Routing for UAS455

The following questions are about retirement knowledge, perceptions and behaviors.

Some of these questions may look familiar, as they were included in a previous survey. We repeat these questions periodically because we are interested in how retirement knowledge, perceptions and behaviors change over time.
currentage := calcAge(dateofbirth_year, dateofbirth_month, dateofbirth_day)
if currentage = empty then
currentage (current age asked if not known)
What is your age?
RANGE 18..120
End of if
ssa_statement_treatment := '0'
if dateofbirth_month in [2,3,4,5,6,7] then
ssa_statement_treatment := '1'
elseif dateofbirth_month = 1 and dateofbirth_day = response and dateofbirth_day > 3 then
ssa_statement_treatment := '1'
elseif dateofbirth_month = 8 and date("n") = 5 and dateofbirth_day = response and date("j") > dateofbirth_day then
ssa_statement_treatment := '1'
elseif dateofbirth_month = 8 and date("n") = 6 then
ssa_statement_treatment := '1'
elseif dateofbirth_month = 9 and date("n") = 6 and dateofbirth_day = response and date("j") > dateofbirth_day then
ssa_statement_treatment := '1'
End of if
q18_year_min := currentage
if q18_year_min = empty then
q18_year_min := '18'
End of if
if maritalstatus in [1,2] then
s4 := 1
elseif maritalstatus = empty then
s4 (married)
Are you married?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
s4 := 2
End of if
s7a (currently receive Social Security benefits)
Do you currently receive Social Security benefits?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if s7a != YES then
s6a (ever be eligible to receive benefits from Social Security)
Do you think you will be eligible to receive benefits from Social Security in the future?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if s6a = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
At what age do you expect to start collecting Social Security benefits?
RANGE ^q18_year_min..100
RANGE 0..11
End of group of questions
Fill code of question 'FL_q20_text' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_q20_text2' executed
q20 (expected SS benefits per month at age 62)
If you [start/had started] collecting Social Security benefits at age 62, about how much [start/had started]2 in today's dollars, per month?
if q20 = response and (q20 < 100 OR q20 > 10000) then
FL_q20 := number_format(q20, 0)
q20_followup (followup expected SS benefits per month at age 62)
You gave $[[]] per month as an answer.

Is this correct? If not, please go back and change your answer. Otherwise, click "Next" to continue.
1 This is correct
2 This is incorrect
End of if
if dateofbirth_year = empty then
dateofbirth_year (R DaTE OF BIRTH YEAR)
In what year were you born?
RANGE 1900..2022
End of if
if dateofbirth_year < 1943 then
FRA := 65
elseif dateofbirth_year < 1955 then
FRA := 66
elseif dateofbirth_year > 1954 then
FRA := 67
FRA := 67
End of if
Fill code of question 'FL_q21_text' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_q21_text2' executed
q21 (expected SS benefits per month at FRA)
If you [start/had started] collecting Social Security benefits at age [calculated FRA[]], about how much [start/had started]2 in today's dollars, per month?
if q21 = response and (q21 < 100 OR q21 > 10000) then
FL_q21 := number_format(q21, 0)
q21_followup (followup expected SS benefits per month at FRA)
You gave $[[]] per month as an answer.

Is this correct? If not, please go back and change your answer. Otherwise, click "Next" to continue.
1 This is correct
2 This is incorrect
End of if
What type of Social Security benefit do you expect to receive? (Please select one option.)
1 Retired Worker
2 Disability
3 Spousal
4 Survivor
5 Don't know
ch047 (how file for benefits)
How will you file for your Social Security benefits?
1 Going to a Social Security office
2 Claiming online on the Social Security website
3 Filing a claim by phone
4 Filing a claim in another way, such as by mail
5 No preference
if currentage > 61 then
IF sizeof(ShuffleOrder_q23) = 0 THEN
ShuffleOrder_q23 := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2=> 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10, 12 => 12))
ShuffleOrder_q23[12] := 11
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Which best describes your reason(s) why you have not yet started your Social Security benefits? (Please check all that apply.)
