Routing for UAS289

preload_condition := getUAS288Preload("condition")
onmobile_scan := isOnMobile()
if preload_condition = response then
if onmobile_scan in [1,3] and preload_condition = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
onkeyboardconfirm (Confirm on device with keyboard)
Welcome and thanks for your interest in playing this game!

We would like you to do the first game using your computer or laptop which uses a keyboard. However, it looks like you are trying to do this survey on a smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard.

Are you using a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard right now?

1 Yes, I am using a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard right now
2 No, I am using a smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard right now
onkeyboard_dh (dont have device with keyboard)
1 If you do not own a computer or laptop where you use a keyboard, please check this box:
End of group of questions
if onkeyboardconfirm = 1 then
onmobile := 2
onmobileguess_incorrect := 1
elseif onkeyboard_dh = 1 then
onmobile := 1
End of if
elseif onmobile_scan = 2 and preload_condition = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
onmobileconfirm (Confirm on mobile device )
Welcome and thanks for your interest in playing this game!

We would like you to do the first game using your smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard. However, it looks like you are trying to do this survey on a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard.

Are you using a smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard right now?

1 Yes, I am using a smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard right now
2 No, I am using a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard right now
onmobile_dh (dont have device with mobile)
1 If you do not own a smartphone or tablet where you use your finger or a stylus to tap the screen, please check this box:
End of group of questions
if onmobileconfirm = 1 then
onmobile := 1
onmobileguess_incorrect := 1
elseif onmobile_dh = 1 then
onmobile := 2
End of if
if preload_condition = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
onkeyboardask (Ask on keyboard device )
Welcome and thanks for your interest in playing this game!

We would like you to do the first game using your computer or laptop which uses a keyboard.

Are you currently using a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard?
1 Yes, I am currently using a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard
2 No, I am currently using a smartphone or tablet without a keyboard
onkeyboard_dh (dont have device with keyboard)
1 If you do not own a computer or laptop where you use a keyboard, please check this box:
End of group of questions
if onkeyboardask = 1 then
onmobile := 2
onmobileguess_incorrect := 2
elseif onkeyboard_dh = 1 then
onmobile := 1
End of if
elseif preload_condition = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
onmobileask (Ask on mobile device )
Welcome and thanks for your interest in playing this game!

We would like you to do the first game using your smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard.

Are you currently using a smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard?
1 Yes, I am currently using a smartphone or tablet without a keyboard
2 No, I am currently using a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard
onmobile_dh (dont have device with mobile)
1 If you do not own a smartphone or tablet where you use your finger or a stylus to tap the screen, please check this box:
End of group of questions
if onmobileask = 1 then
onmobile := 1
onmobileguess_incorrect := 1
elseif onmobile_dh = 1 then
onmobile := 2
End of if
End of if
End of if
ondeviceask (Ask device)
Welcome and thanks for your interest in playing this game!

Before we get started could you please tell us what kind of device you are currently using?
1 I am currently using a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard
2 I am currently using a smartphone or tablet without a keyboard
if ondeviceask = 1 then
onmobile := 2
elseif ondeviceask = 2 then
onmobile := 1
End of if
End of if
if onmobile = 1 then
intro1_touch (intro)

In this survey we will play a figure identification game. The next screen explains how. We hope you have fun with it!

If you are using a phone or a tablet with a small screen to play this game, please turn it to a horizontal position. Reading glasses are recommended for those who wear them.
intro1 (intro)

In this survey we will play a figure identification game. The next screen explains how. We hope you have fun with it!
End of if
In this game, you will look at the top image:

Then compare it to the images in the table below.

Click next to continue.
You will click or tap the image in the table that exactly matches the top image. The selected image will be highlighted, and you will advance immediately to the next page, so be sure of which one you choose, before you click. If you prefer, you can click "Next" to continue without selecting an image. You should respond as quickly as you can, while still trying to be accurate.

Click next to continue.
cnt := 2
Remember, when you click on the image in the table that matches the top image, you will immediately advance to the next page. Try it now!
Group of questions presented on the same screen
fig001_time (time spent)
End of group of questions
correctseconds := round(fig001_time[cnt])
if fig001[cnt] = 3 then
That is right! The correct answer is the third figure. It took you [seconds correct example 1[]] seconds to select your response.

