Routing for UAS288

Welcome to the figure identification game! Before we start we have a few questions about the devices you own and/or use.
preload_s_00 := getUAS212Preload("s_00")
if preload_s_00 = empty then
s_00 (which devices owned or used)
Which of the following types of devices do you currently own or use? Select all that apply.
1 A desktop, laptop or tablet computer that has an attached keyboard
2 A tablet device such as an iPad, Samsung, etc. that does not have an attached keyboard
3 A smartphone (e.g. Apple iPhone, Android, or any other phone that can access the internet)
4 A fitness tracking watch or ring such as an Apple iWatch, Fitbit, Garmin, Oura, etc.
merged_s_00 := s_00
merged_s_00 := preload_s_00
End of if
FLTime := 10
if 1 in merged_s_00 and (2 in merged_s_00 OR 3 in merged_s_00) then
devices (which devices)
You told us you have both a computer or laptop which use a keyboard, AND ALSO a smartphone or tablet which you use your finger to tap the screen.

Which device are you using currently?
1 I have both devices with me now and I am currently using a computer or laptop computer
2 I have both devices with me now and I am currently using a cellphone or tablet
3 I only have a computer or laptop that uses a keyboard
4 I only have a touchscreen cellphone or tablet
devices_merged := devices
elseif 1 in merged_s_00 or 2 in merged_s_00 or 3 in merged_s_00 then
Fill code of question 'FLDevices' executed
if 1 in merged_s_00 then
devices_one3 (which devices)
You told us you have [a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard, but not a smartphone or tablet which you use with your finger to tap the screen/a smartphone or tablet which you use with your finger to tap the screen, but not a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard].

Is that correct?
1 No, I have both types of device and I am currently using a computer or laptop computer
2 No, I have both kinds of device and I am currently using a cellphone or tablet
3 Yes, I only have a computer or laptop that uses a keyboard
devices_merged := devices_one3
elseif 2 in merged_s_00 OR 3 in merged_s_00 then
devices_one2 (which devices)
You told us you have [a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard, but not a smartphone or tablet which you use with your finger to tap the screen/a smartphone or tablet which you use with your finger to tap the screen, but not a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard].

Is that correct?
1 No, I have both types of device and I am currently using a computer or laptop computer
2 No, I have both kinds of device and I am currently using a cellphone or tablet
4 Yes, I only have a touchscreen cellphone or tablet
devices_merged := devices_one2
End of if
Error in response, please go back and indicate whether you take surveys on a computer with a keyboard, or on a device without a keyboard.
Exit the survey
End of if
if devices_merged in [3,4] then
Okay, you are ready to play the figure identification game. Please set aside [[]] minutes of uninterrupted time.

When you return to your UAS page, you will see the button to start UAS 289. Please click that button and finish the game. When you have finished and you return to your UAS page, you will see the button to start and complete survey UAS 290. Please do them both in one sitting.

Please click "Next" now to return to your UAS page.
condition := empty
if condition = empty then
condition := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLOrder' executed
if (condition = 1 AND devices_merged = 1) OR (condition = 2 AND devices_merged = 2) then
Okay, you are ready to play the figure identification game. Please set aside [[]] minutes of uninterrupted time.

When you return to your UAS page after clicking next and leaving this survey, you will see the button to start the first game in UAS 289. Please click that button and finish the game.

Please click "Next" now to return to your UAS page.
Okay, you are ready to play the figure identification game. Please set aside [[]] minutes of uninterrupted time.

When you return to your UAS page after clicking next and leaving this survey, please log out of UAS on this device, and then log in again using your [computer or laptop/cellphone or tablet].

When you return to your UAS page using your [computer or laptop/cellphone or tablet], you will see the button to start the first game in UAS 289. Please click that button and finish the game.

Please click "Next" now to return to your UAS page.
End of if
End of if
dummy := selectForUAS289()