1 I am still working
2 My spouse/partner is still working
3 I/we don't need the money yet
4 I have not yet reached full retirement age
5 Even though I have stopped working, my retirement savings (or my spouse/partner's) is enough to pay our expenses
6 To take advantage of larger benefits in the future by claiming later
7 I/we feel delay is worth it because our health is good and I/we are likely to enjoy a long life
8 I/we were encouraged to postpone collecting my benefits by a friend or family member
9 I/we were encouraged to postpone collecting my benefits by a financial professional
12 I/we decided to postpone collecting benefits based on the information in the Social Security Statement
10 I/we were encouraged to delay by an employee at the Social Security office
11 Other, please specify:
End of group of questions
End of if
End of if
q19b_maximum := currentage
if q19b_maximum = empty then
q19b_maximum := 120
End of if
s12a (age started receiving benefits)
At what age did you claim your Social Security retirement benefits?
RANGE 0..^q19b_maximum
if s12a = response and s12a < 62 then
You said you claimed at age [age started receiving benefits[]]. If this is correct, click 'Next' to continue. Otherwise, please go back and revise your answer.
End of if
s12d (current type of SS benefit receiving)
What type of Social Security benefit do you currently receive?
1 Retired Worker
2 Disability
3 Spousal
4 Survivor
5 Don't know
s12b (how satisified with decision)
How satisfied are you now with your decision to start claiming benefits at this age?
1 Very satisfied
2 Satisfied
3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4 Dissatisfied
5 Very dissatisfied
s12c (had sufficient information about when to claim)
Do you feel you had sufficient information about when to claim Social Security benefits to make the best decision for yourself and your family?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
IF sizeof(ShuffleOrder_q12) = 0 THEN
ShuffleOrder_q12 := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2=> 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10, 11 => 11))
ShuffleOrder_q12[12] := 12
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Which best describes your reason for starting to collect Social Security benefits before full retirement age? (Please check all that apply.)
1 I/we needed the money
2 I/we didn't trust that Social Security wouldn't cut benefits in the future
3 I/we felt like our health wasn't so good and that I/we might not enjoy a long life
4 I/we thought that I/we could invest the money and end up ahead
5 I had stopped working
6 My spouse had stopped working
7 I wanted my spouse to be able to claim a benefit on my record
8 I/we were encouraged to claim by a financial adviser
9 I/we decided to claim based on the information in the Social Security Statement
10 I/we were encouraged to claim by an employee at the Social Security office
11 I/we were encouraged to claim by friends or family
12 Other, please specify:
End of group of questions
End of if
if s4 = 1 then
s7b (spouse currently receive Social Security benefits)
Does your spouse currently receive Social Security benefits?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
End of if
s8a (current employment status)
Which of the following best describes your employment status? Are you currently...?
1 Employed full-time
2 Employed part-time
3 Not currently employed, but looking for work
4 Not currently employed, and not looking for work
5 Not currently employed due to disability
6 Retired
if s8a = 6 then
s8c (retired work status)
You mentioned that you are retired, but are you...?
1 Not working at all
2 Working part-time
3 Working full-time
End of if
if s4 = 1 then
s8b (spouse current employment status)
Which of the following best describes your spouse's employment status? Is your spouse currently...?
1 Employed full-time
2 Employed part-time
3 Not currently employed, but looking for work
4 Not currently employed, and not looking for work
5 Not currently employed due to disability
6 Retired
if s8b = 6 then
s9c (spouse retired work status)
You mentioned that your spouse is retired, but is he or she...?
1 Not working at all
2 Working part-time
3 Working full-time
End of if
if s8a = 6 AND s8b = 6 then
s11 (retired whose annual earnings higher)
Between you and your spouse, on average whose annual earnings would you say are higher?
1 Myself
2 My spouse
3 Both earn about the same
4 Varies
End of if
End of if
Fill code of question 'FL_q5' executed
q5 (provide you with the level of benefits you are supposed to get under current law in the future)
[How confident are you that, when you collect Social Security benefits, the Social Security system will be able to provide you with the same level of benefits you are entitled to under current law?/How confident are you that, in the future, the Social Security system will continue to provide you with the same level of benefits you currently receive?]
1 Very confident
2 Somewhat confident
3 Not too confident
4 Not at all confident
Fill code of question 'FL_q6a' executed
q6a (how confident SS pays at least some of benefits)
[How confident are you that, when you collect Social Security benefits, the Social Security system will be able to pay you at least some of the benefits you are entitled to under current law?/How confident are you that, in the future, the Social Security system will be able to pay you at least some of the benefits you currently receive?]
