Routing for UAS234

This survey is an introduction and invitation to a new UAS project. It asks about your phone usage. It also describes a new project we are launching that includes answering questions about your activities and moods every day for one week. You might do the one week project up to three times over a one or two year period. Whether or not you have heard about similar projects before, participated in one of the similar projects we conducted while we were developing the study, or think you might or might not be interested, we appreciate your answering these few short survey questions.
smartphone (have smartphone)
Just to double check, do you have an Android phone or Apple iPhone or any other kind of smart phone? By smart phone we mean a phone that you can use for accessing the internet, sending email, etc. if you want to. Please select all that apply.
1 I have an Android Phone (e.g. Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel, Motorola Droid, etc.)
2 I have an Apple iPhone
3 I have a Jitterbug, or Greatcall phone
4 I have a Windows or Blackberry or some other kind of smart phone
5 I have a cell phone that just makes calls and/or texts
6 I use a landline (or cable) phone
7 I do not have a phone
if not(1 in smartphone OR 2 in smartphone) then
Thank you for answering. We are currently looking for people who would like to participate in a project that requires an Apple or Android smartphone. Please just let us know if you ever get one of those types of phones and would like to find out more about the project!
Exit the survey
End of if
if 1 in smartphone then
phoneplan_android (phone plan android)
Which of the following types of cell phone plan do you have on your Android phone?
1 A contract for phone and data with a carrier such as Verizon, TMobile, Sprint, AT&T, etc. in which you are billed for the use of the phone on a monthly basis
2 Pay as you go plan, where you purchase a number of minutes in advance that are used up as you use the phone, and replenished as needed
3 Pre-paid plan, where the cell phone comes with a pre-paid number of minutes. When those minutes are used up, you can buy more, or you can stop using the phone
4 I am not sure what kind of plan I have for my Android phone
End of if
if 2 in smartphone then
phoneplan_apple (phone plan)
Which of the following types of cell phone plan do you have on your Apple iPhone?
1 A contract for phone and data with a carrier such as Verizon, TMobile, Sprint, AT&T, etc. in which you are billed for the use of the phone on a monthly basis
2 Pay as you go plan, where you purchase a number of minutes in advance that are used up as you use the phone, and replenished as needed
3 Pre-paid plan, where the cell phone comes with a pre-paid number of minutes. When those minutes are used up, you can buy more, or you can stop using the phone
4 I am not sure what kind of plan I have for my Apple iPhone
End of if
if 1 in smartphone and phoneplan_android != 1 and not(2 in smartphone) then
Thank you for answering. We are currently looking for people who would like to participate in a project that requires certain types of cell phones and cell phone plans. Please just let us know if you ever get an Android phone or Apple iPhone on a contract plan, and would like to find out more about the project!
Exit the survey
elseif 2 in smartphone and phoneplan_apple != 1 and not(1 in smartphone) then
Thank you for answering. We are currently looking for people who would like to participate in a project that requires certain types of cell phones and cell phone plans. Please just let us know if you ever get an Android phone or Apple iPhone on a contract plan, and would like to find out more about the project!
Exit the survey
elseif 1 in smartphone and phoneplan_android != 1 and 2 in smartphone and phoneplan_apple != 1 then
Thank you for answering. We are currently looking for people who would like to participate in a project that requires certain types of cell phones and cell phone plans. Please just let us know if you ever get an Android phone or Apple iPhone on a contract plan, and would like to find out more about the project!
Exit the survey
End of if
geneactiv := 2
Group of questions presented on the same screen
In general, this study is intended to help us learn more about the health of the American population age 50 and above, and in particular, about how active people are, how much interaction they have with others, and how they feel during the day. This is a 2-year project that we hope you will be interested in joining, once you have heard more about it.

Please carefully read all about this project on the next few pages, and then we will ask you if you would like to participate. If you say yes, we will ask you to check to make sure you are able to use the project phone app, then you can get started!
Participants in this project will take part in three seven-day studies over a two-year period. You will also fill out a life event survey once a month (you may already be doing this).

The next few screens will provide details about what goes on during each of the three seven-day projects.
End of group of questions
screencnt := 1
[[]]. For some projects, you may be asked to wear an activity monitor on your wrist that is about the size and shape of a watch. It measures how often and how intensely people move, but not their location. It is waterproof and you will wear it for the whole week without taking it off.

