Routing for UAS287

In this experiment, we are interested in learning about how you evaluate risk.

To better understand how you evaluate risk, we will present you with a series of choices. In each choice, you will decide between options that offer different amounts of money with different amounts of risk. Your payment for this study will depend on the decisions that you make.
if treatment = empty then
treatment := mt_rand(1,3)
explanation_option_order := mt_rand(1,2)
goal_original := stats_rand_gen_normal(3.4, sqrt(0.7))
if goal_original <= 0 then
goal := number_format(0.01, 2)
goal := number_format(goal_original, 2)
End of if
othersavg_original := stats_rand_gen_normal(3.4, sqrt(0.7))
if othersavg_original <= 0 then
othersavg := number_format(0.01, 2)
othersavg := number_format(othersavg_original, 2)
End of if
End of if
if explanation_option_order = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
We will present you with a series of choices between a sure option and a risky option. You will be asked to report which of the two options you would prefer to take.

Decisions will be presented with screens like this:
To help you think about the risk involved with each option, it is helpful to imagine we were flipping a fair coin. This coin would have a 50-50 chance of showing heads or tails. In this example, if you chose Option A, you would get $3.55 if the coin came up heads or if it came up tails - that means you would get $3.55 with 100% certainty. If you chose Option B, you would get $2.15 if the coin came up heads (a 50% chance) and you would get $4.95 if the coin came up tails (a 50% chance).

If this example were a real choice in this experiment, you would select the option you prefer by clicking on it.
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
We will present you with a series of choices between a sure option and a risky option. You will be asked to report which of the two options you would prefer to take.

Decisions will be presented with screens like this:
To help you think about the risk involved with each option, it is helpful to imagine we were flipping a fair coin. This coin would have a 50-50 chance of showing heads or tails. In this example, if you chose Option A, you would get $2.15 if the coin came up heads (a 50% chance) and you would get $4.95 if the coin came up tails (a 50% chance). If you chose Option B, you would get $3.55 if the coin came up heads or if it came up tails - that means you would get $3.55 with 100% certainty.

If this example were a real choice in this experiment, you would select the option you prefer by clicking on it.
End of group of questions
End of if
You will face 20 decisions that look like the example you just considered. One of these decisions will be randomly selected to be the decision that "counts." At the end of this experiment, we will tell you which of the 20 decisions was selected. If you chose the sure option, that amount will be your bonus for taking the survey. If you chose the risky option, we will flip a (virtual) coin that determines which of the two possible outcomes occurs, and that amount will be your bonus for taking the survey. Your final payment for the full study will be the $4 fixed payment, plus whatever bonus you earn.