Click next to continue.
Fill code of question 'FLImage' executed
No, the correct answer is the third figure. It took you [seconds correct example 1[]] seconds to select your response.

Click next to continue.
End of if
cnt := 3
Let's try one more.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
fig001_time (time spent)
End of group of questions
correctseconds2 := round(fig001_time[cnt])
if fig001[cnt] = 4 then
That is right! The correct answer is the fourth figure. It took you [seconds correct example 2[]] seconds to select your response.

You are ready to start the game.

On each page, compare the top image to the table of images below, and click on the one that is the exact match.

Remember to try to be accurate, but respond as quickly as you can.

Please click "Next" to continue.
No, the correct answer is the fourth figure. It took you [seconds correct example 2[]] seconds to select your response.

You are ready to start the game.

On each page, compare the top image to the table of images below, and click on the one that is the exact match.

Remember to try to be accurate, but respond as quickly as you can.

Please click "Next" to continue.
End of if
totaltime := 0
if sizeof(fig_order) = 0 then
fig_order := getFigureOrderBins()
End of if
Loop from 6 to 65
cnt := fig_order[tempcnt]
Group of questions presented on the same screen
fig001_time (time spent)
End of group of questions
dummy := getFigureScore("fig001[" . cnt . "]", cnt)
totaltime := totaltime + round(fig001_time[cnt], 1)
End of loop
totalcorrect := getFiguresCorrect()
averagetime := round(totaltime/60, 1)
fe001 (figure clarity)
Aside from the ease or difficulty of matching up the figures in the game, how clearly or not clearly were you able see to the figures on your screen?

I could see the figures...
1 Very clearly
2 Not very clearly
3 Not clearly at all
fe002 (difficulty screen navigation)
How easy or difficult was it for you to navigate the screen on your device while playing the game, in terms of tapping, clicking, needing to scroll, etc.?
1 Very easy
2 Somewhat easy
3 Somewhat difficult
4 Very difficult
fe002a (experience with game)
Which of the following best fits your experience with playing the game on your device?
1 I often or always had to scroll or move the screen to be able to see all of the figures on the same screen
2 I sometimes had to scroll or move the screen to be able to see all of the figures on the same screen
3 All of the figures fit on the same screen but they were sometimes obscured by something else
4 All of the figures fit on the same screen with no technical difficulties
fe002b (other problem)
If you had some other problem with playing the game on your device that has not already been addressed, please briefly describe (or leave empty if not applicable):
if onmobile = 1 then
fe003 (screen device)
How large is the screen on the device you used to play the game? If you aren’t sure, you can just tell us the make and model of the phone or tablet you are using.
End of if
en001 (location)
When you completed this survey were you (choose one)
1 At home / in the place where you live
2 At work
3 At school
4 In a public place (e.g. store, sidewalk, park, shops, restaurant, etc.)
5 Riding in a car or other form of transportation
6 Walking outside
7 Somewhere else
en002 (conditions)
While you completed this survey were you also... (select all that apply)
1 Talking with other people
2 Listening to music or a book or a podcasts or radio
3 Watching television
4 Playing an online or handheld game (not this game)
5 Following YouTube, social media, online news, etc.
6 Texting, checking email
7 None of these
en003 (interruption)
While you completed this survey were you ever interrupted (e.g. doorbell, phone call, text message, someone speaking to you, moving from one place to another) or did you complete the survey without interruption?
1 I was interrupted while completing the survey
2 I was not interrupted while completing the survey
dummy := completedFigures()
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)
if preload_condition = 1 then
Thank you for completing the first game!

When you return to your UAS page, log out of UAS on your current device and log back in using your tablet or smartphone without a keyboard. You will see the link to start the second game in UAS290.
elseif preload_condition = 2 then
Thank you for completing the first game!

When you return to your UAS page, log out of UAS on your current device and log back in using your desktop or laptop which uses a keyboard. You will see the link to start the second game in UAS290.
Thank you for completing the first game!

When you return to your UAS page, you will see the link to start the second game in UAS290.
End of if
dummy := selectForUAS290()