NOTE: due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, we temporarily suspended this part of the project. If or when we resume using the watches, we will let you know, when we contact you to schedule your first, second, or third project week.

How much time does it require? Almost none. Put it on, forget it for 7 days, and mail it back!

Compensation: Earn a total of $10 for just wearing the watch every day. If you are doing a project that does not include the GENEActiv watch, you will earn this $10 automatically.
screencnt := screencnt + 1
[[]]. Download our UAS app to your Android or Apple cell phone. Every day for seven days, the app will prompt you six random times during the day to answer a few simple survey questions on your phone. You will have an eight minute window to respond to the prompt, and will be prompted once by text message if you miss the first prompt.

You will need to keep your phone with you, or within hearing distance, and be able to respond to one prompt every hour or two, every day of the project week.

How much time does it require? Answering the survey questions takes about 2 minutes per prompt, six times a day, so a total of about 12 minutes per day.

Compensation: $1 each time you answer the questions, for up to $6 per day or $42 for the week.
screencnt := screencnt + 1

[[]]. Each evening, you will visit, as you do for all UAS surveys, to answer a few questions about how you slept, how you felt and who you interacted with that day.

How much time does it require? Each end of day survey takes about 7 minutes to complete, and you do one survey each evening.

Compensation: $5 per survey which is a total of $35 for the week.
screencnt := screencnt + 1
[[]]. Record a short verbal commentary about your day, two times during the week.
Two times during the week, while you are filling out the end of day survey record a brief message about your social interactions that day.

How much time does it require? One to four minutes per recording,

Compensation: $2 per recording, so another $4 for the week.
screencnt := screencnt + 1
[[]]. On day 7, the survey at the end of the day will have a few more questions that ask about your week overall.

How much time does it require? The final questions take an average of 4 minutes to complete.

Compensation: another $4.

If you complete all of the activities on all seven days, you will earn a $5 bonus thank you payment, for a total of $100. You will also have the satisfaction of knowing you are contributing to an important research!
consent := empty
refused := empty
if sizeof(whyrefused_order) = 0 then
whyrefused_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10, 11 => 11, 12 => 12, 13 => 13, 14 => 14))
whyrefused_order[15] := 15
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLActive' executed
Fill code of question 'FLActive2' executed
consent1 (initial consent)
Now that you have read about what is required for this two-year project, are you interested in participating? Here is a reminder of what you are agreeing to do if you decide to participate:

Three times in the coming two years you will participate in a 7-day project.

Each 7-day project includes:
  • Answering prompts from the phone app six times every day. Your work / life schedule must allow you to spend 2 minutes answering survey questions, at six random times every day of your scheduled week. Each time the phone prompts you, you will have eight minutes to respond.
  • Log into your UAS page each evening to complete a short survey
  • Two days out of the week, you will be prompted to make a short recording on your phone
  • Some projects may include wearing an accelerometer watch all day every day (low maintenance: waterproof, does not need charging)
  • To earn the full $100 reward for the project, you will complete all of these tasks every day, and return the accelerometer at the end of the week.
If you say yes, the next step will be to verify that you can download and use the UAS EMA app on your phone, then we can find a time when you are available to start your first seven-day project.
1 Yes, I am interested in participating
2 No, I prefer not to participate
3 Not sure, I need more information to decide
if consent1 = 1 then
consent := 1
elseif consent1 = 2 then
consent := 2
refused := 1
Group of questions presented on the same screen
whyrefused (why refused)
We understand and respect that you have your own reasons for not wanting to participate, and are hoping you will share those with us. Help us learn! Check all that apply, and add your own if needed.
1 No reason, I just don't want to do it
2 What I do for a living, or what I do all day, will not allow me to answer prompts during the day
3 I don't know how to download or use phone apps or I am not sure what they are
4 I don't want another app on my phone / I don't use apps
5 I don't really understand what the project is asking me to do
6 It will take too much time
7 It will be too much trouble
8 It doesn't pay enough
9 Seven days is too many / I would do it if it were fewer days
10 I have medical or health issues
11 I don't want to wear the GENEActiv watch
12 I am concerned about privacy
13 I can't always get a cell or wireless connection on my phone
14 I don't always have my phone with me so I wouldn't know if it was beeping
15 Some other reason (write in):
whyrefused_other (other why refused)
End of group of questions
elseif consent1 = 3 then
Thank you for your willingness to consider participating in our study! Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.

