Now assume the following:
Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient. Type II patients must now also take a pill that will improve or worsen their health score by 5 points, within the next year. Whereas, Type I patients do not have to take the pill.
You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment. For Type II patients, the pill has an equal chance of improving or worsening your health score, chances being 50%.
Again, both treatments guarantee that the condition will be completely cured in one year, returning your health score to 100, where you can expect to live for 30 more years at this health level.
As a reminder, you have a health score of 20 prior to receiving either treatment. The scale of health scores is included below for reference.
Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.