1 Very confident
2 Somewhat confident
3 Not too confident
4 Not at all confident
Group of questions presented on the same screen
if s8a = 6 then
q8a (retired ever interact SSA)
Prior to retiring from work, did you ever (select all that apply):
1 Visit a Social Security office
2 Call the Social Security Administration
3 Visit the Social Security website
8 Receive and review a Social Security Statement in the mail
4 Use a retirement calculator such as those on the SSA website and other organizations
5 Consult professional sources of advice on retirement planning (such as a financial planner)
6 Discuss financial planning for retirement with family and friends
7 None of the above
q8b (retired investment actions)
Prior to retirement from work, did you (select all that apply):
1 Participate in your employer’s retirement savings program
2 Set aside money for retirement in a savings account
3 Contribute to a 401(k), 403(b) or equivalent
4 Set up an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
5 Purchase Certificates of Deposits (CDs)
6 Invest in mutual funds, stocks and/or bonds
7 None of the above
q8c (not retired ever interact SSA)
Have you ever (select all that apply):
1 Visited a Social Security office
2 Called the Social Security Administration
3 Visited the Social Security website
8 Receive and review a Social Security Statement in the mail
4 Used a retirement calculator such as those on the SSA website and other organizations
5 Consulted professional sources of advice on retirement planning (such as a financial planner)
6 Discussed financial planning for retirement with family and friends
7 None of the above
q8d (not retired investment actions)
Have you ever (select all that apply):
1 Participated in your employer’s retirement savings program
2 Set aside money for retirement in a savings account
3 Contributed to a 401(k), 403(b) or equivalent
4 Set up an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
5 Purchased Certificates of Deposits (CDs)
6 Invested in mutual funds, stocks and/or bonds
7 None of the above
End of if
End of group of questions
q9 (how a worker’s Social Security benefits are calculated)
Which of the following best describes how a worker’s Social Security benefits are calculated? If you are unsure, please give your best guess.
1 They are based on how long the person worked and his or her pay during the last five years
2 They are based on the average of a person's highest 35 years of earnings
3 They are based on the Social Security taxes paid and the interest on those taxes
4 They are based on a person's income tax bracket when he or she claims benefits
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Next, please tell us if you believe the following statements to be true or false.

Subgroup of questions
q10a (benefits if their spouse qualifies for SS)
Someone who has never worked for pay may still be able to claim benefits if his or her spouse qualifies for Social Security.
1 True
2 False
q10b (Social Security benefits are not affected by claiming age)
The amount of Social Security retirement benefits is not affected by the age at which someone starts claiming
1 True
2 False
q10c (Social Security benefits are adjusted for inflation)
Social Security benefits are adjusted for inflation
1 True
2 False
q10f (Social Security is paid for by a tax placed on both workers and employers)
Social Security is paid for by a tax placed on both workers and employers
1 True
2 False
q10g (if disabled most are entitled to SS)
Workers who pay Social Security taxes are entitled to Social Security disability benefits if they become disabled and are no longer able to work
1 True
2 False
q10h (children under 18 get SS benefits)
If a worker who pays Social Security taxes dies, any of his/her children under age 18 may claim Social Security survivor benefits
1 True
2 False
q10i (spouse entitled to benefits)
If a worker who pays Social Security taxes dies, his/her spouse may claim Social Security survivor benefits only if they have children
1 True
2 False
q10j (divorces person never entitled)
A divorced person is never entitled to receive retirement benefits on their ex-spouse's record
1 True
2 False
q10k (People have to claim Social Security retirement benefits as soon as they retire from work.)
People have to claim Social Security retirement benefits as soon as they retire from work.
1 True
2 False
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
q11 (confidence true, false)
In general, how confident are you that the responses you just gave to these true or false questions are correct?
1 Very confident
2 Somewhat confident
3 Not too confident
4 Not at all confident
Fill code of question 'FL_q13' executed
q13 (N age eligible SS w/o reduction early retirement)
At what age [are you/were you] eligible to receive Social Security retirement benefits without a reduction for early claiming?