How does it work? If you decide to join this study, we will verify that you can download and use the EMA app on your phone and ask you to verify your address. We will contact you via email about scheduling your 7-day project, and give you more information about the specifics of the project and how it will be completed.

How will I know if I am supposed to wear the activity tracker watch? When we contact you to schedule your first seven-day project, we will let you know whether wearing the watch is part of the current project. If it is, we will Fe-Ex a package that includes an overall explanation of the study, the GENEActiv watch, and a guide that will explain in details what to do for the week.

What exactly does the activity tracker watch measure? The device is an "accelerometer", which is worn like a wristwatch, simply measures movement, and privately stores that information in the device itself. It does not track your locations and transmit anything to us or anyone else. When you send the device back to us, we will be able to read the information from it. If you were to lose the device or it was stolen, there is nothing that would connect the information recorded in the device to you personally. It is completely safe, and most users find it comfortable to wear.

Do I have to download something to my phone? Is it safe? Yes. We have created a simple phone app, which has been approved for use by Android phones and Apple iPhones. Android users download the app from Google Play Store and iPhone users from the Apple store (simply type "UAS EMA" in the search and download it). When the project is over, you can remove the app from your phone.

How does it work to respond to prompts during the day? The phone app will prompt you at six random times during each day. The app will ask you for a seven-hour time window between 9 am and 9 pm when it is okay to beep or buzz to notify you. Each time it beeps, you will answer a series of short questions in the app. You will have about eight minutes to respond to the beep to start answering the questions.

If you don't respond, or if you can't connect, the app will send you a text message once more to remind you. You can silence the beeps if necessary and we of course do not want you to respond if doing so will jeopardize you in any way, e.g. while driving.

Most participants find that they are able to manage to answer most or all of the prompts quite easily. However, if you are not allowed, or not able, to use your phone during the day you won’t be able to complete most of the project activities as required by the study. So, please think about this carefully before you decide to participate.

If you have any other questions about the study before you decide, please give us a call at 855-872-8673 or send an email to the UAS helpdesk:
consent2 (consent after further information)
Having read more about it, are you interested in participating in this project?
1 Yes I am interested in participating
2 No, I prefer not to participate
3 I am still not sure
if consent2 = 1 then
consent := 1
elseif consent2 = 2 then
consent := 2
refused := 1
Group of questions presented on the same screen
whyrefused (why refused)
We understand and respect that you have your own reasons for not wanting to participate, and are hoping you will share those with us. Help us learn! Check all that apply, and add your own if needed.
1 No reason, I just don't want to do it
2 What I do for a living, or what I do all day, will not allow me to answer prompts during the day
3 I don't know how to download or use phone apps or I am not sure what they are
4 I don't want another app on my phone / I don't use apps
5 I don't really understand what the project is asking me to do
6 It will take too much time
7 It will be too much trouble
8 It doesn't pay enough
9 Seven days is too many / I would do it if it were fewer days
10 I have medical or health issues
11 I don't want to wear the GENEActiv watch
12 I am concerned about privacy
13 I can't always get a cell or wireless connection on my phone
14 I don't always have my phone with me so I wouldn't know if it was beeping
15 Some other reason (write in):
whyrefused_other (other why refused)
End of group of questions
elseif consent2 = 3 then
consent := 4
Group of questions presented on the same screen
notsure (why not sure)
Thank you for thinking about participating in our project. We understand that you aren’t sure if you want to do it. To help us learn, please just let us know why. Check all that apply, and add your own if needed. Please feel free to contact us to get any questions answered.
1 No reason, I am just not sure
2 What I do for a living, or what I do all day, might not allow me to answer prompts during the day
3 I don’t want another app on my phone / I don't use apps
4 It might take too much time
5 It might be too much trouble
6 It doesn't seem to pay enough
7 Seven days is too many / I would probably do it if it were fewer days
8 I have medical or health issues
9 I have questions about wearing the GENEActiv watch
10 I am concerned about privacy
11 I can't always get a cell or wireless connection on my phone
12 I don't always have my phone with me so I wouldn’t know if it was beeping
13 Some other reason (write in):
notsure_other (other why not sure)
End of group of questions
End of if
End of if
if consent = 4 then
dummy := sendFollowupEmail()
elseif consent = 1 then
checkapp (check app)
Thank you, we are happy that you are interested in our project! Let’s check to make sure your phone will work with our UAS EMA app. [First of all, please get your Android phone if you don't have it with you now/First of all, please get your Apple iPhone if you don't have it with you now/Since you have both an Apple iPhone and an Android phone, please get the one that you use or keep with you most often/]. Do you have it?
1 Yes, I have my phone with me now
2 No, I can't get it until later
3 No, and I won't be able to get it, or I no longer wish to participate in this project
if checkapp = 1 then
Fill code of question 'FLStore' executed
download (initial download)
Next step is to make sure that you can install the app on your phone. Please search for the "UAS EMA" app from the Google Play Store (for Android phones) or the Apple Store (for Apple iPhones) and install it now.

