Routing for UAS439

intro1 (intro)
Thanks for your interest in taking this survey! We will ask you a series of questions related to your preferences for different scenarios. Please provide your preference in each scenario to the best of your ability.
treatment_group_flag := 2
if treatment_group = empty then
treatment_group := getUAS439Treatment()
if treatment_group = response then
treatment_group_flag := 1
treatment_group := mt_rand(1,5)
treatment_group_flag := 2
End of if
End of if
group_indicator := 2
section_order_flag := 2
if section_order = empty then
section_order := getUAS439Order()
if section_order = response then
section_order_flag := 1
section_order := mt_rand(1,2)
section_order_flag := 2
End of if
End of if
section_order := 1
if section_order = 1 then
hs001 (health today)
In this section, we will present you with hypothetical scenarios regarding your health. Since these scenarios can be complex, please read each question carefully.

Throughout the survey, we will reference your health as a numbered score. Your health score will range from 0 to 100. A health score of 0 is equivalent to death while a health score of 100 is perfect health.

On a scale of 0-100, how would you rate your health today? Please click anywhere on the slider below or use the textbox to enter your answer.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs002 (health today)
For reference, the scale below indicates a few conditions and how someone may view their corresponding health scores.

Please answer the next question assuming the following about your health:

A few years ago, your health severely deteriorated due to an unknown cause. Doctors could not identify the cause and could not do anything to improve your health. Today, your health score is a 20. Prior to your health’s deterioration, your health score was 100.

How would you view a health score of 20 on a scale from 0 to 100?
1 Not very bad
2 Reasonably bad
3 Very bad
4 Extremely bad
End of group of questions
hs_info (health today)
Good news! Recent medical breakthroughs have allowed doctors to discover the cause of your health deterioration. Not only that, there are now two medical treatments available. Both treatments guarantee that the condition will be completely cured in one year, returning your health score to 100, where you can expect to live for 30 more years at this health level. However, the treatments will have varying effects during the coming year of treatment.

For the next set of questions, you will be shown the potential outcomes resulting from your two medical treatment options.

Treatment A will have a "certain outcome," in other words, a guaranteed health score that will result if you select the treatment A option.

Treatment B will have varying outcomes, dependent on if you are a Type I patient or a Type II patient.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment.

The goal of each task in this section is to find the switch point at which you would consider a certain outcome over the treatment with two random outcomes occurring at a 50% likelihood.

See the picture below for example.

To find this switch point, we will ask you to select between one option (on the left side) or another option (on the right side).
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs003_intro (health today)
For the next set of questions, please select if you would rather have Treatment A or Treatment B.

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient.

Assume for each of the following treatment decisions (each row), that is the one decision you will make regarding your received treatment for the next year. Each decision is mutually exclusive, meaning that one decision has no impact on subsequent or previous decisions.

For example, in row 1, after your health condition of 20 health points, you have the option between Treatment A that gives you a certain outcome of 23 points or Treatment B that will either give you 22 points or 71 points at a 50/50 chance. You would select the bubble for Treatment A if you prefer the certain outcome or the bubble for Treatment B if you prefer the treatment where you may have a health of 22 or 71 after treatment at a 50/50 chance.

For the next decision (row 2), again you would start from your beginning 20 health points. You now have the option between a "Treatment A" which now gives a certain outcome of 28 health points or "Treatment B" which still can give you 22 points or 71 at a 50/50 chance.

As a reminder, you have a health score of 20 prior to receiving either treatment. The scale of health scores is included below for reference.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
hs003a_intro (RRA 1)
Subgroup of questions
hs003a_1 (rra1 health certain outcome : 23)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 23
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_2 (rra1 health certain outcome : 28)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 28
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_3 (rra1 health certain outcome : 33)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 33
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_4 (rra1 health certain outcome : 38)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 38
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_5 (rra1 health certain outcome : 43)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 43
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_6 (rra1 health certain outcome : 48)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 48
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_7 (rra1 health certain outcome : 53)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 53
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_8 (rra1 health certain outcome : 58)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 58
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_9 (rra1 health certain outcome : 63)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 63
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs003_intro2 (health today)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health score of 20 prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
hs003b_intro (RRA 2)
Subgroup of questions
hs003b_1 (rra2 health certain outcome : 26)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 26
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_2 (rra2 health certain outcome : 32)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 32
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_3 (rra2 health certain outcome : 38)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 38
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_4 (rra2 health certain outcome : 44)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 44
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_5 (rra2 health certain outcome : 50)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 50
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_10 (rra2 health attention check)
As an attention check, please select Prefer Treatment B:
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_6 (rra2 health certain outcome : 56)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 56
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_7 (rra2 health certain outcome : 62)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 62
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_8 (rra2 health certain outcome : 68)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 68
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_9 (rra2 health certain outcome : 74)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 74
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs003_intro2 (health today)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health score of 20 prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
hs003c_intro (RRA 3)
Subgroup of questions
hs003c_1 (rra3 health certain outcome : 31)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 31
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_2 (rra3 health certain outcome : 36)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 36
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_3 (rra3 health certain outcome : 41)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 41
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_4 (rra3 health certain outcome : 46)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 46
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_5 (rra3 health certain outcome : 51)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 51
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_6 (rra3 health certain outcome : 56)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 56
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_7 (rra3 health certain outcome : 61)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 61
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_8 (rra3 health certain outcome : 66)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 66
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_9 (rra3 health certain outcome : 71)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 71
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_10 (rra3 health certain outcome : 83)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 83
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs004_intro (health today)
Now assume the following:

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient. Type II patients must now also take a pill that will improve or worsen their health score by 5 points, within the next year. Whereas, Type I patients do not have to take the pill.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment. For Type II patients, the pill has an equal chance of improving or worsening your health score, chances being 50%.

Again, both treatments guarantee that the condition will be completely cured in one year, returning your health score to 100, where you can expect to live for 30 more years at this health level.

