Routing for UAS476

intro1 (intro)

Thank you for participating in this survey. The questions focus on your opinions about personal finance and your interest in and views about financial education.

This survey is part of a USC research project to help develop recommendations for policymakers seeking to improve the financial capability of older adults in the United States.

F001_questions := array(1 => "F001A", 2 => "F001B", 3 => "F001C", 4 => "F001D", 5 => "F001E", 6 => "F001F", 7 => "F001G")
if sizeof(F001_order) = 0 then
F001_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7))
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen

When thinking about your financial life, how important are the following to you?

Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 7
if F001_order[cnt] = response then
Value of question 'F001_questions[F001_order[cnt]]' asked as question
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
F002_questions := array(1 => "F002A", 2 => "F002B", 3 => "F002C", 4 => "F002D", 5 => "F002E", 6 => "F002F", 7 => "F002G")
if sizeof(F002_order) = 0 then
F002_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7))
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 7
if F002_order[cnt] = response then
Value of question 'F002_questions[F002_order[cnt]]' asked as question
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
F003 (ever taken a course or training about personal finance)
Have you ever taken a course or training to learn about personal finance?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
IF F003 = 1 THEN
Group of questions presented on the same screen

What type of course or training in personal finance did you participate in, and when? Please select all that apply.

Subgroup of questions
F003A_1 (type of course or training participated in--high school or college course)
High school or college course/s in personal finance
1 Yes, in the past 2 years
2 Yes, more than 2 years ago
3 No
F003A_2 (type of course or training participated in--personal finance program offered by employer)
A personal finance program offered by my employer as part of workplace benefits
1 Yes, in the past 2 years
2 Yes, more than 2 years ago
3 No
F003A_3 (type of course or training participated in--One-on-one financial counseling)
One-on-one financial counseling
1 Yes, in the past 2 years
2 Yes, more than 2 years ago
3 No
F003A_4 (type of course or training participated in--course offered by educational institution)
A personal finance course for adults offered by an educational institution (university extension or community college, Udemy, Skillshare)
1 Yes, in the past 2 years
2 Yes, more than 2 years ago
3 No
F003A_5 (type of course or training participated in--offered by financial institution)
A personal finance course or training offered by a financial institution (e.g. your bank or credit union)
1 Yes, in the past 2 years
2 Yes, more than 2 years ago
3 No
F003A_6 (type of course or training participated in--offered by my community)
A personal finance course or training provided by my community (e.g. through a community center, library or church)
1 Yes, in the past 2 years
2 Yes, more than 2 years ago
3 No
F003A_7 (type of course or training participated in--other)
Other, please specify:
1 Yes, in the past 2 years
2 Yes, more than 2 years ago
3 No
F003A_7_other (type of course or training participated in--other specify)
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
if F003A_1 IN [1,2] or F003A_2 IN [1,2] or F003A_3 IN [1,2] or F003A_4 IN [1,2] or F003A_5 IN [1,2] or F003A_6 IN [1,2] or F003A_7 IN [1,2] then
F003A_answers := array(1 => F003A_1, 2 => F003A_2, 3 => F003A_3, 4 => F003A_4, 5 => F003A_5, 6 => F003A_6, 7 => F003A_7)
F003B_questions := array(1 => "F003B_1", 2 => "F003B_2", 3 => "F003B_3", 4 => "F003B_4", 5 => "F003B_5", 6 => "F003B_6", 7 => "F003B_7")
F003C_questions := array(1 => "F003C_1", 2 => "F003C_2", 3 => "F003C_3", 4 => "F003C_4", 5 => "F003C_5", 6 => "F003C_6", 7 => "F003C_7")
Group of questions presented on the same screen

Was the course or training you took about personal finance delivered online or in person?

Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 7
if F003A_answers[cnt] in [1,2] then
Value of question 'F003B_questions[cnt]' asked as question
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen

How much do you feel you learned about personal finance from the course or training you took?

Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 7
if F003A_answers[cnt] in [1,2] then
Value of question 'F003C_questions[cnt]' asked as question
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
F003D (how interested in taking a new course/training on personal finance)
How interested would you be in taking a new course or training about personal finance?
1 Very interested
2 Somewhat interested
3 Not at all interested
4 Not sure
End of if
ELSEIF F003 = 2 OR F003 = empty THEN
F003E (how interested in taking course/training on personal finance)
How interested would you be in taking a course or training about personal finance?
1 Very interested
2 Somewhat interested
3 Not at all interested
4 Not sure
End of if
F004A_questions := array(1 => "F004A_1", 2 => "F004A_2", 3 => "F004A_3", 4 => "F004A_4", 5 => "F004A_5")
if sizeof(F004A_order) = 0 then
F004A_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5))
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLF004A_intro' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen

[Suppose you were offered the chance to participate in a personal finance course or training./You indicated that you are not interested in taking a course or training about personal finance or you are not sure about it. However, we would like to know what program features would make a course or training about personal finance more appealing to you. ]

How important would the following features be to you?

Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 5
Value of question 'F004A_questions[F004A_order[cnt]]' asked as question
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
if sizeof(F004B_order) = 0 then
F004B_order := shuffleArray(array(1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>4, 5=>5))
F004B_order[6] := 6
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
F004B (type of provider most prefer)
Which of the following providers of a personal finance course would you most prefer? Please check all that apply.
1 Educational institution (e.g. high school, college, university)
2 My employer as part of workplace benefits
3 Financial institution (e.g. bank or credit union)
4 My community (e.g. community center, library, church)
5 Online course provider (e.g. Skillshare, Udemy, Coursera)
6 Other, please specify:
F004B_other (type of provider most prefer: other, specify)
End of group of questions
F004C (prefer training course online or in person)
Would you prefer the course or training about personal finance to be delivered online or in person?
1 Online
2 In person
F004D_questions := array(1 => "F004D_1", 2 => "F004D_2", 3 => "F004D_3", 4 => "F004D_4", 5 => "F004D_5", 6 => "F004D_6", 7 => "F004D_7", 8 => "F004D_8", 9 => "F004D_9")
if sizeof(F004D_order) = 0 then
F004D_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9))
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen

How important would the following course elements be to you?

Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 9
Value of question 'F004D_questions[F004D_order[cnt]]' asked as question
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
F004E_questions := array(1 => "F004E_1", 2 => "F004E_2", 3 => "F004E_3", 4 => "F004E_4", 5 => "F004E_5", 6 => "F004E_6", 7 => "F004E_7", 8 => "F004E_8", 9 => "F004E_9", 10 => "F004E_10")
if sizeof(F004E_order) = 0 then
F004E_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9))
F004E_order[10] := 10
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen

How important would the following content be to you?

Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 9
Value of question 'F004E_questions[F004E_order[cnt]]' asked as question
End of loop
F004E_10 (how important is the following content: other)
Other, please specify:
1 Very important
2 Somewhat important
3 Not very important
4 Not at all important
F004E_10_other (how important is the following content: other specify)
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
F004F_questions := array(1 => "F004F_1", 2 => "F004F_2", 3 => "F004F_3", 4 => "F004F_4", 5 => "F004F_5", 6 => "F004F_6", 7 => "F004F_7", 8 => "F004F_8", 9 => "F004F_9", 10 => "F004F_10", 11 => "F004F_11")
if sizeof(F004F_order) = 0 then
F004F_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10))
F004F_order[11] := 11
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen

How interested would you be in strengthening the following skills?

Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 10
Value of question 'F004F_questions[F004F_order[cnt]]' asked as question
End of loop
F004F_11 (how interested in training skill: Other)
Other, please specify:
1 Very interested
2 Somewhat interested
3 Not very interested
4 Not at all interested
F004F_11_other (how interested in training skill: other specify)
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
F004G (best time to take a personal finance course/training)
If you were to take a course or training about personal finance, when do you think would be the best time to take it?
1 Now
2 In 1-5 years
3 In 6-10 years
4 In 11-15 years
F004H (prefer group or one-on-one training)
Would you prefer to take a course or training about personal finance in a one-on-one or group setting?
1 One-on-One
2 Group
F005_questions := array(1 => "F005A", 2 => "F005B", 3 => "F005C", 4 => "F005D", 5 => "F005E", 6 => "F005F", 7 => "F005G", 8 => "F005H", 9 => "F005I")
if sizeof(F005_order) = 0 then
F005_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8))
F005_order[9] := 9
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen

How often do you do the following?

Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 8
Value of question 'F005_questions[F005_order[cnt]]' asked as question
End of loop
F005I (how often do the following: other)
Other, please specify:
1 Once a month or more
2 A few times a year
3 Once a year
4 Once every few years
5 Never
F005I_other (how often do the following: other specify)
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)