Routing for Feedback End Of Day Wave 2

FLDate := getDiaryDate()
Fill code of question 'FLToday' executed
intro1 (intro)
The following questions are about [[]].
q000 (level of physical activity)
Overall, how would you describe your level of physical activity?
1 Inactive
2 Mildly active
3 Moderately active
4 Active
5 Very active
q001 (devices worn today)
Which of the following devices did you wear today?
1 I ONLY wore Fitbit today
2 I ONLY wore GENEActiv today
3 I wore BOTH Fitbit and GENEActiv today
if q001 in [1,3] then
q002 (take fitbit of today)
Did you take off the Fitbit today?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if q002 = 1 then
q003 (how often take of fitbit)
How many times did you take off the Fitbit today?
if q003 = 1 then
q006_max := 1
elseif q003 > 4 then
q006_max := 4
elseif q003 = response then
q006_max := q003
End of if
if q006_max > 0 then
Loop from 1 to Q006_MAX
Fill code of question 'FLTime' executed
if cnt > 1 then
if q006b[cnt-1] = response then
FLQ006_compare := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q006b[cnt-1]
FLQ006_compare_fill := q006b[cnt-1]
elseif q006a[cnt-1] = response then
FLQ006_compare := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q006a[cnt-1]
FLQ006_compare_fill := q006a[cnt-1]
End of if
if q006b[cnt-1] = response then
q006a[cnt] := q006b[cnt-1]
elseif q006a[cnt-1] = response then
q006a[cnt] := q006a[cnt-1]
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLQ006a' executed
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q006a (time took of fitbit)
What time did you take off the Fitbit[ the first time/ the second time/ the third time/ the fourth time]? [

Remember, the last time you took off the Fitbit was at ^FLQ006_compare_fill.


Remember, the last time you put the Fitbit back on was at ^FLQ006_compare_fill.

q006b (time put back on fitbit)
What time did you put the Fitbit back on again?
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q007 (why take of fitbit)
Why did you take off the Fitbit[ the first time/ the second time/ the third time/ the fourth time]? Please check all that apply.
1 To charge the Fitbit
2 To dry or clean the Fitbit
3 To go to bed as I didn’t want to sleep wearing the Fitbit
4 Due to irritation, itchiness, heat, humidity or feeling uncomfortable wearing the Fitbit
5 The work that I did made it impossible to wear the Fitbit so I had to take it off during work
6 Other, please specify:
q007_other (other why take of fitbit)
End of group of questions
End of loop
if q006_max = 1 then
q004a := q006a[1]
q004b := q006b[1]
q005 := q007[1]
q005_other := q007_other[1]
End of if
End of if
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q008 (any problems wearing fitbit)
Did you have any problems with wearing the Fitbit today? Please check all that apply.
1 No, I didn’t have any problems wearing the Fitbit today
2 Wearing the Fitbit was itchy, irritating, uncomfortable, or cumbersome
3 I was not feeling well today
4 I am not used to sleeping with the Fitbit on
5 My internet connect was not very good
6 I couldn't tell If the battery ran out
7 Other, please specify:
q008_other (other any problems wearing fitbit)
End of group of questions
q009 (fitbit check activity levels)
Did you happen to check your activity levels today?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if q009 = 1 then
q009a (fitbit how often check activity levels)
How often did you check your activity levels today?
1 One or two times
2 Three or four times
3 More than four times
End of if
End of if
if q001 in [2,3] then
q010 (take GENEActiv of today)
Did you take off the GENEActiv today?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if q010 = 1 then
q011 (how often take of GENEActiv)
How many times did you take off the GENEActiv today?
if q011 = 1 then
q014_max := 1
elseif q011 > 4 then
q014_max := 4
elseif q011 = response then
q014_max := q011
End of if
if q014_max > 0 then
Loop from 1 to Q014_MAX
Fill code of question 'FLTime2' executed
if cnt > 1 then
if q014b[cnt-1] = response then
FLQ014_compare := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q014b[cnt-1]
FLQ014_compare_fill := q014b[cnt-1]
elseif q014a[cnt-1] = response then
FLQ014_compare := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q014a[cnt-1]
FLQ014_compare_fill := q014a[cnt-1]
End of if
if q014b[cnt-1] = response then
q014a[cnt] := q014b[cnt-1]
elseif q014a[cnt-1] = response then
q014a[cnt] := q014a[cnt-1]
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLQ014a' executed
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q014a (time took of GENEActiv)
What time did you take off the GENEActiv[ the first time/ the second time/ the third time/ the fourth time]? [

Remember, the last time you took off the GENEActiv was at ^FLQ014_compare_fill.