As a reminder, you have a health score of 20 prior to receiving either treatment. The scale of health scores is included below for reference.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
hs004a_intro (RRP 1)
Subgroup of questions
hs004a_1 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 32)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 32
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_2 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 36)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 36
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_3 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 40)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 40
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_4 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 44)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 44
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_5 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 48)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 48
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_6 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 52)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 52
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_7 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 56)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 56
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_8 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 60)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 60
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_9 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 64)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 64
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs003_intro2 (health today)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health score of 20 prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
hs004b_intro (RRP 2)
Subgroup of questions
hs004b_1 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 30)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 30
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_2 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 35)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 35
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_3 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 39)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 39
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_4 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 43)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 43
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_5 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 48)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 48
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_6 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 52)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 52
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_7 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 57)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 57
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_8 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 61)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 61
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_9 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 66)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 66
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if treatment_group = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
mb001 (mobile disability)
Throughout the next section, we will examine your preferences over a health condition. The health condition we will examine is mobility as measured by the 6-minute walking test.

In the 6-minute walking test, we can examine your mobility by seeing how far you can walk or run during 6-minutes.

In the following scenarios, you will be provided a baseline health state, certain outcomes, and a treatment on a scale of 100 to 6,500 feet during the 6-minute walking test. For reference, the scale below indicates a health states and their corresponding 6-minute walking test distance.

Please answer the next question assuming the following about your health:

A few years ago, your health seriously deteriorated due to an unknown cause. Doctors could not find the cause and could not do anything to improve your health. Today, due to your health condition, you can only walk 1180 feet on the 6-minute walking test. Prior to your health deteriorating, you could run 6,000 feet.

How would you view spending walking 1180 feet on the 6-minute walking test?
1 Not very bad
2 Reasonably bad
3 Very bad
4 Extremely bad
End of group of questions
Good news! Recent medical breakthroughs have allowed doctors to discover the cause of your health deterioration. Not only that, there are two medical treatments available. Both treatments guarantee that your condition will be completely cured in one year, returning your health to a state where you can run your normal 6,000 feet, and maintain this level of mobility for the next 30 years. However, the treatments will have varying effects during the coming year of treatment.

For the next set of questions, you will be shown the potential outcomes resulting from your two medical treatment options.

Treatment A will have a “certain outcome,” in other words, a guaranteed 6-minute walking test time for the next year if you select the Treatment A option.

Treatment B will have varying outcomes, dependent on if you are a Type I patient or a Type II patient.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment.

The goal of each task in this section is to find the switch point at which you would consider a certain outcome over the treatment with two random outcomes occurring at a 50% likelihood.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
mb002_intro2 (bedridden 80% of a year)
For the next set of questions, please select if you would rather have Treatment A or Treatment B.

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient.

Assume for each of the following treatment decisions (each row), that is the one decision you will make regarding your received treatment. Each decision is mutually exclusive, meaning that one decision has no impact on subsequent or previous decisions made during each task.

For example, in row 1, after your health condition impacting your mobility to 1180 feet on the 6-minute walking test, you have the option between Treatment A that gives you a certain outcome of 1342 feet or Treatment B that will either give you 1288 feet or 3934 feet at a 50/50 chance. You would select the bubble for Treatment A if you prefer the certain outcome or the bubble for Treatment B if you prefer the treatment where you may have a mobility of 1288 feet or 3934 feet after treatment at a 50/50 chance.

For the next decision (row 2), again you would start from your beginning mobility of 1180 feet on the 6-minute walking test. You now have the option between Treatment A which now gives a certain outcome of 1612 feet or Treatment B which still can give you 1288 feet or 3934 feet at a 50/50 chance.

As a reminder, you are currently only able to walk 1180 feet during the 6-minute walking test prior to receiving either treatment. A scale is provided below for reference.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
mb002a_intro (mobility RRA 1)
Subgroup of questions
mb002a_1 (rra1 mobility certain outcome : 1,342)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 1342
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002a_2 (rra1 mobility certain outcome : 1,612)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 1612
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002a_3 (rra1 mobility certain outcome : 1,882)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 1882
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002a_4 (rra1 mobility certain outcome : 2,152)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2152
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002a_5 (rra1 mobility certain outcome : 2,422)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2422
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002a_6 (rra1 mobility certain outcome : 2,692)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2692
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002a_7 (rra1 mobility certain outcome : 2,962)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2962
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002a_8 (rra1 mobility certain outcome : 3,232)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3232
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002a_9 (rra1 mobility certain outcome : 3,502)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3502
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
mb002_intro3 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a mobility of 1180 feet on the 6-minute walking test prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
mb002b_intro (mobility RRA 2)
Subgroup of questions
mb002b_1 (rra2 mobility certain outcome : 1,504)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 1504
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002b_2 (rra2 mobility certain outcome : 1,828)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 1828
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002b_3 (rra2 mobility certain outcome : 2,152)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2152
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002b_4 (rra2 mobility certain outcome : 2,476)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2476
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002b_5 (rra2 mobility certain outcome : 2,800)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2800
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002b_6 (rra2 mobility certain outcome : 3,124)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3124
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002b_7 (rra2 mobility certain outcome : 3,448)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3448
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002b_8 (rra2 mobility certain outcome : 3,772)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3772
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002b_9 (rra2 mobility certain outcome : 4,096)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 4096
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
mb002_intro3 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a mobility of 1180 feet on the 6-minute walking test prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
mb002c_intro (mobility RRA 3)
Subgroup of questions
mb002c_1 (rra3 mobility certain outcome : 1,774)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 1774
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002c_2 (rra3 mobility certain outcome : 2,044)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2044
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002c_10 (rra3 mobility attention check)
As an attention check, please select Prefer Treatment A:
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002c_3 (rra3 mobility certain outcome : 2,314)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2314
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002c_4 (rra3 mobility certain outcome : 2,584)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2584
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002c_5 (rra3 mobility certain outcome : 2,854)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2854
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002c_6 (rra3 mobility certain outcome : 3,124)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3124
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002c_7 (rra3 mobility certain outcome : 3,394)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3394
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002c_8 (rra3 mobility certain outcome : 3,664)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3664
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb002c_9 (rra3 mobility certain outcome : 3,934)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3934
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
mb003_intro (bedridden 80% of a year)
Now assume the following:

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient. Type II patients must now also take a pill that will increase or decrease mobility by 275 ft within the next year. Whereas, Type I patients do not have to take the pill.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment. For Type II patients, the pill has an equal 50% chance of increasing or decreasing mobility on the 6-minute walking test.

