Routing for UAS90023

FLDate := getDiaryDate(teststartdate)
FLDateCAPS := getDiaryDateCAPS(teststartdate)
FLDateTop := getDiaryDateTop(teststartdate)
FLLastNight := getLastNight(teststartdate)
FLMorning := getDiaryMorning(teststartdate)
Fill code of question 'FLBeep' executed
For these questions, please think about your whole day [[]], and let us know what you ate or drank between when you woke up and now, when you are answering these questions.
di001 (eaten any vegetable salad)
[^FLDateCAPS, about how] much vegetable salad did you eat? (Count any salad that is made with leafy greens)
0 None
1 1/4 cup or less
2 1/2 cup
3 3/4 cup
4 1 cup
5 More than 1 cup
di002 (eaten any vegetables)
[^FLDateCAPS, about how] many cups of vegetables did you eat? (do NOT count salad, potatoes, corn or peas!)
0 None
1 1/4 cup or less
2 1/2 cup
3 3/4 cup
4 1 cup
5 More than 1 cup
di003 (eaten fruit)
[^FLDateCAPS, about how] much fruit did you eat? (Can be fresh, frozen or in a smoothie. Do NOT count dried, canned or fruit juice)
0 None
1 1/4 cup or less
2 1/2 cup
3 3/4 cup
4 1 cup
5 More than 1 cup
di004 (had regular soda)
[^FLDateCAPS, about how] much regular Soda like Coke, Fanta, or 7-up did you drink? (do NOT count diet/sugar free drinks!)
0 None
1 1/2 cup or less (4 oz)
2 1 cup (8 oz)
3 1 1/2 cups (12 oz can)
4 2 cups or more (16 oz bottle)
di005 (had juice)
[^FLDateCAPS, about how] much 100% fruit juice did you drink? (do NOT count sports drinks or other fruit flavored drinks!)
0 None
1 1/2 cup or less (4 oz)
2 1 cup (8 oz)
3 1 1/2 cups (12 oz can)
4 2 cups or more (16 oz bottle)
di006 (had fruit flavored drinks or sport drinks)
[^FLDateCAPS, about how] much fruit-flavored drinks, fruit juice blends or sports drinks did you drink? (do NOT count 100% juice!)
0 None
1 1/2 cup or less (4 oz)
2 1 cup (8 oz)
3 1 1/2 cups (12 oz can)
4 2 cups or more (16 oz bottle)
di007 (had sweetened coffee, tea, or hot drinks like chocolate)
[^FLDateCAPS, about how] much sweetened coffee, tea, mocha, or hot chocolate or cocoa did you drink? (do NOT count unsweetened, or zero calorie sweeteners)
0 None
1 1/2 cup or less (4 oz)
2 1 cup (8 oz)
3 1 1/2 cups (12 oz can)
4 2 cups or more (16 oz bottle)
di008 (had alcoholic beverages)
[^FLDateCAPS, about how] much alcohol did you drink? (Hard liquor such as whiskey or vodka, hard seltzers, beer, wine, mixed well drinks, etc.)?
0 None
1 1/2 cup or less (4 oz)
2 1 cup (8 oz)
3 1 1/2 cups (12 oz can)
4 2 cups or more (16 oz bottle)
di009 (had any sweet grains)
[^FLDateCAPS, about how] many sweet baked goods (sweet roll, donut, pies, cookies, brownies, cakes, etc.) did you eat?
0 None
1 1/2 piece or less
2 1 whole piece
3 1 1/2 pieces
4 2 pieces or more
di010 (had any sugary cereals)
[^FLDateCAPS, about how] much sugary cereals did you eat? (Frosted Flakes, Captain Crunch, Fruit Loops, etc.)?
0 None
1 1/2 cup or less
2 1 cup
3 1 1/2 cup
4 2 cups or more
di011 (had any candy)
[^FLDateCAPS, about how] much candy did you eat? (chewy, gummy, hard or chocolate)?
0 None
1 A few pieces
2 1/4 cup
3 1/2 cup
4 More than 1/2 cup
ED000 (survey intro)
These next questions asks about your activities, moods and interactions. For each of the questions, please choose the answer that most closely resembles the experiences you had [[]].
ED001 (Mood - Happy)
Please move the slider to represent how happy you felt [[]], on a scale from not at all to extremely.
ED002 (Mood - Frustrated)
Please move the slider to represent how frustrated you felt [[]], on a scale from not at all to extremely.
ED003 (Mood - Cheerful)
Please move the slider to represent how cheerful you felt [[]], on a scale from not at all to extremely.
ED004 (Mood - Dejected)
Please move the slider to represent how dejected / blue / downhearted you felt [[]], on a scale from not at all to extremely.
ED005 (Mood - Lonely)
Please move the slider to represent how lonely you felt [[]], on a scale from not at all to extremely.
ED006 (Mood - Relaxed)
Please move the slider to represent how relaxed you felt [[]], on a scale from not at all to extremely.
ED007 (Mood - Stressed)
Please move the slider to represent how stressed you felt [[]], on a scale from not at all to extremely.
ED008 (Mood - Angry)
Please move the slider to represent how angry you felt [[]], on a scale from not at all to extremely.
ED035 (prompted exactly four times)
The next questions ask about your experiences with using the UAS phone app [[]].
Were you prompted by the UAS phone app to answer questions exactly four times [[]]?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Not sure
ED036 (how many prompts gotten)
How many prompts did you get?
0 None
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
5 Not sure
if ED035 = 1 OR ((ED035 = 2 OR ED035 = 3) AND (ED036 = 1 OR ED036 = 2 OR ED036 = 3 OR ED036 = 4 OR ED036 = 5 OR ED036 = 6)) then
ED037 (able to use app every prompt)
Were you able to use the app to fill out the questions every time you got a prompt to do so [[]]?
1 Yes
2 No
if ED037 = 2 then
ED038 (why not able to respond to all prompts)
Please tell us briefly why you were not able to respond to all of the prompts you got [[]]. If you had problems using the UAS EMA today that are preventing you from being able to do the project or parts of it, write in your answer here, but please also call the helpdesk at 1-855-872-8673 or email us at
End of if
End of if
The next questions ask about what time you went to bed, got up and ate meals.
if q017 = empty then
q017 := "10:00 PM"
End of if
q017 (time went to bed)
What time did you GO TO BED [[]]? Please select the time using the up and down arrows. To switch between AM and PM click on the blue button behind the time.
if q017 = response then
if (contains(q017,"PM")) then
q017_check := date("Y/m/d", strtotime("-1 days")) . " " . q017
q017_check := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q017
End of if
q017_check_2 := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q017
FL_q017_check := q017
End of if
if q018 = empty then
q018 := "07:00 AM"
End of if
q018 (time out of bed)
What time did you GET OUT OF BED [[]]?