Remember, the last time you put the GENEActiv back on was at ^FLQ014_compare_fill.

q014b (time put back on GENEActiv)
What time did you put the GENEActiv back on again?
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q015 (why take of GENEActiv)
Why did you take off the GENEActiv[ the first time/ the second time/ the third time/ the fourth time]? Please check all that apply.
1 To dry or clean the GENEActiv
2 To go to bed as I didn’t want to sleep wearing the GENEActiv
3 Due to irritation, itchiness, heat, humidity or feeling uncomfortable wearing the Fitbit
4 The work that I did made it impossible to wear the GENEActiv so I had to take it off during work
5 Other, please specify:
q015_other (other why take of GENEActiv)
End of group of questions
End of loop
if q014_max = 1 then
q012a := q014a[1]
q012b := q014b[1]
q013 := q015[1]
q013_other := q015_other[1]
End of if
End of if
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q016 (any problems wearing GENEActiv)
Did you have any problems with wearing the GENEActiv today? Please check all that apply.
1 No, I didn't have any problems wearing the GENEActiv today
2 Wearing the GENEActiv was itchy, irritating, uncomfortable, or cumbersome
3 I was not feeling well today
4 I am not used to sleeping with the GENEActiv on
5 Other, please specify:
q016_other (other any problems wearing GENEActiv)
End of group of questions
End of if
q017 (time went to bed last night)
What time did you GO TO BED last night? Please select the time using the up and down arrows. To switch between AM and PM click on the blue button behind the time.
if q017 = response then
if (contains(q017,"PM")) then
q017_check := date("Y/m/d", strtotime("-1 days")) . " " . q017
q017_check := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q017
End of if
q017_check_2 := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q017
FL_q017_check := q017
End of if
q018 (time out of bed today)
What time did you GET OUT OF BED today?

Remember, you went to bed at [time went to bed last night[]].

if q018 = response then
if (contains(q018,"PM")) then
q018_check := date("Y/m/d", strtotime("-1 days")) . " " . q018
q018_check := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q018
End of if
FL_q018_check := q018
End of if
q019 := q017
q019 (time first fall asleep last night)
What time did you first FALL ASLEEP last night?

Remember, you went to bed at [time went to bed last night[]] and got out of bed at [time went to bed last night[]].

if q019 = response then
if (contains(q019,"PM")) then
q019_check := date("Y/m/d", strtotime("-1 days")) . " " . q019
q019_check := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q019
End of if
FL_q019_check := q019
End of if
q020 (time wake up today)
What time did you WAKE UP today (eyes open, ready to get up)?

Remember, you fell asleep at [time went to bed last night[]] and got out of bed at [time went to bed last night[]].