Following treatment, your health will return to full after one year and you will maintain that level for the next 30 years until your death.

As a reminder, you have a mobility of 1180 feet on the 6-minute walking test prior to receiving either treatment. A scale is provided below for reference.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
mb003a_intro (mobility RRP 1)
Subgroup of questions
mb003a_1 (rrp1 mobility certain outcome : 1,828)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 1828
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003a_2 (rrp1 mobility certain outcome : 2,044)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2044
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003a_3 (rrp1 mobility certain outcome : 2,260)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2260
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003a_4 (rrp1 mobility certain outcome : 2,476)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2476
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003a_5 (rrp1 mobility certain outcome : 2,692)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2692
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003a_6 (rrp1 mobility certain outcome : 2,908)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2908
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003a_7 (rrp1 mobility certain outcome : 3,124)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3124
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003a_8 (rrp1 mobility certain outcome : 3,340)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3340
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003a_9 (rrp1 mobility certain outcome : 3,556)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3556
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
mb003_intro2 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a mobility of 1180 feet on the 6-minute walking test prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
mb003b_intro (mobility RRP 2)
Subgroup of questions
mb003b_1 (rrp2 mobility certain outcome : 1,720)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 1720
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003b_2 (rrp2 mobility certain outcome : 1,936)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 1936
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003b_3 (rrp2 mobility certain outcome : 2,206)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2206
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003b_4 (rrp2 mobility certain outcome : 2,422)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2422
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003b_5 (rrp2 mobility certain outcome : 2,638)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2638
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003b_6 (rrp2 mobility certain outcome : 2,908)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 2908
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003b_7 (rrp2 mobility certain outcome : 3,124)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3124
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003b_8 (rrp2 mobility certain outcome : 3,394)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3394
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
mb003b_9 (rrp2 mobility certain outcome : 3,610)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 3610
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif treatment_group = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For the next set of questions, we will ask you to decide between two potential gambles.

Gamble A will result in a single guaranteed won amount, while Gamble B will result in varying winnings depending on if you are a Type I or Type II contestant.

Assume for each of the following lottery decisions (each row), that is the one decision you will make regarding your received gamble. Each decision is mutually exclusive, meaning that one decision has no impact on subsequent or previous potential winnings made during each task.

For example, in row 1, you have the option between Gamble A that gives you 100% chance winnings of $3,000 or Gamble B that will either give you $2,000 or $51,000 at a 50/50 chance. You would select the bubble for Gamble A if you prefer the certain outcome or the bubble for Gamble B if you prefer the gamble where you may win $2,000 or $51,000 at a 50/50 chance.

For the next decision (row 2), you now have the option between Gamble A which now gives a certain outcome of $8,000 or Gamble B which may give you $2,000 or $51,000 at a 50/50 chance.

The goal of each task in this section is to find the switch point at which you would consider a certain outcome over the gamble with two random outcomes occurring at a 50% likelihood.
ch003_intro2 (health today)
Please select if you would rather have Gamble A or Gamble B, given the potential winning amounts in the table below.

Each gamble decision you make has no impact on the other gamble winnings. For example your decision for row 1 has no impact on the winnings for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
Subgroup of questions
ch001a_1 (cash rra1 Certain Outcome : $3,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $3,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001a_2 (cash rra1 Certain Outcome : $8,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $8,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001a_3 (cash rra1 Certain Outcome : $13,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $13,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001a_4 (cash rra1 Certain Outcome : $18,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $18,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001a_5 (cash rra1 Certain Outcome : $23,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $23,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001a_6 (cash rra1 Certain Outcome : $28,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $28,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001a_7 (cash rra1 Certain Outcome : $33,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $33,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001a_8 (cash rra1 Certain Outcome : $38,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $38,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001a_9 (cash rra1 Certain Outcome : $43,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $43,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ch003_intro2 (health today)
Please select if you would rather have Gamble A or Gamble B, given the potential winning amounts in the table below.

Each gamble decision you make has no impact on the other gamble winnings. For example your decision for row 1 has no impact on the winnings for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
Subgroup of questions
ch001b_1 (cash rra2 Certain Outcome : $6,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $6,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001b_2 (cash rra2 Certain Outcome : $12,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $12,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001b_3 (cash rra2 Certain Outcome : $18,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $18,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001b_4 (cash rra2 Certain Outcome : $24,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $24,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001b_5 (cash rra2 Certain Outcome : $30,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $30,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001b_6 (cash rra2 Certain Outcome : $36,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $36,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001b_7 (cash rra2 Certain Outcome : $42,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $42,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001b_8 (cash rra2 Certain Outcome : $48,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $48,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001b_9 (cash rra2 Certain Outcome : $54,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $54,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ch003_intro2 (health today)
Please select if you would rather have Gamble A or Gamble B, given the potential winning amounts in the table below.

Each gamble decision you make has no impact on the other gamble winnings. For example your decision for row 1 has no impact on the winnings for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
Subgroup of questions
ch001c_1 (cash rra3 Certain Outcome : $11,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $11,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001c_2 (cash rra3 Certain Outcome : $16,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $16,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001c_10 (cash rra3 attention check)
As an attention check, please select Prefer Gamble A:
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001c_3 (cash rra3 Certain Outcome : $21,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $21,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001c_4 (cash rra3 Certain Outcome : $26,000)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = $26,00
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001c_5 (cash rra3 Certain Outcome : $31,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $31,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001c_6 (cash rra3 Certain Outcome : $36,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $36,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001c_7 (cash rra3 Certain Outcome : $41,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $41,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001c_8 (cash rra3 Certain Outcome : $46,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $46,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch001c_9 (cash rra3 Certain Outcome : $51,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $51,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Now assume the following: Gamble A will result in certain winnings while Gamble B will result in varying winnings depending on if you are a Type I or Type II contestant.