1 61 or younger
2 62
3 63
4 64
5 65
6 66
7 67
8 68 or older
9 Never/Not eligible
10 Already eligible
11 Don't know
NP_01 (Early Eligibility Age)
One of the terms used by Social Security is Early Eligibility Age, or EEA. To the best of your knowledge, what is your personal Earliest Eligibility Age for claiming Social Security retirement benefits?
NP_02 (FRA)
Another term used by Social Security is Full Retirement Age, or FRA. To the best of your knowledge, what is your personal Full Retirement Age?
NP_03 (work retirement age)
Based on Social Security guidelines, what is the relationship between the age at which you stop working and the age at which you can begin claiming benefits?
1 Both occur at the same age
2 The age at which you stop working should be first
3 The Social Security claiming age should be first
4 Any of these combinations are acceptable
5 Don’t know
if s8c = 1 then
q17_age_minimum := empty
q17_age_maximum := empty
if s8a != 6 then
q17_age_minimum := currentage
q17_age_maximum := 120
q17_age_minimum := 18
q17_age_maximum := currentage
End of if
if q17_age_minimum = empty then
q17_age_minimum := 18
End of if
if q17_age_maximum = empty then
q17_age_maximum := 120
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLQ17' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q17 (age retire)
At what age [do you plan to/did you] retire?
1 years old
6 Don't work/Stay at home/ Not applicable
7 Never, I plan to work as long as possible
8 Don’t know
q17_age (age retire)
RANGE ^q17_age_minimum..^q17_age_maximum
End of group of questions
End of if
IF S4 = 1 THEN
Fill code of question 'FLQ18' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q18b (expected age spouse retire)
To the best of your knowledge, at what age [does your spouse plan to retire/did your spouse retire]?
1 years old
6 Don't work/Stay at home/ Not applicable
7 Never, plans to work as long as possible
8 Don’t know
q18_age (spouse age retire)
RANGE 18..120
End of group of questions
End of if
IF S4 = 1 THEN
IF S7b != 1 THEN
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q19c (what age spouse claim SS retirement benefits)
At what age does your spouse plan to claim his or her Social Security retirement benefits?
1 At years old
6 Not eligible
7 Never
8 Don’t know
q19c_age (age spouse claim SS)
RANGE 18..120
End of group of questions
q19d (age spouse claimed SS retirement benefits)
At what age did your spouse claim his or her Social Security retirement benefits?
RANGE 18..120
End of if
End of if
Q21a (expected monthly benefit)
Imagine an individual, Mr. Spencer Wills, who is retired from work and turning 63 today. Spencer expects his monthly Social Security retirement benefit to be about $2,000 if he claims now. How much should he expect his monthly benefit to be if he decides to wait another year and claim when he is 64?
1 It would stay the same
2 Approximately $2,120 (6% higher)
3 Approximately $2,020 (1% higher)
4 Approximately $2,300 (15% higher)
IF S7a = 2 AND q18_year = response AND q18_year < 70 THEN
q22d (maintain reasonable standard of living)
If you were for any reason not able to receive Social Security benefits until age 70, do you think you would be able to draw on other savings or income to maintain a reasonable standard of living until then?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
End of if
if s7a != 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Now, thinking only about how you would like to receive information in the future, please tell us how useful you would find the following sources of information about Social Security benefits.

