Routing for UAS221

This brief survey focuses mainly on issues which are currently in the news, including the 2020 presidential election. Some questions may be familiar. Thank you for answering them again, we want to be sure we have the most up to date information.
if citizenus = empty then
citizenus (R CITIZEN US)
Are you a citizen of the United States?
1 Yes
2 No
End of if
if statereside = empty then
statereside (R STATE RESIDENCE)
In what state are you currently residing?
1 Alaska (AK)
2 Alabama (AL)
3 Arizona (AZ)
4 Arkansas (AR)
5 California (CA)
6 Colorado (CO)
7 Connecticut (CT)
8 Delaware (DE)
9 Florida (FL)
10 Georgia (GA)
11 Hawaii (HI)
12 Idaho (ID)
13 Illinois (IL)
14 Indiana (IN)
15 Iowa (IA)
16 Kansas (KS)
17 Kentucky (KY)
18 Louisiana (LA)
19 Maine (ME)
20 Maryland (MD)
21 Massachusetts (MA)
22 Michigan (MI)
23 Minnesota (MN)
24 Mississippi (MS)
25 Missouri (MO)
26 Montana (MT)
27 Nebraska (NE)
28 Nevada (NV)
29 New Hampshire (NH)
30 New Jersey (NJ)
31 New Mexico (NM)
32 New York (NY)
33 North Carolina (NC)
34 North Dakota (ND)
35 Ohio (OH)
36 Oklahoma (OK)
37 Oregon (OR)
38 Pennsylvania (PA)
39 Rhode Island (RI)
40 South Carolina (SC)
41 South Dakota (SD)
42 Tennessee (TN)
43 Texas (TX)
44 Utah (UT)
45 Vermont (VT)
46 Virginia (VA)
47 Washington (WA)
48 West Virginia (WV)
49 Wisconsin (WI)
50 Wyoming (WY)
51 Washington D.C.
52 Puerto Rico
End of if
IF citizenus = 1 AND statereside != 34 THEN
Pol_01 (registered to vote)
Are you:
1 Certain you are registered to vote in the district where you now live
2 Not certain if you are registered to vote in your district
3 Not registered to vote
4 Not sure if registered to vote or not
IF Pol_01 = 1 OR Pol_01 = 2 THEN
Pol_02 (party registration)

Are you registered as:

1 Democrat
2 Republican
3 No political party (independent)
4 No political party (state does not allow registration by party)
5 Libertarian
6 Green party
7 Some other party
End of if
End of if
Pol_03 (party affiliation)
Regardless of if or how you are registered to vote, are you more closely aligned with...
1 Democrats
2 Republicans
3 Independents (no political party)
4 Libertarians
5 Green party
6 Some other party
7 Not aligned with any political party
IF Pol_03 = 3 or Pol_03 = 7 THEN
Pol_03a (party affiliation leaning)
Generally speaking, do you lean more toward affiliating with Democrats or with Republicans?
1 Lean toward affiliating with Democrats
2 Lean toward affiliating with Republicans
3 Do not lean toward either party
End of if
preload_q038a := getUAS212Preload("Pol_05")
if preload_q038a = empty then
q038a (party ideology)

Regardless of your political registration or affiliation, where would you place yourself on the political spectrum from extremely liberal to extremely conservative?