Type II contestants now must enter a subsequent gamble where they may lose or win $5,000 from the initial winnings. For example, in the first scenario below, the Type II contestant may increase their winnings of $52,000 to $57,000 or lose their $5,000, to $47,000.

The likelihood of winning or losing the subsequent gamble is 50%.

Again, you will not know if you are a Type I or Type II contestant until after you complete the gamble and learn your winnings. You have an equal chance of being a Type I or Type II contestant.

Assume for each of the following lottery decisions (each row), that is the one decision you will make regarding your received gamble. Each decision is mutually exclusive, meaning that one decision has no impact on subsequent or previous winnings made during each task.

ch003_intro2 (health today)
Please select if you would rather have Gamble A or Gamble B, given the potential winning amounts in the table below.

Each gamble decision you make has no impact on the other gamble winnings. For example your decision for row 1 has no impact on the winnings for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
Subgroup of questions
ch002a_1 (cash rp1 Certain Outcome : $12,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $12,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002a_2 (cash rp1 Certain Outcome : $16,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $16,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002a_3 (cash rp1 Certain Outcome : $20,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $20,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002a_4 (cash rp1 Certain Outcome : $24,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $24,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002a_5 (cash rp1 Certain Outcome : $28,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $28,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002a_6 (cash rp1 Certain Outcome : $32,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $32,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002a_7 (cash rp1 Certain Outcome : $36,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $36,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002a_8 (cash rp1 Certain Outcome : $40,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $40,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002a_9 (cash rp1 Certain Outcome : $44,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $44,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ch003_intro2 (health today)
Please select if you would rather have Gamble A or Gamble B, given the potential winning amounts in the table below.

Each gamble decision you make has no impact on the other gamble winnings. For example your decision for row 1 has no impact on the winnings for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
Subgroup of questions
ch002b_1 (cash rrp2 Certain Outcome : $10,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $10,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002b_2 (cash rrp2 Certain Outcome : $14,500)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $14,500
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002b_3 (cash rrp2 Certain Outcome : $19,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $19,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002b_4 (cash rrp2 Certain Outcome : $23,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $23,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002b_5 (cash rrp2 Certain Outcome : $27,500)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $27,500
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002b_6 (cash rrp2 Certain Outcome : $32,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $32,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002b_7 (cash rrp2 Certain Outcome : $36,500)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $36,500
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002b_8 (cash rrp2 Certain Outcome : $41,000)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $41,000
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
ch002b_9 (cash rrp2 Certain Outcome : $45,500)
Gamble A, Certain Outcome = $45,500
1 Prefer Gamble A
2 Prefer Gamble B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif treatment_group = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cog001 (reduced vision)
Throughout the next section, we will examine your preferences over a health condition. The health condition we will examine is cognition as measured by the time to complete the Trail Making Task.

The Trail Making Task is a test where participants must connect the dots between alternating numbers and letters in ascending order. An example of a completed Trail Making Test is below.

Typically, participants take 50-60 seconds to complete the test. Completion speed can be a good proxy for cognition. For references as to what different speeds represent in terms of cognition, please see the following scale.

Please answer the next question assuming the following about your health:

A few years ago, your health seriously deteriorated due to an unknown cause. Doctors could not find the cause and could not do anything to improve your health. Today, due to your health condition, your cognition is such that you would need 230 seconds to complete the Trail Making Task. Prior to your health deteriorating, assume you were able to complete the task in 45 seconds.

How would you view a 230 second completion time due to your illness?
1 Not very bad
2 Reasonably bad
3 Very bad
4 Extremely bad
End of group of questions
Good news! Recent medical breakthroughs have allowed doctors to discover the cause of your health deterioration. Not only that, there are two medical treatments available. Both treatments guarantee that your condition will be completely cured in one year, returning your cognition to a state where you can complete the Trail Making Task in 45 seconds again, and you can expect to maintain this level of cognitive ability for 30 more years. However, the treatments will have varying effects during the coming year of treatment. For the next set of questions, you will be shown the potential outcomes resulting from your two medical treatment options.

Treatment A will have a "certain outcome," in other words, a guaranteed Trail Making Task time for the next year if you select the Treatment A option.

Treatment B will have varying outcomes, dependent on if you are a Type I patient or a Type II patient.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment.

The goal of each task in this section is to find the switch point at which you would consider a certain outcome over the treatment with two random outcomes occurring at a 50% likelihood.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cog002_intro2 (bedridden 80% of a year)
For the next set of questions, please select if you would rather have Treatment A or Treatment B.

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient.

Assume for each of the following treatment decisions (each row), that is the one decision you will make regarding your received treatment. Each decision is mutually exclusive, meaning that one decision has no impact on subsequent or previous decisions made during each task.

For example, in row 1, after your health condition impacting your cognition to 230 seconds on the Trail Making Test, you have the option between Treatment A that gives you a certain outcome of 223 seconds or Treatment B that will either give you 226 seconds or 115 seconds at a 50/50 chance. You would select the bubble for Treatment A if you prefer the certain outcome or the bubble for Treatment B if you prefer the treatment where you may have a cognition leading to a 226 second Trail Making Test performance or 115 Trail Making Test performance after treatment at a 50/50 chance.

For the next decision (row 2), again you would start from your beginning cognition of 230 seconds on the Trail Making Test. You now have the option between Treatment A which now gives a certain outcome of 212 seconds on the Trail Making Test or Treatment B which still can give you 226 seconds or 115 seconds at a 50/50 chance.

