
Variable Question text Label
cr015_orderorder of cr015 series
cr015aGone out to a bar, club, or other place where people gather Gone out to a bar, club, or other place where people gather
cr015bGone to the grocery store or pharmacy Gone to the grocery store or pharmacy
cr015cGone to a friend, neighbor, or relative’s residence (that is not your own)Gone to a friend, neighbor, or relative’s residence (that is not your own)
cr015dHad visitors such as friends, neighbors or relatives at your residenceHad visitors such as friends, neighbors or relatives at your residence
cr015eAttended a gathering with more than 10 people, such as a reunion, wedding, funeral, birthday party, concert, or religious serviceAttended a gathering with more than 10 people, such as a reunion, wedding, funeral, birthday party, concert, or religious service
cr015fSought care from a hospital or health care facilitySought care from a hospital or health care facility
cr015gBeen placed in isolation or quarantineBeen placed in isolation or quarantine
cr015hRemained in your residence at all times, except for essential activities or exerciseRemained in your residence at all times, except for essential activities or exercise
cr015iShared items like towels or utensils with other peopleShared items like towels or utensils with other people
cr015jHad close contact (within 6 feet) with people who live with youHad close contact (within 6 feet) with people who live with you
cr015kHad close contact (within 6 feet) with people who do not live with youHad close contact (within 6 feet) with people who do not live with you
cr015lGone outside to walk, hike, or exerciseGone outside to walk, hike, or exercise
cr015mAttended a political rally, protest, or demonstrationAttended a political rally, protest, or demonstration
cr015nAttended an in-person religious serviceAttended an in-person religious service
cr015rTraveled by airplaneTraveled by airplane
cr015sTraveled by public transportation (bus, subway, commuter rail, etc.)Traveled by public transportation (bus, subway, commuter rail, etc.)
cr021We'd like to ask about your family, as well as your close friends. How many family or close friends do you have? Only include people who are still alive, regardless of where they many family or close friends
cr022How many family and close friends do you think have been infected with the coronavirus?infected how many family or close friends
cr022aHow many family and close friends do you think have been hospitalized (spent at least one night in the hospital) from the coronavirus? hospitalized how many family or close friends
cr022bHow many family and close friends do you think have died from the coronavirus? died how many family or close friends
cr022cHow many family and close friends do you think have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine?received vaccine how many family or close friends
cr023On a scale of 0 to 100 percent, what is the chance that you will get the coronavirus in the next three months? If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.chance get coronavirus in next 3 months
cr023bIf you do get the coronavirus, what is the percent chance you will be hospitalized (spend at least one night in the hospital) from it? If you’re not sure, please give your best guess. chance hospitalized if get coronavirus
cr024If you do get the coronavirus, what is the percent chance you will die from it? If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.chance die from coronavirus
cr025_orderorder of cr025 series
cr025aHave many known harmful side effectshave many known harmful side effects
cr025bProvide important benefits to societyProvide important benefits to society
cr025cMay lead to illness and deathmay lead to illness and death
cr025dAre useful and effectiveare useful and effective
cr069aWhen you went to a bar, club, or other place where people gatherface mask gone out to a bar, club, or other place where people gather
cr069bWhen you went to the grocery store or pharmacyface mask gone to the grocery store or pharmacy
cr069cWhen you went to a friend, neighbor, or other relative’s residenceface mask friend, neighbor, or other relative’s residence
cr069dWhen you had visitors such as friends, neighbors, or relatives at your residence face mask visitors such as friends, neighbors, or relatives at residence
cr069eWhen you attended a gathering with more than 10 peopleface mask attended a gathering with more than 10 people
cr069fWhen you sought care from a hospital or health care facilityface mask sought care from a hospital or health care facility
cr069kWhen you had close contact (within 6 feet) with people who do not live with youface mask had close contact (within 6 feet) with people who do not live with you
cr069lWhen you went outside to walk, hike or exerciseface mask gone outside to walk, hike, or exercise
cr069mWhen you attended a political rally, protest, or demonstrationface mask attended a political rally, protest, or demonstration
cr069nWhen you attended an in-person religious serviceface mask attended an in-person religious service
cr069rWhen you traveled by airplaneface mask traveled by airplane
cr069sWhen you traveled by public transportation (bus, subway, commuter rail, etc.)face mask traveled by public transportation (bus, subway, commuter rail, etc.)
