

General information

Question text:
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 [NAME] doesn't want to get vaccinated.
2 I don't want [NAME] to get vaccinated.
3 Another family member doesn't want [NAME] to get vaccinated.
4 We don't know how to schedule an appointment.
5 We don't know where to go for the vaccine.
6 We are waiting for a vaccine provider to contact us.
7 The vaccine providers are too far away.
8 There is a vaccine shortage in my community.
9 We don't have access to transportation.
10 We don't have access to a phone or computer.
11 We don't have time.
12 We are physically unable to travel.
13 We believe the vaccine is not effective.
14 We believe the vaccine is unsafe.
15 [NAME] doesn't need the vaccine.
16 The vaccine is not available in my community for people like [NAME].
17 [NAME] is not required to get vaccinated.
18 Other, please specify
Label: order why not vaccinated selected child
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: Yes

Data information for sv008_order_10_

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