As a reminder, you are currently projected to 230 second completion time prior to receiving either treatment. A scale is provided below for reference.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
cog002a_intro (cognition RRA 1)
Subgroup of questions
cog002a_1 (rra1 cognition certain outcome : 223)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 223
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002a_2 (rra1 cognition certain outcome : 212)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 212
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002a_3 (rra1 cognition certain outcome : 201)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 201
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002a_4 (rra1 cognition certain outcome : 190)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 190
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002a_5 (rra1 cognition certain outcome : 178)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 178
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002a_6 (rra1 cognition certain outcome : 167)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 167
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002a_7 (rra1 cognition certain outcome : 156)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 156
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002a_8 (rra1 cognition certain outcome : 145)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 145
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002a_9 (rra1 cognition certain outcome : 133)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 133
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cog002_intro3 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a cognition of 230 seconds on the Trail Making Test prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
cog002b_intro (cognition RRA 2)
Subgroup of questions
cog002b_1 (rra2 cognition certain outcome : 217)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 217
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002b_2 (rra2 cognition certain outcome : 203)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 203
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002b_3 (rra2 cognition certain outcome : 190)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 190
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002b_4 (rra2 cognition certain outcome : 176)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 176
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002b_5 (rra2 cognition certain outcome : 163)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 163
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002b_6 (rra2 cognition certain outcome : 149)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 149
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002b_7 (rra2 cognition certain outcome : 136)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 136
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002b_8 (rra2 cognition certain outcome : 122)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 122
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002b_9 (rra2 cognition certain outcome : 109)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 109
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cog002_intro3 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a cognition of 230 seconds on the Trail Making Test prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
cog002c_intro (cognition RRA 3)
Subgroup of questions
cog002c_1 (rra3 cognition certain outcome : 205)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 205
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002c_2 (rra3 cognition certain outcome : 194)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 194
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002c_10 (rra3 cognition attention check)
As an attention check, please select Prefer Treatment A:
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002c_3 (rra3 cognition certain outcome : 183)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 183
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002c_4 (rra3 cognition certain outcome : 172)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 172
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002c_5 (rra3 cognition certain outcome : 160)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 160
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002c_6 (rra3 cognition certain outcome : 149)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 149
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002c_7 (rra3 cognition certain outcome : 138)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 138
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002c_8 (rra3 cognition certain outcome : 127)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 127
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog002c_9 (rra3 cognition certain outcome : 115)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 115
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cog003_intro (bedridden 80% of a year)
Now assume the following:

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient. Type II patients must now also take a pill that will increase or decrease cognition speed by 13.75 seconds. Whereas Type I patients do not have to take the pill.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment. For Type II patients, the pill has an equal 50% chance of increasing or decreasing cognition speed.

Following treatment, your health will return to full after one year and you will maintain that level for the next 30 years until your death.

As a reminder, you are currently projected to 230 second completion time prior to receiving either treatment. A scale is provided below for reference

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
cog003a_intro (cognition RRP 1)
Subgroup of questions
cog003a_1 (rrp1 cognition certain outcome : 203)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 203
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003a_2 (rrp1 cognition certain outcome : 194)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 194
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003a_3 (rrp1 cognition certain outcome : 185)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 185
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003a_4 (rrp1 cognition certain outcome : 176)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 176
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003a_5 (rrp1 cognition certain outcome : 167)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 167
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003a_6 (rrp1 cognition certain outcome : 158)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 158
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003a_7 (rrp1 cognition certain outcome : 149)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 149
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003a_8 (rrp1 cognition certain outcome : 140)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 140
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003a_9 (rrp1 cognition certain outcome : 131)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 131
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cog003_intro2 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a cognition of 230 seconds on the Trail Making Test prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
cog003b_intro (cognition RRP 2)
Subgroup of questions
cog003b_1 (rrp2 cognition certain outcome : 208)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 208
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003b_2 (rrp2 cognition certain outcome : 199)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 199
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003b_3 (rrp2 cognition certain outcome : 187)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 187
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003b_4 (rrp2 cognition certain outcome : 178)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 178
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003b_5 (rrp2 cognition certain outcome : 169)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 169
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003b_6 (rrp2 cognition certain outcome : 158)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 158
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003b_7 (rrp2 cognition certain outcome : 149)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 149
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003b_8 (rrp2 cognition certain outcome : 138)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 138
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
cog003b_9 (rrp2 cognition certain outcome : 129)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 129
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif treatment_group = 4 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
br001 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Throughout the next section, we will examine your preferences over a health condition. The health condition we will examine is weeks spent bedridden.

In the following scenarios, you will be provided a baseline health state, certain outcomes, and a treatment on a scale of 0 to 100%. The scale refers to the percent of time in the next year you will be able to perform usual activities or become bedridden. For reference, the scale below indicates a couple conditions and their corresponding percentage of able to perform usual activities in the next year.

Please answer the next question assuming the following about your health:

A few years ago, your health seriously deteriorated due to an unknown cause. Doctors could not find the cause and could not do anything to improve your health. Today, due to your health condition, you can only participate in your usual activities for 20% of the year. For the remaining 80% you will be bedridden due to your condition. Prior to your health deteriorating, you spent zero percent of the year bedridden, and 100% able to perform your usual activities.

How would you view spending 80% of a full year bedridden due to your illness?
1 Not very bad
2 Reasonably bad
3 Very bad
4 Extremely bad
End of group of questions
Good news! Recent medical breakthroughs have allowed doctors to discover the cause of your health deterioration. Not only that, there are two medical treatments available. Both treatments guarantee that your condition will be completely cured in one year, returning your health to a state where you will no longer need to spend any time bedridden, and you can expect to live for 30 more years with no concern of being bedridden due to the illness. However, the treatments will have varying effects during the coming year of treatment.

For the next set of questions, you will be shown the potential outcomes resulting from your two medical treatment options.

Treatment A will have a "certain outcome," in other words, a guaranteed proportion of the year where you can perform your usual activities that will result if you select the treatment A option.

Treatment B will have varying outcomes, dependent on if you are a Type I patient or a Type II patient.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment.

The goal of each task in this section is to find the switch point at which you would consider a certain outcome over the treatment with two random outcomes occurring at a 50% likelihood.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
br002_intro2 (bedridden 80% of a year)
For the next set of questions, please select if you would rather have Treatment A or Treatment B.

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient.

Assume for each of the following treatment decisions (each row), that is the one decision you will make regarding your received treatment. Each decision is mutually exclusive, meaning that one decision has no impact on subsequent or previous decisions made during each task.

For example, in row 1, after your health condition impacting your ability to perform usual activities to 20% of the next year, you have the option between Treatment A that gives you an improvement of 23% of the next year able to perform usual activities or Treatment B that will either give you 22% or 71% at a 50/50 chance. You would select the bubble for Treatment A if you prefer the certain outcome or the bubble for Treatment B if you prefer the treatment where you may have 22% of the next year able to perform usual activities or 71% of the next year able to perform usual activities, after treatment at a 50/50 chance.

