

General information

Question text:
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 I rarely vote in elections like this one
2 It really doesn't matter if I vote or not
3 Elections have no real effect on my everyday life
4 I have close friends or family who disagree with me about politics
5 I wish I had better or more trustworthy information that would help me decide how to vote
6 My political beliefs are based on my values and/or religious beliefs
7 I believe it is important to talk about politics, and/or get into discussions about politics on social media
8 On November 6, I was afraid of what might happen to the country if the Congressional election didn't turn out the way I wanted
Label: order of pe_q006 questions
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: Yes

Data information for pe_q006_order_1_

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