1 Extremely liberal
2 Very liberal
3 Somewhat liberal
4 Liberal side of moderate
5 Completely moderate
6 Conservative side of moderate
7 Somewhat conservative
8 Very conservative
9 Extremely conservative
10 I don’t think of myself that way
q038a := preload_q038a
End of if
IF citizenus = 1 THEN
Pol_04a (likelihood of voting in primary)
The presidential election state party primaries and caucuses will be held early in 2020. What is the percent chance that you will vote in your state’s party primary or caucus in 2020? Click on the slider and select the number that best represents the percent chance you will vote.
  • If you have already voted, please select 100% on the slider.
  • If your primary or caucus was held, and you did not vote, or if you are sure you will not vote, please select 0% on the slider.
IF Pol_04a > 0 THEN
Pol_04 (which 2020 primary)
If you decide to vote in your state’s presidential primary or caucus, which party’s primary or caucus are you most likely to vote in, if any?
1 Democratic party
2 Republican party
3 Green party
4 Libertarian party
5 Some other party
6 I am certain I will not vote in my state’s 2020 primary or caucus
IF Pol_04 = 1 THEN
IF sizeof(candidate_order) = 0 THEN
candidate_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 28, 4 => 5, 5 => 8, 6 => 9, 7 => 15, 8 => 21, 9 => 22, 10 => 23, 11 => 25))
candidate_order[12] := 26
candidate_order[13] := 27
End of if
preload_Pol_05 := getUAS212Preload("Pol_08")
preload_Pol_05_other := getUAS212Preload("Pol_08_other")
if preload_Pol_05 = empty OR preload_Pol_05 in [3,6,24,27] OR (preload_Pol_05 = 26 AND preload_Pol_05_other = empty) then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Pol_05 (democratic primary vote)
Here is a list of candidates who are running for the Democratic nomination in 2020. If your state's Democratic presidential primary or caucus were held today, for which of these candidates would you vote?
1 Michael Bennet (U.S. Senator, Colorado)
2 Joe Biden (Former U.S. Vice President)
28 Michael Bloomberg (Former New York City Mayor)
5 Pete Buttigieg (Mayor of South Bend, Indiana)
8 John Delaney, (Former U.S. Representative, Maryland)
9 Tulsi Gabbard, (U.S. Representative, Hawaii)
15 Amy Klobuchar (U.S. Senator, Minnesota)
21 Tom Steyer (businessman and activist)
22 Bernie Sanders (U.S. Senator, Vermont
23 Elizabeth Warren (U.S. Senator, Massachusetts)
25 Andrew Yang (Entrepreneur and founder of Venture for America)
26 Other candidate (please write in):
27 Undecided
Pol_05_other (other candidate for democratic primary)
End of group of questions
Pol_05 := preload_Pol_05
Pol_05_other := preload_Pol_05_other
End of if
if Pol_05 = response and (Pol_05 < 27 OR Pol_05 = 28) then
Pol_05_dummy := Pol_05
Fill code of question 'FL_intro' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_other' executed
if sizeof(cf008a_order) = 0 then
cf008a_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8))
cf008a_order[9] := 9
cf008a_order[10] := 10
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cf008a (Main reason supporting candidate)
[In a recent survey, you indicated that you would vote for [democratic primary vote[]] in the election.

Which of the following is the main reason you would vote for [democratic primary vote[]]? /Which of the following is the main reason you would vote for [democratic primary vote[]] if the election were held today? ] Is it because [democratic primary vote[]]...
1 Represents my own values and beliefs very well
2 Is the only candidate capable of leading the United States through the serious issues that lie ahead
3 Has the best chance of defeating Donald Trump in November
4 Is the most trustworthy
5 Is the best candidate to bring major changes to the U.S
6 Understands the needs of people like me
7 Just seems somewhat better than the others
8 Is better known to me than the others
9 Something else (please write in):
10 No real reason / Not sure
cf008a_other (other main reason supporting candidate)
End of group of questions
elseif Pol_05 = 27 then
if sizeof(cf008b_order) = 0 then
cf008b_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6))
cf008b_order[7] := 7
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cf008b (Main reason undecided)
Which of the following are reason(s) why you have not yet made up your mind whom to vote for? Select all that apply.
1 I'm waiting to see what happens in the early primaries and caucuses
2 It is just too soon. I will make up my mind when it is time
3 I don't know enough about the candidates yet
4 I don't like any of the candidates
5 I like all of the candidates and can't decide which one to vote for yet
6 I have not been paying any attention to the campaign yet
7 Some other reason (please write in):
cf008b_other (other main reason undecided)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Pol_05_lean (lean democratic primary vote)
If you HAD to choose a candidate to vote for today, which candidate would you choose?
1 Michael Bennet (U.S. Senator, Colorado)
2 Joe Biden (Former U.S. Vice President)
28 Michael Bloomberg (Former New York City Mayor)
5 Pete Buttigieg (Mayor of South Bend, Indiana)
8 John Delaney, (Former U.S. Representative, Maryland)
9 Tulsi Gabbard, (U.S. Representative, Hawaii)
15 Amy Klobuchar (U.S. Senator, Minnesota)
21 Tom Steyer (businessman and activist)
22 Bernie Sanders (U.S. Senator, Vermont
23 Elizabeth Warren (U.S. Senator, Massachusetts)
25 Andrew Yang (Entrepreneur and founder of Venture for America)
26 Other candidate (please write in):
27 I wouldn't vote for any candidate
Pol_05_lean_other (lean other candidate for democratic primary)
End of group of questions
End of if
End of if
End of if
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
How are you feeling about the Democratic primary campaign so far? Please click on the slider line and select the location on the slider that best represents how you feel in each of the questions below.