Subgroup of questions
ch016a (Information mailed by the Social Security Administration to my home)
Information mailed by the Social Security Administration to my home
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch016b (Public service announcements in the print media)
Public service announcements in the print media or their web sites
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch016c (Public service announcements in the television or radio)
Public service announcements in the television or radio
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch016d (Public service announcements via social media)
Public service announcements via social media (Facebook or Twitter)
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch016e (Information posted in community spaces)
Information posted in community spaces such as churches, libraries and community centers
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch016f (Information provided by a Social Security Administration representative in person)
Information provided by a Social Security Administration representative in person, in a location such as community center or local school
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch016g (Information provided at my place of work)
Information provided at my place of work
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch016h (Web-based tutorials by the Social Security Administration (such as on YouTube))
Web-based tutorials by the Social Security Administration (for example in the form of YouTube videos or other platforms)
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch016i (A Social Security Administration smartphone application (app))
A Social Security Administration smartphone application (app)
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Please tell us how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Subgroup of questions
ch017a (have enough information about Social Security retirement eligibility and benefits)
I currently have enough information about my Social Security retirement eligibility and benefits
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
ch017b (receive more information from Social Security about benefits and planning for retirement)
I would like to receive more information from Social Security about my benefits and planning for my retirement
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
ch017c (trust more Social Security than other government sources)
I trust information about retirement planning provided by the Social Security Administration more than information from other government sources
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
ch017d (trust Social Security more than private or non-government sources)
I trust information about retirement planning provided by the Social Security Administration more than information from private or non-government sources
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
ch017e (can easily find information about Social Security retirement eligibility and benefits)
I can easily find the information I want/need about my Social Security retirement eligibility and benefits
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
ch017f (Information provided in person by a Social Security representative is more relevant)
Information provided in person by a Social Security representative is more relevant to me and my specific situation than the information I can find on the website
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
ch017g (always open and carefully read all mail received from Social Security Administration)
I always open and carefully read all mail I receive from the Social Security Administration
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
ch017h (comfortable performing online transactions related to Social Security benefits)
I am comfortable performing online transactions related to my Social Security benefits
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
ch018 (heard about my social security)
My Social Security is an online account that adults with a Social Security number can set up through the Social Security Administration.

Have you previously heard about My Social Security?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if ch018 = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ch019 (how heard about my social security)
Where did you hear about My Social Security? Please check all that apply.
1 Family, friends and/or colleagues
2 Employer
3 Television, radio, newspaper and other media
4 Social Security Administration
8 Other government agencies (such as the Department of Labor or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)
11 For-profit financial industry (such as financial advisors/planners, accountants, insurance agents, banks and/or brokers)
12 Nonprofit organizations (such as AARP)
14 Community organizations (such as churches, libraries and community centers)
15 Other, please specify:
16 None of the above
ch019_other (other how heard about my social security)
End of group of questions
ch020 (set up a my Social Security account)
Have you set up a My Social Security account?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if ch020 = 1 then
ch022_intro (done any with my social security account)
Have you ever used My Social Security to do any of the following? Please select all that apply.
1 Track and verify your earnings
9 Get a replacement Social Security card
2 Get an estimate of future benefits
3 Get a letter with proof of benefits
4 Change your personal information such as address
5 Start or change your direct deposit
6 Get a replacement Medicare card
7 Get a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S
8 None of the above
Group of questions presented on the same screen
We are interested in your views about your My Social Security account. Please tell us the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Subgroup of questions
ch023a (confident in the security of personal information)
I am confident in the security of my personal information
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
ch023b (My Social Security account is easy to use)
My Social Security account is easy to use
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
ch023c (personal information on my Social Security account is timely and accurate)
The personal information on my Social Security account is timely and accurate
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
ch023d (Transactions made on my Social Security account are reliable)
Transactions made on My Social Security account are reliable
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
ch023e (My Social Security account allows to perform most of the transactions needed)
My Social Security account allows me to perform most of the transactions I need to conduct with regarding Social Security
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Strongly disagree
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ch021 (Why not set up my social security)
Why not? Please check the main reason.
1 Do not like to provide or receive personal information online
2 Too burdensome to set up
3 Not very useful / no need right now
4 Tried but was not able to complete registration for technical reasons
5 Do not know enough about it
6 No particular reason
7 Other, please specify:
ch021_other (other reason not set up my social security account)
End of group of questions
End of if
End of if
if (ch018 = 1 AND ch020 != 1) OR ch018 != 1 then
if s7a != 1 then
ch024 (willing to set up a my Social Security Account)
Would you be willing to set up a My Social Security Account?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Maybe/Don't know
End of if
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ch042 (ever received social security statement through mail)
Periodically, the Social Security Administration sends a Social Security Statement to individuals eligible to receive benefits. The Statement is a notice of yearly lifetime earnings covered under Social Security and estimated future benefits.

To the best of your knowledge, have you ever received a Social Security Statement through the mail?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if ch020 = 1 then
ch042a (ever received security statement through My Social Security social)
To the best of your knowledge, have you ever received a Social Security Statement through your My Social Security account?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
End of if
End of group of questions
if ch042 = 1 OR (ch020 = 1 and ch042a = 1) then
ch043 (how careful read statement)
Thinking about the Statement you received from Social Security, how carefully did you read it?
