Routing for UAS225
Thank you again for agreeing to participate in our new study to help us learn more about the health of the American population, and in particular, about how active people are, how much interaction they have with others, and how they feel during the day.
The final step before getting started is to make sure you are able to use the project phone app.
uas234_smartphone := getUAS234Preload("smartphone")
uas234_phoneplan_android := getUAS234Preload("phoneplan_android")
uas234_phoneplan_apple := getUAS234Preload("phoneplan_apple")
if sizeof(whyrefused_order) = 0 then
whyrefused_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10, 11 => 11, 12 => 12, 13 => 13, 14 => 14))
whyrefused_order[15] := 15
End of if
checkapp (check app)
[Do you have your Android phone with you now or can you get it right now and come back?/Do you have your Apple phone with you now or can you get it right now and come back?/Since you have both an Apple iPhone and an Android phone, please get the one that you use or keep with you most often. Do you have it with you now or can you get it right now and come back?/]
1 Yes, I have my phone with me now
2 No, and I won't be able to get it
3 I no longer wish to participate in this project
if checkapp = 1 then
Fill code of question 'FLStore' executed
download (initial download)
Next step is to make sure that you can install the app on your phone. Please search for the "UAS EMA" app from the Google Play Store (for Android phones) or the Apple Store (for Apple iPhones) and install it now.
If you are using your phone to take this survey, you don’t need to log out. Open the Google Play Store (for Android phones) or the Apple Store (for Apple iPhones). Download and install the app. When you come back to this screen, you should be able to continue the survey. If you accidentally close this survey you can log back into your UAS account and start again.
How did it go? Did you find the app and install it?
1 I found and installed the UAS EMA app
2 I found the UAS EMA app but it is not available to install, or I got an error message saying it was incompatible
3 I did not find the UAS EMA app, or I don’t know how to install it, please send me instructions
5 I changed my mind and don’t want to do the project
if download = 5 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
whyrefused (why refused)
We understand and respect that you have your own reasons for not wanting to participate, and are hoping you will share those with us. Help us learn! Check all that apply, and add your own if needed.
1 No reason, I just don't want to do it
2 What I do for a living, or what I do all day, will not allow me to answer prompts during the day
3 I don't know how to download or use phone apps or I am not sure what they are
4 I don't want another app on my phone / I don't use apps
5 I don't really understand what the project is asking me to do
6 It will take too much time
7 It will be too much trouble
8 It doesn't pay enough
9 Seven days is too many / I would do it if it were fewer days
10 I have medical or health issues
11 I don't want to wear the GENEActiv watch
12 I am concerned about privacy
13 I can't always get a cell or wireless connection on my phone
14 I don't always have my phone with me so I wouldn't know if it was beeping
15 Some other reason (write in):
whyrefused_other (other why refused)
End of group of questions
elseif download = 2 then
Thank you for trying! It seems that you have a phone that the UAS EMA app will not work on. This happens with some types of phones, or operating systems. We very much appreciate your interest in participating in this project and if you get a different phone and want to try again, you can let us know.
elseif download = 3 then
Thank you for trying! We are sorry you had difficulty with installing the UAS EMA app on your phone. Please call the UAS helpdesk for assistance at 855-872-8673.
dummy := sendFollowupEmailApp()
elseif download = 1 then
Thank you! We are happy that you are willing to participate and that you were able to download the UAS app.
You don't need to do anything further, just close the app for now.
In the coming days, we will contact you with more information and to schedule your first 7-day project.
End of if
elseif checkapp = 2 then
checkapp2 (check app)
If you are not able to get your phone, you will not be able to participate in the project. Thank you for trying! If anything changes, please call the UAS helpdesk for assistance at 855-872-8673.
elseif checkapp = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
whyrefused (why refused)
We understand and respect that you have your own reasons for not wanting to participate, and are hoping you will share those with us. Help us learn! Check all that apply, and add your own if needed.
1 No reason, I just don't want to do it
2 What I do for a living, or what I do all day, will not allow me to answer prompts during the day
3 I don't know how to download or use phone apps or I am not sure what they are
4 I don't want another app on my phone / I don't use apps
5 I don't really understand what the project is asking me to do
6 It will take too much time
7 It will be too much trouble
8 It doesn't pay enough
9 Seven days is too many / I would do it if it were fewer days
10 I have medical or health issues
11 I don't want to wear the GENEActiv watch
12 I am concerned about privacy
13 I can't always get a cell or wireless connection on my phone
14 I don't always have my phone with me so I wouldn't know if it was beeping
15 Some other reason (write in):
whyrefused_other (other why refused)
End of group of questions
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)