options[]]
9 [fatigue options[]]
10 [fatigue options[]]
End of loop
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(6, "catitems_spanish_full", "sleepquestionnames", "sleepquestiontexts", "sleepoptions", "sleepirt", "sleepfixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(6, "catitems_full", "sleepquestionnames", "sleepquestiontexts", "sleepoptions", "sleepirt", "sleepfixeditem")
End of if
Loop from 1 to SLEEPMAX
sleep_nextitem := getNextCatItem(sleepcnt, sleepmax, "sleepquestionnames", "sleepoptions", "sleepquestion", "sleepirt", "sleepthetas")
if sleep_nextitem = empty then
End of if
sleeporder[sleepcnt] := sleepfixeditem[sleep_nextitem]
if sleepcnt < sleepmax then
sleepquestion (sleep question)
[sleep question texts[]]
1 [sleep options[]]
2 [sleep options[]]
3 [sleep options[]]
4 [sleep options[]]
5 [sleep options[]]
6 [sleep options[]]
7 [sleep options[]]
8 [sleep options[]]
9 [sleep options[]]
10 [sleep options[]]
End of loop
if language = 2 then
dummy := setCatInfo(11, "catitems_spanish_full", "cognitivequestionnames", "cognitivequestiontexts", "cognitiveoptions", "cognitiveirt", "cognitivefixeditem")
dummy := setCatInfo(11, "catitems_full", "cognitivequestionnames", "cognitivequestiontexts", "cognitiveoptions", "cognitiveirt", "cognitivefixeditem")
End of if
if cognitivemax = empty then
cognitivemax := cognitivemax + 1
End of if
cognitive_answerorder := array(1 => 5, 2 => 4, 3 => 3, 4 => 2, 5 => 1)
Loop from 1 to COGNITIVEMAX
cognitive_nextitem := getNextCatItem(cognitivecnt, cognitivemax, "cognitivequestionnames", "cognitiveoptions", "cognitivequestion", "cognitiveirt", "cognitivethetas")
if cognitive_nextitem = empty then
End of if
cognitiveorder[cognitivecnt] := cognitivefixeditem[cognitive_nextitem]
if cognitivecnt < cognitivemax then
cognitivequestion (cognitive question)
[cognitive question texts[]]
1 [cognitive options[]]
2 [cognitive options[]]
3 [cognitive options[]]
4 [cognitive options[]]
5 [cognitive options[]]
End of loop
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)