Routing for UAS452

surveyversion := 2
This survey asks about your feelings about social media.
q001 (have facebook account)
Do you have a Facebook account?
1 No
2 Yes, but I never, or almost never, use it
3 Yes, I use it regularly
if q001 in [1,2] then
Thank you for your interest in this survey! Unfortunately you are not eligible to participate. Click "Next" to return to your panel member pages.
dummy := doPayout(1)
Exit the survey
End of if
if q002_randomizer = empty then
q002_randomizer := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
if q002_randomizer = 1 then
q002_order := array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5)
q002_order := array(1 => 5, 2 => 4, 3 => 3, 4 => 2, 5 => 1)
End of if
q002 (how often use facebook account)
How often do you use your Facebook account?
1 Every day
2 4 to 6 days a week
3 2 to 3 days a week
4 Once a week
5 Less than once a week
ad001 (like or dislike facebook ads)
Think about the ads you see on Facebook. Would you say you generally like or dislike them?
1 Like
2 Dislike
3 Neither like nor dislike
if ad001_randomizer = empty then
ad001_randomizer := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
if ad001_randomizer = 1 then
ad001_order := array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3)
ad001_order := array(1 => 3, 2 => 2, 3 => 1)
End of if
if ad001 = 1 then
ad001a (how much like the ads you see on Facebook)
How much do you like the ads you see on Facebook?
1 A lot
2 Somewhat
3 A little
elseif ad001 = 2 then
ad001b (how much dislike the ads you see on Facebook)
How much do you dislike the ads you see on Facebook?
1 A lot
2 Somewhat
3 A little
End of if
ad002 (facebook knows about you when choosing ads)
Do you think Facebook uses what it knows about you in choosing the ads you see
or Facebook does not use what it knows about you in choosing the ads you see?
1 Facebook uses what it knows about me in choosing the ads I see
2 Facebook does not use what it knows about me in choosing the ads I see
if ad002 = 1 then
ad010 (know where info comes from)
Do you know where Facebook gets the information about you that it uses to choose the ads you see?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Not sure
if ad010 = 1 THEN
End of if
ad003 (like or dislike facebook using what it know)
Do you like or dislike Facebook using what it knows about you in choosing the ads you see?
1 Like
2 Dislike
3 Neither like nor dislike
if ad003_randomizer = empty then
ad003_randomizer := ad001_randomizer
End of if
if ad003_randomizer = 1 then
ad003_order := array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3)
ad003_order := array(1 => 3, 2 => 2, 3 => 1)
End of if
if ad003 = 1 then
ad003a (how much like Facebook using what it knows)
How much do you like Facebook using what it knows about you in choosing the ads you see?
1 A lot
2 Somewhat
3 A little
elseif ad003 = 2 then
ad003b (how much dislike Facebook using what it knows)
How much do you dislike Facebook using what it knows about you in choosing the ads you see?
1 A lot
2 Somewhat
3 A little
End of if
elseif ad002 = 2 then
if ad004_randomizer = empty then
ad004_randomizer := ad001_randomizer
End of if
ad004 (like or dislike facebook did use what it knows)
If Facebook did use what it knows about you in choosing the ads you see, would you like or dislike that?
1 Like
2 Dislike
3 Neither like nor dislike
if ad004 = 1 then
if ad004_randomizer = 1 then
ad004a (how much like Facebook did use what it knows)
How much would you like Facebook using what it knows about you in choosing the ads you see?
1 A lot
2 Somewhat
3 A little
ad004b (how much like Facebook did use what it knows)
How much would you like Facebook using what it knows about you in choosing the ads you see?
1 A little
2 Somewhat
3 Very much
End of if
elseif ad004 = 2 then
if ad004_randomizer = 1 then
ad004c (how much dislike Facebook did use what it knows)
How much would you dislike Facebook using what it knows about you in choosing the ads you see?
1 A lot
2 Somewhat
3 A little
ad004d (how much dislike Facebook did use what it knows)
How much would you dislike Facebook using what it knows about you in choosing the ads you see?
1 A little
2 Somewhat
3 Very much
End of if
End of if
End of if
ad005 (most preferred facebook use information about you)
Here are three different ways Facebook could do business.
One way is to show you ads that draw on all the sources of information Facebook has about you.
A second way is to show you ads that draw only on information from what you do on Facebook.
A third way is to show you ads that are only about subjects you choose from a Facebook list of ad subjects.
Which would you most prefer?
1 See ads that draw on all the sources of information Facebook has about you
2 See ads that draw only on information from what you do on Facebook
3 See ads that are only about subjects you choose from a Facebook list of ad subjects
if ad005 = response then
if ad005_randomizer = empty then
ad005_randomizer := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
if ad005_randomizer = 1 then
FLad005_a := '$2'
FLad005_a := '$5'
End of if
ad005_dummy := ad005
ad005a (prefer to pay facebook)
Would you prefer to pay Facebook [random $2 or $5[]] a month and see no ads at all
or to pay nothing and [most preferred facebook use information about you[]]?
1 See no ads and pay Facebook [random $2 or $5[]] a month
2 Pay nothing and [most preferred facebook use information about you[]]
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
How much would you like or dislike Facebook using information about each of the following in choosing the ads you see?

Subgroup of questions
ad006a (how much like facebook use your age)
Your age
1 Like a lot
2 Like a little
3 Dislike a little
4 Dislike a lot
ad006b (how much like facebook use your household income)
Your household income
1 Like a lot
2 Like a little
3 Dislike a little
4 Dislike a lot
ad006e (how much like facebook use things you have bought on-line)
Things you have bought on-line
1 Like a lot
2 Like a little
3 Dislike a little
4 Dislike a lot
ad006c (how much like facebook use opinions you have expressed on Facebook)
Opinions you have expressed on Facebook
1 Like a lot
2 Like a little
3 Dislike a little
4 Dislike a lot
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
ad007 (can turn off tailoring of ads when you are on Facebook)
As far as you know, is there a setting on your Facebook account that allows you to prevent Facebook from keeping a record of what you do using other apps or websites?
1 Yes, there is a setting to prevent Facebook from keeping a record of my other activities
2 No, there is no setting to prevent Facebook from keeping a record of my other activities
3 Not sure
if ad007 = 1 then
ad007a (turned off the tailoring of ads)
Have you changed that setting or not changed it?
1 I have changed the setting
2 I have not changed the setting
3 Not sure
End of if
ad008 (phone type)
Which of the following describes you?
1 I have a smartphone made by Apple
2 I have a smartphone made by another company
3 I don't have a smartphone
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)
dummy := doPayout(2)