If you are using your phone to take this survey, you don’t need to log out. When you come back to this screen, you should be able to continue the survey.

How did it go? Did you find the app and install it?
1 I found and installed the UAS EMA app
2 I found the UAS EMA app but it is not available to install, or I got an error message saying it was incompatible
3 I did not find the UAS EMA app, or I don’t know how to install it, please send me instructions
4 I don't have my phone after all
5 I changed my mind and don’t want to do the project
if download = 4 then
We will close this survey now. When you have your phone, sign back into your UAS account, and start the survey for verifying that you can participate in the study (UAS 225).
elseif download = 5 then
consent := 6
refused := 1
Group of questions presented on the same screen
whyrefused (why refused)
We understand and respect that you have your own reasons for not wanting to participate, and are hoping you will share those with us. Help us learn! Check all that apply, and add your own if needed.
1 No reason, I just don't want to do it
2 What I do for a living, or what I do all day, will not allow me to answer prompts during the day
3 I don't know how to download or use phone apps or I am not sure what they are
4 I don't want another app on my phone / I don't use apps
5 I don't really understand what the project is asking me to do
6 It will take too much time
7 It will be too much trouble
8 It doesn't pay enough
9 Seven days is too many / I would do it if it were fewer days
10 I have medical or health issues
11 I don't want to wear the GENEActiv watch
12 I am concerned about privacy
13 I can't always get a cell or wireless connection on my phone
14 I don't always have my phone with me so I wouldn't know if it was beeping
15 Some other reason (write in):
whyrefused_other (other why refused)
End of group of questions
elseif download = 2 then
consent := 3
Thank you for trying! It seems that you have a phone that the UAS EMA app will not work on. This happens with some types of phones, or operating systems. We very much appreciate your interest in participating in this project and if you get a different phone and want to try again, you can let us know.
elseif download = 3 then
Thank you for trying! We are sorry you had difficulty with installing the UAS EMA app on your phone. Please call the UAS helpdesk for assistance at 855-872-8673.
dummy := sendFollowupEmailApp()
elseif download = 1 then
Thank you! We are happy that you are willing to participate and that you were able to download the UAS EMA app.

You can just close the app for now.
consent := 5
if geneactiv = 1 then
We will need to ship a FedEx packet to you for this project. After you have completed this survey, please contact us if your address recently changed and you did not notify us about this yet. Also contact us if you have a P.O. Box, since in that case you will need to give us a different shipping address.
End of if
Thank you! In the coming days, we will contact you with more information and to schedule your first 7-day project. We are running one project each month, so if a week is inconvenient, you can ask to reschedule for another month.
End of if
elseif checkapp = 2 then
We will close this survey now. When you have your phone, sign back into your UAS account, and start the survey for verifying that you can participate in the study (UAS 225).
dummy := selectForUAS225()
elseif checkapp = 3 then
refused := 1
consent := 6
Group of questions presented on the same screen
whyrefused (why refused)
We understand and respect that you have your own reasons for not wanting to participate, and are hoping you will share those with us. Help us learn! Check all that apply, and add your own if needed.
1 No reason, I just don't want to do it
2 What I do for a living, or what I do all day, will not allow me to answer prompts during the day
3 I don't know how to download or use phone apps or I am not sure what they are
4 I don't want another app on my phone / I don't use apps
5 I don't really understand what the project is asking me to do
6 It will take too much time
7 It will be too much trouble
8 It doesn't pay enough
9 Seven days is too many / I would do it if it were fewer days
10 I have medical or health issues
11 I don't want to wear the GENEActiv watch
12 I am concerned about privacy
13 I can't always get a cell or wireless connection on my phone
14 I don't always have my phone with me so I wouldn't know if it was beeping
15 Some other reason (write in):
whyrefused_other (other why refused)
End of group of questions
End of if
End of if
if consent = 1 and checkapp = 2 then
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)
End of if