Since you do not know which of the 20 decisions is the decision that "counts," it is in your best interest to carefully consider each choice.
Fill code of question 'FLOption' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen
if explanation_option_order = 1 then
We would like to be sure that you understand the consequences of decisions in this experiment. Please examine the example below, and then answer the comprehension test questions.
pf001 (comprehension question 1)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70
2 $2.30
3 $5.10
pf002 (comprehension question 2)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70
2 $2.30
3 $5.10
pf003 (how decisions affect payment)
In this study, how do these decisions affect your payment?
1 All decisions are hypothetical; choosing option A or B does not affect my payment
2 One randomly selected decision will be chosen to "count," and money from my chosen option in that round will determine my bonus
3 Every decision made in this study "counts," and the money made from each of my chosen options will be added to my bonus
We would like to be sure that you understand the consequences of decisions in this experiment. Please examine the example below, and then answer the comprehension test questions.
pf002 (comprehension question 2)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70
2 $2.30
3 $5.10
pf001 (comprehension question 1)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70
2 $2.30
3 $5.10
pf003 (how decisions affect payment)
In this study, how do these decisions affect your payment?
1 All decisions are hypothetical; choosing option A or B does not affect my payment
2 One randomly selected decision will be chosen to "count," and money from my chosen option in that round will determine my bonus
3 Every decision made in this study "counts," and the money made from each of my chosen options will be added to my bonus
End of if
End of group of questions
Fill code of question 'FL_pf001' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_pf002' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_pf003' executed
pf001_dummy := pf001
pf002_dummy := pf002
pf003_dummy := pf003
if not(1 in pf001) or (1 in pf001 AND cardinal(pf001) > 1) then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
There were errors in your answers on the previous slide, please review the correct answers below.
if explanation_option_order = 1 then
pf001_dummy (comprehension question 1)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf002_dummy (comprehension question 2)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf003_dummy (dummy how decisions affect payment)
In this study, how do these decisions affect your payment?
1 All decisions are hypothetical; choosing option A or B does not affect my payment [/]
2 One randomly selected decision will be chosen to "count," and money from my chosen option in that round will determine my bonus [/]
3 Every decision made in this study "counts," and the money made from each of my chosen options will be added to my bonus [/]
pf002_dummy (comprehension question 2)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf001_dummy (comprehension question 1)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf003_dummy (dummy how decisions affect payment)
In this study, how do these decisions affect your payment?
1 All decisions are hypothetical; choosing option A or B does not affect my payment [/]
2 One randomly selected decision will be chosen to "count," and money from my chosen option in that round will determine my bonus [/]
3 Every decision made in this study "counts," and the money made from each of my chosen options will be added to my bonus [/]
End of if
End of group of questions
elseif 1 in pf002 or not(2 in pf002 AND 3 in pf002) then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
There were errors in your answers on the previous slide, please review the correct answers below.
if explanation_option_order = 1 then
pf001_dummy (comprehension question 1)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf002_dummy (comprehension question 2)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf003_dummy (dummy how decisions affect payment)
In this study, how do these decisions affect your payment?
1 All decisions are hypothetical; choosing option A or B does not affect my payment [/]
2 One randomly selected decision will be chosen to "count," and money from my chosen option in that round will determine my bonus [/]
3 Every decision made in this study "counts," and the money made from each of my chosen options will be added to my bonus [/]
pf002_dummy (comprehension question 2)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf001_dummy (comprehension question 1)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf003_dummy (dummy how decisions affect payment)
In this study, how do these decisions affect your payment?
1 All decisions are hypothetical; choosing option A or B does not affect my payment [/]
2 One randomly selected decision will be chosen to "count," and money from my chosen option in that round will determine my bonus [/]
3 Every decision made in this study "counts," and the money made from each of my chosen options will be added to my bonus [/]
End of if
End of group of questions
elseif pf003 != 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
There were errors in your answers on the previous slide, please review the correct answers below.
if explanation_option_order = 1 then
pf001_dummy (comprehension question 1)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf002_dummy (comprehension question 2)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf003_dummy (dummy how decisions affect payment)
In this study, how do these decisions affect your payment?
1 All decisions are hypothetical; choosing option A or B does not affect my payment [/]
2 One randomly selected decision will be chosen to "count," and money from my chosen option in that round will determine my bonus [/]
3 Every decision made in this study "counts," and the money made from each of my chosen options will be added to my bonus [/]
pf002_dummy (comprehension question 2)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf001_dummy (comprehension question 1)
If you chose to take Option [A/B], how much money could you get? Please select all possible options.
1 $3.70 [/]
2 $2.30 [/]
3 $5.10 [/]
pf003_dummy (dummy how decisions affect payment)
In this study, how do these decisions affect your payment?
1 All decisions are hypothetical; choosing option A or B does not affect my payment [/]
2 One randomly selected decision will be chosen to "count," and money from my chosen option in that round will determine my bonus [/]
3 Every decision made in this study "counts," and the money made from each of my chosen options will be added to my bonus [/]
End of if
End of group of questions
Great! You answered all comprehension questions correctly.
End of if
if treatment = 1 then
expl001 (control explanation)
Congratulations! You have successfully passed the training module of this study.

Starting on the next screen, you will face the series of choices that were just described. To decide which option to choose, participants sometimes find it useful to use benchmarks for their earnings.
  • Some participants find it helpful to set goals for themselves when completing these tasks. We would like for you to view earning at least a $[random goal[]] bonus as your goal.
  • Some participants find it helpful to compare their performance against averages. As you complete this task, we would like for you to imagine that you are part of a group of participants who earned an average bonus of $[random other savings[]].
elseif treatment = 2 then
expl002 (goal explanation)
Congratulations! You have successfully passed the training module of this study.

Starting on the next screen, you will face the series of choices that were just described. To decide which option to choose, participants sometimes find it useful to use benchmarks for their earnings.
  • Some participants find it helpful to set goals for themselves when completing these tasks. We would like for you to view earning at least a $[random goal[]] bonus as your goal.
  • Some participants find it helpful to compare their performance against averages. As you complete this task, we would like for you to imagine that you are part of a group of participants who earned an average bonus of $[random other savings[]].
We will remind you of your goal when you are making your decisions.
elseif treatment = 3 then
expl003 (savings explanation)
Congratulations! You have successfully passed the training module of this study.