cr072_orderorder of cr072 series
cr072aHave many known harmful side effectscovid 19 vaccines have many known harmful side effects
cr072bProvide important benefits to societycovid 19 vaccines provide important benefits to society
cr072cMay lead to illness and deathcovid 19 vaccines may lead to illness and death
cr072dAre useful and effectivecovid 19 vaccines are useful and effective
cr073On a scale of 0 to 100, what is the percent chance that someone who is vaccinated against the coronavirus could still catch it? If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.chance someone vaccinated against coronavirus still catch it
cr074On a scale of 0 to 100, what is the percent chance that a coronavirus vaccine will cause serious side effects or long-term health problems for someone who has been vaccinated? If you are unsure, please give your best guess.chance coronavirus vaccine will cause serious side effects
cr075Have you gotten vaccinated for the coronavirus? gotten vaccinated for the coronavirus
cr076How many doses of the coronavirus vaccine have you received, including any boosters? how many doses received
cr077How likely are you to receive the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine once enough time has passed since your first dose?how likely receive second dose of coronavirus vaccine
cr092You previously told us that you got vaccinated for the coronavirus. Is this correct?confirmation gotten vaccinated for the coronavirus
cr093You previously told us that you received the ^FL_cr093 vaccine for your first dose. Is this correct?confirmation first dose type vaccine
cr095You previously told us that you had received ^FL_cr076 of the coronavirus vaccine. Is this still correct? Or have you you received a different number of doses?confirmation gotten number of doses
cr096You previously told us that you received your first dose of the coronavirus vaccine on ^preload_cr082_month ^preload_cr082_day, ^preload_cr082_year. Is this correct? confirmation when gotten first dose
cr097You previously told us that you received your second dose of the coronavirus vaccine on ^preload_cr083_month ^preload_cr083_day, ^preload_cr083_year. Is this correct? confirmation when gotten second dose
cr124How likely are you to receive the third dose of the coronavirus vaccine once enough time has passed since your second dose?how likely receive third dose of coronavirus vaccine
cr125You previously told us that you received your third dose of the coronavirus vaccine on ^preload_cr122_month ^preload_cr122_day, ^preload_cr122_year. Is this correct? confirmation when gotten third dose
cr128How likely are you to receive the fourth dose (second booster) of the coronavirus vaccine once enough time has passed since your third dose?how likely receive fourth dose of coronavirus vaccine
cr129You previously told us that you received your fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine on ^preload_cr126_month ^preload_cr126_day, ^preload_cr126_year. Is this correct? confirmation when gotten fourth dose
cr130On a scale of 0 to 100, what is the percent chance that someone who is infected with the coronavirus will end up with “long covid” symptoms that persist for four weeks or more?chance coronavirus vaccine will cause long covid symptoms
cr133You previously told us that you received the ^FL_cr133 vaccine for your second dose. Is this correct?confirmation second dose type vaccine
cr134You previously told us that you received the ^FL_cr134 vaccine for your third dose. Is this correct?confirmation third dose type vaccine
cr135You previously told us that you received the ^FL_cr135 vaccine for your fourth dose. Is this correct?confirmation fourth dose type vaccine
cr136_dayday fifth dose
cr136_monthWhen did you receive your fifth dose of the coronavirus vaccine?month fifth dose
cr136_yearyear fifth dose
cr137Which coronavirus vaccine did you receive for your fifth dose? which vaccine fifth dose
cr138How likely are you to receive the fifth dose (third booster) of the coronavirus vaccine once enough time has passed since your fourth dose?how likely receive fifth dose of coronavirus vaccine
ucv005How much do you trust the process in general (not just for COVID-19) to develop safe vaccines for the public?trust in vaccine manufacturing process
ucv006How much do you trust the governmental approval process to ensure the COVID-19 vaccine is safe for the public? trust in governmental approval process
vaccinatedindicates vaccination status