For the next decision (row 2), again you would start from your beginning level of 20% of the next year able to perform your usual activities. You now have the option between Treatment A which now gives a certain outcome of 28% of the next year able to perform usual activities or Treatment B which still can give you 22% or 71% of the next year able to perform usual activities at a 50/50 chance.

As a reminder, you are currently projected to only be able to spend 20% of the year participating in your usual activities prior to receiving either treatment. A scale is provided below for reference.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
br002a_intro (bedridden RRA 1)
Subgroup of questions
br002a_1 (rra1 bedridden certain outcome : 23)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 23%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002a_2 (rra1 bedridden certain outcome : 28)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 28%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002a_3 (rra1 bedridden certain outcome : 33)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 33%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002a_4 (rra1 bedridden certain outcome : 38)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 38%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002a_5 (rra1 bedridden certain outcome : 43)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 43%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002a_6 (rra1 bedridden certain outcome : 48)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 48%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002a_7 (rra1 bedridden certain outcome : 53)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 53%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002a_8 (rra1 bedridden certain outcome : 58)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 58%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002a_9 (rra1 bedridden certain outcome : 63)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 63%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
br002_intro3 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health condition only allowing you to perform your usual activities for 20% of the next year.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
br002b_intro (bedridden RRA 2)
Subgroup of questions
br002b_1 (rra2 bedridden certain outcome : 26)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 26%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002b_2 (rra2 bedridden certain outcome : 32)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 32%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002b_3 (rra2 bedridden certain outcome : 38)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 38%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002b_4 (rra2 bedridden certain outcome : 44)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 44%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002b_5 (rra2 bedridden certain outcome : 50)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 50%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002b_6 (rra2 bedridden certain outcome : 56)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 56%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002b_7 (rra2 bedridden certain outcome : 62)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 62%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002b_8 (rra2 bedridden certain outcome : 68)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 68%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002b_9 (rra2 bedridden certain outcome : 74)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 74%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
br002_intro3 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health condition only allowing you to perform your usual activities for 20% of the next year.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
br002c_intro (bedridden RRA 3)
Subgroup of questions
br002c_1 (rra3 bedridden certain outcome : 31)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 31%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002c_2 (rra3 bedridden certain outcome : 36)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 36%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002c_10 (rra3 bedridden attention check)
As an attention check, please select Prefer Treatment A:
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002c_3 (rra3 bedridden certain outcome : 41)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 41%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002c_4 (rra3 bedridden certain outcome : 46)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 46%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002c_5 (rra3 bedridden certain outcome : 51)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 51%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002c_6 (rra3 bedridden certain outcome : 56)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 56%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002c_7 (rra3 bedridden certain outcome : 61)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 61%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002c_8 (rra3 bedridden certain outcome : 66)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 66%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br002c_9 (rra3 bedridden certain outcome : 71)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 71%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Now assume the following:

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient. Type II patients must now also take a pill that will increase or decrease the proportion of the year they can perform your usual activities by 5%. Whereas Type I patients do not have to take the pill.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment. For Type II patients, the pill has an equal 50% chance of increasing or decreasing your proportion of year spent able to do your usual activities.

Following treatment, your health will return to full after one year and you will maintain that level for the next 30 years until your death.

As a reminder, you are currently projected to only be able to spend 20% of the year participating in your usual activities prior to receiving either treatment. A scale is provided below for reference.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
br003a_intro (bedridden RRP 1)
Subgroup of questions
br003a_1 (rrp1 bedridden certain outcome : 32)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 32%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003a_2 (rrp1 bedridden certain outcome : 36)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 36%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003a_3 (rrp1 bedridden certain outcome : 40)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 40%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003a_4 (rrp1 bedridden certain outcome : 44)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 44%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003a_5 (rrp1 bedridden certain outcome : 48)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 48%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003a_6 (rrp1 bedridden certain outcome : 52)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 52%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003a_7 (rrp1 bedridden certain outcome : 56)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 56%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003a_8 (rrp1 bedridden certain outcome : 60)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 60%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003a_9 (rrp1 bedridden certain outcome : 64)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 64%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
br003_intro2 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health condition only allowing you to perform your usual activities for 20% of the next year.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
br003b_intro (bedridden RRP 2)
Subgroup of questions
br003b_1 (rrp2 bedridden certain outcome : 30)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 30%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003b_2 (rrp2 bedridden certain outcome : 34)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 34%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003b_3 (rrp2 bedridden certain outcome : 39)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 39%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003b_4 (rrp2 bedridden certain outcome : 43)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 43%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003b_5 (rrp2 bedridden certain outcome : 47)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 47%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003b_6 (rrp2 bedridden certain outcome : 52)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 52%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003b_7 (rrp2 bedridden certain outcome : 56)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 56%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003b_8 (rrp2 bedridden certain outcome : 61)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 61%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
br003b_9 (rrp2 bedridden certain outcome : 65)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 65%
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif treatment_group = 5 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
vs001 (reduced vision)
Throughout the next section, we will examine your preferences over a health condition. The health condition we will examine is vision.

In the following scenarios, you will be provided a baseline vision, certain outcomes, and a treatment on a scale of 20/10 to 20/200 vision. For reference, the scale below indicates different health states and their corresponding vision.

Please answer the next question assuming the following about your health:

A few years ago, your health seriously deteriorated due to an unknown cause. Doctors could not find the cause and could not do anything to improve your health. Today, due to your health condition, you have a vision of 20/162. Prior to your health deteriorating, assume you had perfect vision.

How would you view 20/162 vision due to your illness?
1 Not very bad
2 Reasonably bad
3 Very bad
4 Extremely bad
End of group of questions
Good news! Recent medical breakthroughs have allowed doctors to discover the cause of your health deterioration. Not only that, there are two medical treatments available. Both treatments guarantee that your condition will be completely cured in one year, returning your health to a state where you will have 20/10 vision, and you can expect to live and have this vision for 30 more years. However, the treatments will have varying effects during the coming year of treatment.