poll_fl_1a (Bored/excited about Dem Campaign)
On a scale from "Completely bored" to "Completely excited", how do you feel about the Democratic primary campaign so far?
poll_fl_1b (Anxiety about Dem Campaign)
On a scale from "Completely anxious or worried about who will be nominated" to "Not at all anxious or worried about who will be nominated", how do you feel about the Democratic primary campaign so far?
poll_fl_1c (Enthusiastic about Dem Choices)
On a scale from "Not at all enthusiastic about the choice of Democratic candidates" to "Completely enthusiastic about the choice of Democratic candidates", how do you feel about the Democratic primary campaign so far?
End of group of questions
IF citizenus = 1 THEN
if poll_030_party_order = empty then
poll_030_party_order := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
if poll_030_party_order = 1 then
poll_030_answer_order[1] := 2
poll_030_answer_order[2] := 1
poll_030_answer_order[3] := 3
poll_030_answer_order[4] := 4
poll_030_answer_order[1] := 1
poll_030_answer_order[2] := 2
poll_030_answer_order[3] := 3
poll_030_answer_order[4] := 4
End of if
The next questions are about issues and events in the news.
if sizeof(poll_030_question_order) = 0 then
poll_030_question_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5))
End of if
Fill code of question 'FL_030_a' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_030_a2' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_030_b' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_030_b2' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_030_c' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_030_c2' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_030_d' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_030_d2' executed
Loop from 1 to 5
if poll_030_question_order[cnt] = 1 then
poll_030_a (Trump v Biden)
If [Donald Trump were the Republican/Joe Biden were the Democratic] party candidate and [Donald Trump were the Republican/Joe Biden were the Democratic] party candidate, for whom would you be most likely to vote, if the election were held today?
1 Donald Trump (Republican)
2 Joe Biden (Democratic)
3 Some other party’s candidate
4 Undecided
if poll_030_a = 4 then
poll_031_a (lean Trump v Biden)
At this time, would you lean more toward voting for [Donald Trump/Joe Biden] or toward voting for [Donald Trump/Joe Biden]?
1 Donald Trump (Republican)
2 Joe Biden (Democratic)
3 Neither
4 Undecided
End of if
elseif poll_030_question_order[cnt] = 2 then
poll_030_b (Trump v Warren)
If [Donald Trump were the Republican/Elizabeth Warren were the Democratic] party candidate and [Donald Trump were the Republican/Elizabeth Warren were the Democratic] party candidate, for whom would you be most likely to vote, if the election were held today?
1 Donald Trump (Republican)
2 Elizabeth Warren (Democratic)
3 Some other party’s candidate
4 Undecided
if poll_030_b = 4 then
poll_031_b (lean Trump v Warren)
At this time, would you lean more toward voting for [Donald Trump/Elizabeth Warren] or toward voting for [Donald Trump/Elizabeth Warren]?
1 Donald Trump (Republican)
2 Elizabeth Warren (Democratic)
3 Neither
4 Undecided
End of if
elseif poll_030_question_order[cnt] = 3 then
poll_030_c (Trump v Buttigieg )
If [Donald Trump were the Republican/Pete Buttigieg were the Democratic] party candidate and [Donald Trump were the Republican/Pete Buttigieg were the Democratic] party candidate, for whom would you be most likely to vote, if the election were held today?
1 Donald Trump (Republican)
2 Pete Buttigieg (Democratic)
3 Some other party’s candidate
4 Undecided
if poll_030_c = 4 then
poll_031_c (lean Trump v Buttigieg)
At this time, would you lean more toward voting for [Donald Trump/Pete Buttigieg] or toward voting for [Donald Trump/Pete Buttigieg]?
1 Donald Trump (Republican)
2 Pete Buttigieg (Democratic)
3 Neither
4 Undecided
End of if
elseif poll_030_question_order[cnt] = 4 then
poll_030_d (Trump v Sanders)
If [Donald Trump were the Republican/Bernie Sanders were the Democratic] party candidate and [Donald Trump were the Republican/Bernie Sanders were the Democratic] party candidate, for whom would you be most likely to vote, if the election were held today?
1 Donald Trump (Republican)
2 Bernie Sanders (Democratic)
3 Some other party’s candidate
4 Undecided
if poll_030_d = 4 then