Remember, you went to bed at [time went to bed[]].

if q018 = response then
if (contains(q018,"PM")) then
q018_check := date("Y/m/d", strtotime("-1 days")) . " " . q018
q018_check := date("Y/m/d") . " " . q018
End of if
FL_q018_check := q018
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q030 (eat dinner last night)
Did you eat any meals [[]]?
Subgroup of questions
q030a (Breakfast)
1 Yes
2 No
q030b (Lunch)
1 Yes
2 No
q030c (Dinner)
1 Yes
2 No
q030d (Between meal or after meal snacks)
Between meal or after meal snacks
1 Yes
2 No
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
if q030a = 1 then
if q031a = empty then
q031a := "08:00 AM"
End of if
q031a (time had breakfast )
What time did you eat breakfast [[]]? Please select the time using the up and down arrows. To switch between AM and PM click on the blue button behind the time.
End of if
if q030b = 1 then
if q031b = empty then
q031b := "12:00 PM"
End of if
q031b (time had lunch)
What time did you eat lunch [[]]? Please select the time using the up and down arrows. To switch between AM and PM click on the blue button behind the time.
End of if
if q030c = 1 then
if q031c = empty then
q031c := "06:00 PM"
End of if
q031c (time had dinner)
What time did you eat dinner [[]]? Please select the time using the up and down arrows. To switch between AM and PM click on the blue button behind the time.
End of if
if q030d = 1 then
q031d_1 (time had snacks )
What time did you eat your first between meal or after meal snack [[]]? Please select the time using the up and down arrows. To switch between AM and PM click on the blue button behind the time.
q032_2 (second time eat snacks)
Did you eat any other between meal or after meal snacks today?
1 Yes
2 No
if q032_2 = 1 then
q031d_2 (second time had snacks )
What time did you eat your second between meal or after meal snack [[]]? Please select the time using the up and down arrows. To switch between AM and PM click on the blue button behind the time.
q032_3 (third time eat snacks)
Did you eat any other between meal or after meal snacks today?
1 Yes
2 No
if q032_3 = 1 then
q031d_3 (third time had snacks )
What time did you eat your third between meal or after meal snack [[]]? Please select the time using the up and down arrows. To switch between AM and PM click on the blue button behind the time.
q032_4 (fourth time eat snacks)
Did you eat any other between meal or after meal snacks today?
1 Yes
2 No
if q032_4 = 1 then
q031d_4 (fourth time had snacks )
What time did you eat your fourth between meal or after meal snack [[]]? Please select the time using the up and down arrows. To switch between AM and PM click on the blue button behind the time.
End of if
End of if
End of if
End of if
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any comments about this survey, or your experiences with the Food and Mood 7-day study [[]]? Please type these in the box below.

If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.

If you had any problems using the UAS EMA App [[]] that are preventing you from being able to do the project or parts of it, please call the helpdesk at 1-855-872-8673 or email us at