Routing for UAS223

intro (day intro)
Thank you for taking this survey. We will ask you for some information about any payments or purchases that you made yesterday using a computer (laptop or desktop).

It’s OK if you do not remember the exact details of each payment or purchase. Please answer as best as you can.
q98 (any payments today)
Think about the payments and purchases that you made yesterday.

Did you make any payments or buy anything yesterday using a computer (laptop or desktop)?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
numberofpayments := 0
amntcashpurch := 0
numcashpurch := 0
Fill code of question 'FL_pay001' executed
if sizeof(q150_answer_order) = 0 then
q150_answer_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6))
q150_answer_order[7] := 7
End of if
IF q98 = 1 THEN
Loop from 1 to 25
Loop from 1 to 5
IF PDCnt2 = 1 OR pay003[PDCnt] != 1 THEN
paydevice[PDCnt] := 1
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q2_purchases (daily purchases intro)
Please enter information for all payments and purchases that you made using a computer (laptop or desktop) yesterday

  • Do not include payments made ONLY for business purposes.
  • Complete the entire row for a payment, no matter how small, then click Next.
paytime (daily purchases time)
payamnt (daily purchases amount)
paymethod (daily purchases payment method)
1 Credit card
2 Debit card
3 Prepaid card
End of group of questions
IF (paytime[PDCnt] = EMPTY) THEN
time_empty (time empty)
You left the time you made this payment empty. Please go back and enter the time.
End of if
IF (payamnt[PDCnt] = EMPTY) THEN
pay_empty (amount empty)
You left the amount you paid for this payment empty. Please go back and enter the amount.
End of if
IF (paymethod[PDCnt] = EMPTY) THEN
paymethod_empty (amount empty)
You left the method you used for this payment empty. Please go back and enter the method you used.
End of if
IF paydevice[PDCnt] <= 0 OR paydevice[PDCnt] = EMPTY THEN
paydevice_empty (amount empty)
You left the payment device empty. Please go back and let us know what device you used to pay.
End of if
if payamnt[PDCnt] < 1000 OR (payamnt[PDCnt] >= 1000) then
pay001 (daily purchases merchant)
Please tell us who you paid.

1 Grocery stores, convenience stores, pharmacies
2 Gas stations
3 Sit-down restaurants and bars
4 Fast food restaurants, coffee shops, cafeterias, food trucks
5 General merchandise stores, department stores, other stores, online shopping
6 General services: hair dressers, auto repair, parking lots, laundry or dry cleaning, etc.
7 Arts, entertainment, recreation
8 Utilities not paid to the government: electricity, natural gas, water, sewer, trash, heating oil
9 Taxis, airplanes, delivery
10 Telephone, internet, cable or satellite tv, video or music streaming services, movie theaters
11 Building contractors, plumbers, electricians, HVAC, etc.
12 Professional services: legal, accounting, architectural services; veterinarians; photographers or photo processers
13 Hotels, motels, RV parks, campsites
14 Rent for apartments, homes, or other buildings, real estate companies, property managers, etc.
15 Mortgage companies, credit card companies, banks, insurance companies, stock brokers, IRA funds, mutual funds, credit unions, sending remittances
16 Can be a gift or repayment to a family member, friend, or co-worker. Can be a payment to somebody who did a small job for you.
17 Charitable or religious donations
18 Hospital, doctor, dentist, nursing homes, etc.
19 Government taxes or fees
20 Schools, colleges, childcare centers
21 Public transportation and tolls
IF pay001[PDCnt] <= 0 OR pay001[PDCnt] = EMPTY THEN
pay001_empty (amount empty)
You didn't tell us what type of merchant, service provider, or person you paid. Please go back and enter the type of merchant.
End of if
dummy := splitTime('paytime[' . PDCnt . ']')
if paylocationflag != 1 and paylocation[PDCnt] = 1 then
paylocationflag := 1
End of if
pay003[PDCnt] := YES
pay003[PDCnt] := NO
End of if
End of if
End of loop
PFCnt := PDCnt
pay002 (bill payment)
Is this payment a bill payment?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
IF pay002[PDCnt] = YES THEN
End of if
IF paymethod[PFCnt] = 10 THEN
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q101_paypal (how is your paypal funded)
How did you fund this mobile app (PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, etc.) payment?
1 Credit card
2 Debit card
3 Linked bank account
4 Money stored with the mobile app (PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, etc.)
q104 (which mobile payments app to make payment)
Which mobile payments app did you use to make this payment?
1 PayPal
2 Zelle
3 Venmo
4 Other, please specify:
q104_other (other which mobile payments app to make payment)
End of group of questions
End of if
IF paydevice[PDCnt] = 3 THEN
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q150 (how did you use your phone to pay)
How did you use your phone to pay?
1 App payment
2 Tapped to pay
3 Scanned a QR code or showed screen to cashier or ticket-taker
4 Paid in advance or remotely (examples: Uber, Fandango)
5 Payment made in a browser
6 Text message payment (charged to cell phone bill)
7 Other, please specify:
q150_other (other how did you use your phone to pay)
End of group of questions
End of if
paydescribe001 (categories add on)
We just asked you to classify your payment based on categories that we provided. Sometimes a payment doesn’t often fit perfectly into our categories.

So we can better understand the nature of the payment you made, please, in your own words, briefly describe this payment.
  • For example, tell us what you bought or paid for, and who you paid.
PD100 (any other payments)
Did you make any other payments or buy anything else yesterday using a computer (laptop or desktop)?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
numberofpayments := numberofpayments + 1
IF paymethod[PDCnt] = 1 THEN
amntcashpurch := amntcashpurch + payamnt[PDCnt]
numcashpurch := numcashpurch + 1
End of if
IF PD100[PDCnt] = 2 THEN
End of if
End of loop
Thank you for your interest! Since you didn't make any payments or buy anything yesterday using a computer (laptop or desktop) the survey will now finish. Please click "Next" to return to your panel member pages.
Exit the survey
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)
dummy := doPayout(5)