Starting on the next screen, you will face the series of choices that were just described. To decide which option to choose, participants sometimes find it useful to use benchmarks for their earnings.
  • Some participants find it helpful to compare their performance against averages. As you complete this task, we would like for you to imagine that you are part of a group of participants who earned an average bonus of $[random other savings[]].
  • Some participants find it helpful to set goals for themselves when completing these tasks. We would like for you to view earning at least a $[random goal[]] bonus as your goal.
We will remind you of the average earnings when you are making your decisions.
End of if
if sizeof(delta) = 0 then
Loop from 1 to 20
if option_order[cnt] = empty then
option_order[cnt] := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
delta[cnt] := stats_rand_gen_normal(0, sqrt(0.25))
if cnt < 5 then
A_original[cnt] := 3.40 + delta[cnt]
if (A_original[cnt] <= 0) then
A[cnt] := 0.01
A[cnt] := A_original[cnt]
End of if
B_original[cnt] := 2.00 + delta[cnt]
if (B_original[cnt] <= 0) then
B[cnt] := 0.01
B[cnt] := B_original[cnt]
End of if
C_original[cnt] := 4.80 + delta[cnt]
if (C_original[cnt] <= 0) then
C[cnt] := 0.01
C[cnt] := C_original[cnt]
End of if
elseif cnt < 9 then
A_original[cnt] := 3.40 + delta[cnt]
if (A_original[cnt] <= 0) then
A[cnt] := 0.01
A[cnt] := A_original[cnt]
End of if
B_original[cnt] := 2.25 + delta[cnt]
if (B_original[cnt] <= 0) then
B[cnt] := 0.01
B[cnt] := B_original[cnt]
End of if
C_original[cnt] := 4.65 + delta[cnt]
if (C_original[cnt] <= 0) then
C[cnt] := 0.01
C[cnt] := C_original[cnt]
End of if
elseif cnt < 13 then
A_original[cnt] := 3.40 + delta[cnt]
if (A_original[cnt] <= 0) then
A[cnt] := 0.01
A[cnt] := A_original[cnt]
End of if
B_original[cnt] := 2.45 + delta[cnt]
if (B_original[cnt] <= 0) then
B[cnt] := 0.01
B[cnt] := B_original[cnt]
End of if
C_original[cnt] := 4.65 + delta[cnt]
if (C_original[cnt] <= 0) then
C[cnt] := 0.01
C[cnt] := C_original[cnt]
End of if
elseif cnt < 17 then
A_original[cnt] := 3.4 + delta[cnt]
if (A_original[cnt] <= 0) then
A[cnt] := 0.01
A[cnt] := A_original[cnt]
End of if
B_original[cnt] := 2.30 + delta[cnt]
if (B_original[cnt] <= 0) then
B[cnt] := 0.01
B[cnt] := B_original[cnt]
End of if
C_original[cnt] := 4.90 + delta[cnt]
if (C_original[cnt] <= 0) then
C[cnt] := 0.01
C[cnt] := C_original[cnt]
End of if
elseif cnt < 21 then
A_original[cnt] := 3.4 + delta[cnt]
if (A_original[cnt] <= 0) then
A[cnt] := 0.01
A[cnt] := A_original[cnt]
End of if
B_original[cnt] := 2.50 + delta[cnt]
if (B_original[cnt] <= 0) then
B[cnt] := 0.01
B[cnt] := B_original[cnt]
End of if
C_original[cnt] := 4.50 + delta[cnt]
if (C_original[cnt] <= 0) then
C[cnt] := 0.01
C[cnt] := C_original[cnt]
End of if
End of if
End of loop
End of if
if sizeof(choice_order) = 0 then
choice_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10, 11 => 11, 12 => 12, 13 => 13, 14 => 14, 15 => 15, 16 => 16, 17 => 17, 18 => 18, 19 => 19, 20 => 20))
End of if
Loop from 1 to 20
currentA := A[choice_order[choice_cnt]]
currentB := B[choice_order[choice_cnt]]
currentC := C[choice_order[choice_cnt]]
currentOrder := option_order[choice_order[choice_cnt]]
choice (choice made)
choice_result[choice_order[choice_cnt]] := choice[choice_order[choice_cnt]]
End of loop
Thank you for completing these questions. We will now randomly select one of your twenty decisions in order to determine your final bonus.
extra_reward := 0
if selected_choice = empty then
selected_choice := mt_rand(1,20)
End of if
selected_option := choice_result[choice_order[selected_choice]]
selected_option_order := option_order[choice_order[selected_choice]]
Fill code of question 'FLSelected' executed
if selected_option = 1 then
extra_reward := number_format(A[choice_order[selected_choice]],2)
Group of questions presented on the same screen
chosenoption (choice made)
Above is the decision that was chosen to "count." You selected [[]].

We have added $[extra reward[]] to your bonus.
End of group of questions
if selected_flip = empty then
selected_flip := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
if selected_flip = 1 then
extra_reward := number_format(B[choice_order[selected_choice]],2)
extra_reward := number_format(C[choice_order[selected_choice]],2)
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
chosenoption (choice made)
Above is the decision that was chosen to "count." You selected [[]].

We simulated a coin flip, and it came up [selected coin flip result[]]. We have added $[extra reward[]] to your bonus.
End of group of questions
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)
if extra_reward > 0 then
dummy := doPayout(extra_reward)
End of if