For the next set of questions, you will be shown the potential outcomes resulting from your two medical treatment options.

Treatment A will have a "certain outcome," in other words, a guaranteed vision for the next year that will result if you select the Treatment A option.

Treatment B will have varying outcomes, dependent on if you are a Type I patient or a Type II patient.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment.

The goal of each task in this section is to find the switch point at which you would consider a certain outcome over the treatment with two random outcomes occurring at a 50% likelihood.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
vs002_intro2 (bedridden 80% of a year)
For the next set of questions, please select if you would rather have Treatment A or Treatment B.

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient.

Assume for each of the following treatment decisions (each row), that is the one decision you will make regarding your received treatment. Each decision is mutually exclusive, meaning that one decision has no impact on subsequent or previous decisions made during each task.

For example, in row 1, after your health condition impacting your vision to 20/162 for the next year, you have the option between Treatment A that gives you a vision of 20/156 or Treatment B that will either give you 20/158 or 20/65 vision at a 50/50 chance. You would select the bubble for Treatment A if you prefer the certain outcome or the bubble for Treatment B if you prefer the treatment where you may have a vision of 20/158 for the following year or 20/65 vision for the next year following at a 50/50 chance.

For the next decision (row 2), again you would start from your beginning level of 20/162 vision for the next year. You now have the option between Treatment A which now gives a certain outcome of 20/147 vision for the next year or Treatment B which still can give you 20/158 or 20/65 vision for the next year at a 50/50 chance.

As a reminder, you are currently projected to have 20/162 vision prior to receiving either treatment. A scale is provided below for reference.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
vs002a_intro (vision RRA 1)
Subgroup of questions
vs002a_1 (rra1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 156)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 156
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002a_2 (rra1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 147)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 147
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002a_3 (rra1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 137)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 137
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002a_4 (rra1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 128)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 128
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002a_5 (rra1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 118)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 118
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002a_6 (rra1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 109)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 109
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002a_7 (rra1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 99)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 99
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002a_8 (rra1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 90)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 90
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002a_9 (rra1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 80)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 80
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
vs002_intro3 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health condition making your vision 20/162 for the following year.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
vs002b_intro (vision RRA 2)
Subgroup of questions
vs002b_1 (rra2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 151)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 151
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002b_2 (rra2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 139)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 139
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002b_3 (rra2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 128)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 128
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002b_4 (rra2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 116)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 116
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002b_5 (rra2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 105)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 105
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002b_6 (rra2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 94)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 94
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002b_7 (rra2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 82)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 82
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002b_8 (rra2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 71)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 71
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002b_9 (rra2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 59)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 59
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
vs002_intro3 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health condition making your vision 20/162 for the following year.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
vs002c_intro (vision RRA 3)
Subgroup of questions
vs002c_1 (rra3 vision certain outcome : 20 / 141)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 141
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002c_2 (rra3 vision certain outcome : 20 / 132)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 132
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002c_10 (rra3 vision attention check)
As an attention check, please select Prefer Treatment A:
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002c_3 (rra3 vision certain outcome : 20 / 122)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 122
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002c_4 (rra3 vision certain outcome : 20 / 113)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 113
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002c_5 (rra3 vision certain outcome : 20 / 103)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 103
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002c_6 (rra3 vision certain outcome : 20 / 94)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 94
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002c_7 (rra3 vision certain outcome : 20 / 84)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 84
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002c_8 (rra3 vision certain outcome : 20 / 75)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 75
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs002c_9 (rra3 vision certain outcome : 20 / 65)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 65
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
vs003_intro (bedridden 80% of a year)
Now assume the following:

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient. Type II patients must now also take a pill that will increase or decrease their vision by 10 points, within the next year. Whereas Type I patients do not have to take the pill.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment. For Type II patients, the pill has an equal 50% chance of improving or worsening your vision by 10 points.

Following treatment, your health will return to full after one year and you will maintain that level for the next 30 years until your death.

As a reminder, you are currently projected to have 20/162 vision prior to receiving either treatment. A scale is provided below for reference.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
vs003a_intro (vision RRP 1)
Subgroup of questions
vs003a_1 (rrp1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 139)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 139
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003a_2 (rrp1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 132)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 132
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003a_3 (rrp1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 124)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 124
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003a_4 (rrp1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 116)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 116
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003a_5 (rrp1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 109)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 109
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003a_6 (rrp1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 101)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 101
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003a_7 (rrp1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 94)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 94
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003a_8 (rrp1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 86)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 86
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003a_9 (rrp1 vision certain outcome : 20 / 78)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 78
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
vs003_intro2 (bedridden 80% of a year)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health condition making your vision 20/162 for the following year.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
vs003b_intro (vision RRP 1)
Subgroup of questions
vs003b_1 (rrp2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 143)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 143
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003b_2 (rrp2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 135)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 135
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003b_3 (rrp2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 126)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 126
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003b_4 (rrp2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 118)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 118
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003b_5 (rrp2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 111)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 111
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003b_6 (rrp2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 101)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 101
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003b_7 (rrp2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 94)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 94
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003b_8 (rrp2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 84)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 84
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
vs003b_9 (rrp2 vision certain outcome : 20 / 77)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 20 / 77
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if section_order = 2 then
hs001 (health today)
In this section, we will present you with hypothetical scenarios regarding your health. Since these scenarios can be complex, please read each question carefully.

Throughout the survey, we will reference your health as a numbered score. Your health score will range from 0 to 100. A health score of 0 is equivalent to death while a health score of 100 is perfect health.

On a scale of 0-100, how would you rate your health today? Please click anywhere on the slider below or use the textbox to enter your answer.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs002 (health today)
For reference, the scale below indicates a few conditions and how someone may view their corresponding health scores.

Please answer the next question assuming the following about your health:

A few years ago, your health severely deteriorated due to an unknown cause. Doctors could not identify the cause and could not do anything to improve your health. Today, your health score is a 20. Prior to your health’s deterioration, your health score was 100.