if q020 = response then
if (contains(q020,"PM")) then
q020_check := date("Y/m/d", strtotime("-1 days")) . " " . q020
q020_check := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q020
End of if
FL_q020_check := q020
End of if
q021 (wake up in night)
After you went to sleep last night at [time went to bed last night[]], did you ever wake up in the night and stay awake for more than about 15 minutes, then go back to sleep? (Do not count when you woke up at [time wake up today[]])
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if q021 = 1 then
q022 (how many times wake up)
How many times did you wake up for more than 15 minutes between [time went to bed last night[]] and [time wake up today[]]?
if q022 > 4 then
q023_max := 4
elseif q022 = response then
q023_max := q022
q023_max := 0
End of if
if q023_max > 0 then
Loop from 1 to Q023_MAX
Fill code of question 'FLQ023' executed
if cnt = 1 then
if q019_check = response then
FLQ23_compare := q019_check
FLQ23_compare_fill := FL_q019_check
End of if
q023[cnt] := q019
if q023[cnt-1] = response then
if q024[cnt-1] = response then
FLQ23_compare := date("Y/m/d h:i:s A", strtotime(date("Y-m-d") . " " . q023[cnt-1] . ' +' . q024[cnt-1] . ' minutes'))
FLQ23_compare_fill := date("h:i A", strtotime(date("Y-m-d") . " " . q023[cnt-1] . ' +' . q024[cnt-1] . ' minutes'))
if (date("d", strtotime(FLQ23_compare)) != date("d", time())) then
FLQ23_compare := date("Y/m/d h:i:s A", strtotime(FLQ23_compare . ' -1 days'))
End of if
FLQ23_compare := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q023[cnt-1]
FLQ23_compare_fill := q023[cnt-1]
End of if
elseif q019_check = response then
FLQ23_compare := q019_check
FLQ23_compare_fill := FL_q019_check
End of if
if q024[cnt-1] = response then
q023[cnt] := FLQ23_compare_fill
elseif q023[cnt-1] = response then
q023[cnt] := q023[cnt-1]
End of if
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLQ023_2' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q023 (time wake up)
What was the [first/second/third/fourth] time you woke up? [first/second/third/fourth]_2
q024 (time awake)
How long were you awake?
End of group of questions
End of loop
End of if
End of if
q025 (take naps)
Since you got up this morning at [time out of bed today[]], have there been other times you have slept? For instance, you may have taken a nap or fallen asleep while watching television.
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if q025 = 1 then
q025_2 (how many times slept)
How many times you have slept since you got up this morning at [time out of bed today[]]?
if q025_2 > 4 then
q026_max := 4
elseif q025_2 = response then
q026_max := q025_2
q026_max := 0
End of if
if q026_max > 0 then
Loop from 1 to Q026_MAX
Fill code of question 'FLQ026' executed
if cnt = 1 then
if q018_check = response then
FLQ26_compare := q018_check
FLQ26_compare_fill := FL_q018_check
End of if
q026[cnt] := q018
if q027[cnt-1] = response then
FLQ26_compare := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q027[cnt-1]
FLQ26_compare_fill := q027[cnt-1]
elseif q026[cnt-1] = response then
FLQ26_compare := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q026[cnt-1]
FLQ26_compare_fill := q026[cnt-1]
elseif q018_check = response then
FLQ26_compare := q018_check
FLQ26_compare_fill := FL_q018_check
End of if
if q027[cnt-1] = response then
q026[cnt] := q027[cnt-1]
elseif q026[cnt-1] = response then
q026[cnt] := q026[cnt-1]
End of if
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLQ026_2' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q026 (time fell asleep)
What was the [first/second/third/fourth] time you took a nap or fell asleep? [first/second/third/fourth]_2
q027 (time woke up after fell asleep)
What was the time you woke up?
End of group of questions
End of loop
End of if
End of if
q028 (bicycle more than 10 minutes today)
Did you bicycle or ride a stationary bike more than 10 minutes today?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if q028 = 1 then
q028_2 (number of times bicycle)
How many times did you bicycle more than 10 minutes today? Enter the number of different times you bicycled for more than 10 minutes. Include rides on stationary bikes.
if q028_2 > 4 then
q029_max := q028_2
elseif q028_2 = response then
q029_max := q028_2
q029_max := 0
End of if
Loop from 1 to Q029_MAX
Fill code of question 'FLQ029' executed
if cnt = 1 then
if q018_check = response then
FLQ29_compare := q018_check
FLQ29_compare_fill := FL_q018_check
End of if
q029[cnt] := q018
if q030[cnt-1] = response then
FLQ29_compare := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q030[cnt-1]
FLQ29_compare_fill := q030[cnt-1]
elseif q029[cnt-1] = response then
FLQ29_compare := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q029[cnt-1]
FLQ29_compare_fill := q029[cnt-1]
elseif q018_check = response then
FLQ29_compare := q018_check
FLQ29_compare_fill := FL_q018_check
End of if
if q030[cnt-1] = response then
q029[cnt] := q030[cnt-1]
elseif q029[cnt-1] = response then
q029[cnt] := q029[cnt-1]
End of if
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLQ029_2' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q029 (time started cycling)
What was the [first/second/third/fourth] time you started cycling? [first/second/third/fourth]_2
q030 (time stopped cycling)
What was the time you stopped cycling?
End of group of questions
End of loop
End of if
q031 (time zones)
Which of the following time zones were you in when completing this survey?
1 Hawaiian Time Zone
2 Alaskan Time Zone
3 Pacific Time Zone
4 Mountain Time Zone
5 Central Time Zone
6 Eastern Time Zone
7 None of the above because I was traveling overseas
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)