poll_031_d (lean Trump v Sanders)
At this time, would you lean more toward voting for [Donald Trump/Bernie Sanders] or toward voting for [Donald Trump/Bernie Sanders]?
1 Donald Trump (Republican)
2 Bernie Sanders (Democratic)
3 Neither
4 Undecided
End of if
elseif poll_030_question_order[cnt] = 5 then
poll_030_e (Trump v Klobuchar)
If [Donald Trump were the Republican/Amy Klobuchar were the Democratic] party candidate and [Donald Trump were the Republican/Amy Klobuchar were the Democratic] party candidate, for whom would you be most likely to vote, if the election were held today?
1 Donald Trump (Republican)
2 Amy Klobuchar (Democratic)
3 Some other party’s candidate
4 Undecided
if poll_030_e = 4 then
poll_031_e (lean Trump v Klobuchar)
At this time, would you lean more toward voting for [Donald Trump/Amy Klobuchar] or toward voting for [Donald Trump/Amy Klobuchar]?
1 Donald Trump (Republican)
2 Amy Klobuchar (Democratic)
3 Neither
4 Undecided
End of if
End of if
End of loop
End of if
pol_040 (Heard about killing of Soleimani)
Have you seen, read, or heard in the news about the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani by a U.S. drone strike in Iraq?
1 Yes, a great deal
2 Yes, some
3 Have not heard or read anything
if pol_041_randomizer = empty then
pol_041_randomizer := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
Fill code of question 'FL_pol_41' executed
if pol_041_randomizer = 1 then
pol_041_answer_order[1] := 1
pol_041_answer_order[2] := 2
pol_041_answer_order[3] := 3
pol_041_answer_order[4] := 4
pol_041_answer_order[1] := 2
pol_041_answer_order[2] := 1
pol_041_answer_order[3] := 3
pol_041_answer_order[4] := 4
End of if
pol_041 (U.S. Safer or less safe)
From what you know, do you think the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani makes the United States [more safe/less safe], [more safe/less safe], does it have no real impact on safety in the U.S. either way?
1 United States is now more safe
2 United States is now less safe
3 No impact on safety in the United States
4 No opinion/Have not heard enough
On an unrelated topic...we are also interested in how many Americans provide care for a friend or family member.
cg_001 ( spend any time assisting a family member or close friend)
In the past 30 days, did you spend any time assisting a family member or close friend (e.g. parent, grandparent, wife, husband, adult child, other family member, neighbor or close friend) with their basic personal activities? By that we mean daily activities such as dressing, eating, bathing, paying bills, managing medication, food preparation, grocery shopping, doctor visits, emotional support, driving, and other types of personal assistance.
1 Yes
2 No
if cg_001 = 1 then
cg_002 (number of hours spend helping family member or close friend)
How many hours in total did you spend helping that family member or close friend in the last 30 days? For example, if you spend two hours per week helping them, that is 8 hours total in the last 30 days. If you are a live-in caregiver providing 24-hour care, that is a total of 720 hours.
RANGE 1..720
cg_002c (how long been providing care)
For how long have you been providing about [number of hours spend helping family member or close friend[]] hours of help per month to your family member or friend?
1 1 month
2 2 or 3 months
3 4 to 6 months
4 7 to 12 months
5 Longer than one year
cg_002b (paid to provide help for family member or close friend)
Are you paid to provide help for your family member or close friend?
1 Yes
2 No
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cg_003 (conditions or disabilities of person helping to care for)
Which of the following conditions or disabilities, if any, apply to the person you are helping to care for? Please check all that apply, or write in an answer if it is not in the list below.
1 Alzheimer's Disease or other Dementia
2 Cancer
3 Stroke
4 Parkinson's disease
5 Intellectual or developmental disability
6 Traumatic injury
7 Debilitating HIV/AIDS
8 Mental health or psychiatric disability
9 Multiple Sclerosis
10 Advanced Diabetes
11 Debilitating Arthritis
12 Impaired vision, blindness
13 Other (please write in):
cg_003_other (other conditions or disabilities of person helping to care for)
End of group of questions
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)