1 Very carefully
2 Somewhat carefully
3 Not too carefully
4 Not at all carefully
5 Did not read it
ch044 (which parts read)
Social Security would like your help determining which parts of the Statement were useful to people who read it. Which of the following parts of the Statement do you recall reading? Please select all that apply.
1 Information about the future of Social Security
2 My projected benefit amount
3 Record of my yearly earnings
4 Amount of Social Security taxes paid
5 General information about Social Security services and products
6 Information about Social Security website
7 None of the above
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ch045_intro (intro)
Have you already taken or are you likely to take any of the following actions as a result of receiving the Statement? Please choose Yes or No for each question:

Subgroup of questions
ch045a (Keep the statement with important papers)
Keep the Statement with important papers
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
ch045b (Change your personal savings rate)
Change your personal savings rate
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
ch045c (Change your financial plans for the future)
Change your financial plans for the future
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
ch045d (Contact a financial advisor)
Contact a financial advisor
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
ch045e (Contact the Social Security Administration)
Contact the Social Security Administration
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
ch045f (Change your intended claiming age for Social Security retirement benefits)
Change your intended claiming age for Social Security retirement benefits
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
ch044a (receive one or more fact sheets with statement)
Some workers receive additional fact sheets from Social Security. These fact sheets cover topics like Social Security benefits, retirement planning, or Medicare to selected workers. To the best of your knowledge, did you receive one or more of these fact sheets with your Statement?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if ch044a = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ch044b (which fact sheets received)
Which fact sheets did you receive (check all that apply):
1 Retirement Ready, describing how benefits depend on earnings and claiming age.
2 Social Security Basics for New Workers, for workers who just started earning
3 How You Become Eligible for Benefits, for those who have not yet worked enough to be eligible for benefits
4 Additional Work Can Increase Your Future Benefits, for workers without 35 years of earnings
5 You Have Earnings Not Covered by Social Security, for those with certain government or foreign earnings
6 Medicare Ready, describing the Medicare program
7 Other, please specify:
ch044b_other (other which fact sheets received)
End of group of questions
ch044c (useful fact sheets)
How useful did you find any fact sheets sent with your Statement?
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
End of if
End of if
ch046 (future preference receive statement)
In the future, how would you prefer to receive the Social Security Statement?
1 By paper mail
2 Through the internet or email
3 Both
4 No preference
5 Not applicable
if ch046 = 1 then
Ch046_follow_A1 (why prefer paper statement)
Please select the reasons why you would prefer to receive the Social Security Statement on paper. Select all that apply:
1 I like to file the mailed statement for my records, as it is an official document
2 It is easier to share a paper statement with my spouse or other family members
3 It is easier to receive the statement by mail
4 It takes more time to do things online
5 I would not know how to find my statement online
6 I would be concerned about the privacy of my information online
7 I would not know how to retain an electronic copy for my records
if cardinal(Ch046_follow_A1) > 1 then
Loop from 1 to 7
if cnt in Ch046_follow_A1 then
Ch046_follow_A2_options[cnt] := cnt
Ch046_follow_A2_options[cnt] := empty
End of if
End of loop
Ch046_follow_A2 (main reason why prefer paper statement)
Which would you say is the main reason among the ones you selected?
1 I like to file the mailed statement for my records, as it is an official document
2 It is easier to share a paper statement with my spouse or other family members
3 It is easier to receive the statement by mail
4 It takes more time to do things online
5 I would not know how to find my statement online
6 I would be concerned about the privacy of my information online
7 I would not know how to retain an electronic copy for my records
elseif Ch046_follow_A1 = response then
Ch046_follow_A2 := Ch046_follow_A1
End of if
elseif ch046 = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Ch046_follow_B1 (why prefer online statement)
Please select the reasons why you would prefer to receive the Social Security Statement by internet or email. Select all that apply:
1 It is easier to keep electronic copies for my records
2 It is easier to share electronic copies with my spouse or other family
3 It helps prevent paper waste
4 Other, please specify:
Ch046_follow_B1_other (other why prefer online statement)
End of group of questions
if cardinal(Ch046_follow_B1) > 1 then
Loop from 1 to 4
if cnt in Ch046_follow_B1 then
Ch046_follow_B2_options[cnt] := cnt
Ch046_follow_B2_options[cnt] := empty
End of if
End of loop
Ch046_follow_B2 (main reason why prefer online statement)
Which would you say is the main reason among the ones you selected?