How would you view a health score of 20 on a scale from 0 to 100?
1 Not very bad
2 Reasonably bad
3 Very bad
4 Extremely bad
End of group of questions
hs_info (health today)
Good news! Recent medical breakthroughs have allowed doctors to discover the cause of your health deterioration. Not only that, there are now two medical treatments available. Both treatments guarantee that the condition will be completely cured in one year, returning your health score to 100, where you can expect to live for 30 more years at this health level. However, the treatments will have varying effects during the coming year of treatment.

For the next set of questions, you will be shown the potential outcomes resulting from your two medical treatment options.

Treatment A will have a "certain outcome," in other words, a guaranteed health score that will result if you select the treatment A option.

Treatment B will have varying outcomes, dependent on if you are a Type I patient or a Type II patient.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment.

The goal of each task in this section is to find the switch point at which you would consider a certain outcome over the treatment with two random outcomes occurring at a 50% likelihood.

See the picture below for example.

To find this switch point, we will ask you to select between one option (on the left side) or another option (on the right side).
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs003_intro (health today)
For the next set of questions, please select if you would rather have Treatment A or Treatment B.

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient.

Assume for each of the following treatment decisions (each row), that is the one decision you will make regarding your received treatment for the next year. Each decision is mutually exclusive, meaning that one decision has no impact on subsequent or previous decisions.

For example, in row 1, after your health condition of 20 health points, you have the option between Treatment A that gives you a certain outcome of 23 points or Treatment B that will either give you 22 points or 71 points at a 50/50 chance. You would select the bubble for Treatment A if you prefer the certain outcome or the bubble for Treatment B if you prefer the treatment where you may have a health of 22 or 71 after treatment at a 50/50 chance.

For the next decision (row 2), again you would start from your beginning 20 health points. You now have the option between a "Treatment A" which now gives a certain outcome of 28 health points or "Treatment B" which still can give you 22 points or 71 at a 50/50 chance.

As a reminder, you have a health score of 20 prior to receiving either treatment. The scale of health scores is included below for reference.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
hs003a_intro (RRA 1)
Subgroup of questions
hs003a_1 (rra1 health certain outcome : 23)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 23
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_2 (rra1 health certain outcome : 28)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 28
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_3 (rra1 health certain outcome : 33)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 33
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_4 (rra1 health certain outcome : 38)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 38
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_5 (rra1 health certain outcome : 43)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 43
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_6 (rra1 health certain outcome : 48)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 48
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_7 (rra1 health certain outcome : 53)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 53
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_8 (rra1 health certain outcome : 58)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 58
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003a_9 (rra1 health certain outcome : 63)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 63
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs003_intro2 (health today)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health score of 20 prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
hs003b_intro (RRA 2)
Subgroup of questions
hs003b_1 (rra2 health certain outcome : 26)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 26
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_2 (rra2 health certain outcome : 32)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 32
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_3 (rra2 health certain outcome : 38)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 38
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_4 (rra2 health certain outcome : 44)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 44
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_5 (rra2 health certain outcome : 50)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 50
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_10 (rra2 health attention check)
As an attention check, please select Prefer Treatment B:
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_6 (rra2 health certain outcome : 56)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 56
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_7 (rra2 health certain outcome : 62)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 62
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_8 (rra2 health certain outcome : 68)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 68
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003b_9 (rra2 health certain outcome : 74)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 74
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs003_intro2 (health today)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health score of 20 prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
hs003c_intro (RRA 3)
Subgroup of questions
hs003c_1 (rra3 health certain outcome : 31)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 31
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_2 (rra3 health certain outcome : 36)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 36
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_3 (rra3 health certain outcome : 41)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 41
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_4 (rra3 health certain outcome : 46)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 46
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_5 (rra3 health certain outcome : 51)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 51
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_6 (rra3 health certain outcome : 56)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 56
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_7 (rra3 health certain outcome : 61)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 61
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_8 (rra3 health certain outcome : 66)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 66
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_9 (rra3 health certain outcome : 71)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 71
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs003c_10 (rra3 health certain outcome : 83)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 83
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs004_intro (health today)
Now assume the following:

Treatment A will result in one certain outcome while Treatment B will result in varying outcomes depending on if you are a Type I or Type II patient. Type II patients must now also take a pill that will improve or worsen their health score by 5 points, within the next year. Whereas, Type I patients do not have to take the pill.

You have an equal chance of being a Type I patient or a Type II patient, but you will not know which patient type you are until after you have completed your treatment. For Type II patients, the pill has an equal chance of improving or worsening your health score, chances being 50%.

Again, both treatments guarantee that the condition will be completely cured in one year, returning your health score to 100, where you can expect to live for 30 more years at this health level.

As a reminder, you have a health score of 20 prior to receiving either treatment. The scale of health scores is included below for reference.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.

Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.
hs004a_intro (RRP 1)
Subgroup of questions
hs004a_1 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 32)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 32
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_2 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 36)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 36
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_3 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 40)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 40
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_4 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 44)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 44
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_5 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 48)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 48
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_6 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 52)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 52
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_7 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 56)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 56
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_8 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 60)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 60
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004a_9 (rrp1 health certain outcome : 64)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 64
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
hs003_intro2 (health today)
Please indicate the treatment you would select in each scenario given the outcome results below.

As a reminder, you have a health score of 20 prior to receiving either treatment.

Each treatment decision you make has no impact on the other treatment outcomes. For example, your decision for row 1 has no impact on your outcome for row 2, and so on and so forth. However, you must make a decision for each row.
hs004b_intro (RRP 2)
Subgroup of questions
hs004b_1 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 30)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 30
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_2 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 35)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 35
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_3 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 39)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 39
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_4 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 43)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 43
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_5 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 48)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 48
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_6 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 52)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 52
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_7 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 57)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 57
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_8 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 61)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 61
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
hs004b_9 (rrp2 health certain outcome : 66)
Treatment A, Certain Outcome = 66
1 Prefer Treatment A
2 Prefer Treatment B
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
CS_004 (how difficult survey)
How difficult did you find this survey?
1 Very easy
2 Easy
3 Neither easy nor difficult
4 Difficult
5 Very difficult
if CS_004 in [4,5] then
CS_005 (why difficult survey)
Why did you find this survey difficult?
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)