1 It is easier to keep electronic copies for my records
2 It is easier to share electronic copies with my spouse or other family
3 It helps prevent paper waste
4 Other: [other why prefer online statement[]]
elseif Ch046_follow_B1 = response then
Ch046_follow_B2 := Ch046_follow_B1
End of if
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Listed below are some ways the Social Security Administration could provide information to working Americans. Please indicate how useful each of the following would be to you:

Subgroup of questions
ch048f (Written advice and materials mailed regularly)
Written advice and materials mailed regularly
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch048g (Written advice and materials via Social Security website)
Written advice and materials via Social Security's website
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch048b (Webinars or online videos)
Webinars or online videos
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch048c (Retirement calculators)
Retirement calculators
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch048d (Public service announcements for television or radio )
Public service announcements for television or radio
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
ch048e (Social Security phone line)
Social Security phone line
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not very useful
4 Not useful at all
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
ch049 (future info most helpful to receive)
In the future, what kinds of information would be most helpful for you to receive from the Social Security Administration? Please select all that apply.
1 How to plan for retirement
2 How to apply for Social Security benefits
3 How much your Social Security benefits will be
4 Information about the future solvency of the Social Security system
5 Taxes and deductions from Social Security benefits
6 Information about spousal and/or survivor benefits
7 None of the above
if s7a !=1 then
if treatment_randomizer = empty then
treatment_randomizer := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
if treatment_randomizer = 1 then
The older you are when you first claim Social Security retirement benefits, the higher your monthly benefit will be. The figure below presents an example of how these benefits change with claiming age. Your personal benefits will likely be different, but the rate at which your benefit will increase with age is similar. Once you’ve reviewed the figure, we’ll ask you questions about your planned claiming age.
The older you are when you first claim Social Security retirement benefits, the higher your monthly benefit will be. The figure below presents an example of how these benefits change with claiming age. Your personal benefits will likely be different, but the rate at which your benefit will increase with age is similar. Once you’ve reviewed the figure, we’ll ask you questions about your planned claiming age.
End of if
End of if
if s7a !=1 then
In the next few questions, we are going to ask you to make a number of choices about Social Security benefits.
q31b (after info age receive benefits with scale)
Given the information you have just seen, at what age do you plan to start receiving Social Security benefits?
q32 (age receive how confident right decision)
How confident do you feel that this decision is right for you?
1 Very confident
2 Somewhat confident
3 Not too confident
4 Not at all confident
q33 (age fully retire)
At what age do you plan to fully retire, i.e. stop working? Note: This can be different than the age you plan to start Social Security benefits.
RANGE 18..120
q34 (age stop working how confident right decision)
How confident do you feel that this decision is right for you?
1 Very confident
2 Somewhat confident
3 Not too confident
4 Not at all confident
End of if
Now we’ll show you two ways of displaying how Social Security retirement benefits depend on claiming age.


Bar Chart
q35 (which figure more clear)
Looking at the Text Figure and the Bar Chart, which helps you to understand more clearly how Social Security benefits change with claiming age?
1 The Bar Chart was much clearer than the Text Figure
2 The Bar Chart was somewhat clearer than the Text Figure
3 The Bar Chart was just as clear as the Text Figure
4 The Text Figure was somewhat clearer than the Bar Chart
5 The Text Figure was much clearer than the Bar Chart
6 Neither the Bar Chart nor the Text Figure were clear
q36 (which figure prefer)
Which way of showing how Social Security benefits change with age do you prefer?
1 I strongly prefer the Bar Chart over the Text Figure
2 I somewhat prefer the Bar Chart over the Text Figure
3 I'm indifferent between the Bar Chart and the Text Figure
4 I somewhat prefer the Text Figure over the Bar Chart
5 I strongly prefer the Text Figure over the Bar Chart
6 I do not like either
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)