
Variable Question text Label
haveselectedchildprevious randomly selected child still 5-17 in household
preload_selectedchildprevious survey k-12 selected child
preload_sv002Has ^selectednames[selectedchild] gotten vaccinated for the coronavirus?preloaded vaccinated selected child
preload_sv003How many doses of the vaccine has ^selectednames[selectedchild] received?preloaded how many doses vaccinated selected child
preload_sv004_daypreloaded day first dose selected child
preload_sv004_monthWhen did ^selectednames[selectedchild] receive his or her first dose?preloaded month first dose selected child
preload_sv004_yearpreloaded year first dose selected child
preload_sv005_daypreloaded day second dose selected child
preload_sv005_monthWhen did ^selectednames[selectedchild] receive his or her second dose?preloaded month second dose selected child
preload_sv005_yearpreloaded year second dose selected child
preload_sv006_daypreloaded day third dose selected child
preload_sv006_monthWhen did ^selectednames[selectedchild] receive his or her third dose?preloaded month third dose selected child
preload_sv006_yearpreloaded year third dose selected child
preload_sv012You previously told us that ^selectednames[selectedchild] got vaccinated for the coronavirus. Is this correct?preloaded confirmed vaccinated selected child
preload_sv013You previously told us that ^selectednames[selectedchild] had received ^FL_sv013 of the coronavirus vaccine. Is this still correct, or has ^selectednames[selectedchild] received any additional doses or boosters since then?preloaded confirmation selected child gotten number of doses
preload_sv014You previously told us that ^selectednames[selectedchild] received their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine on ^preload_sv004_month ^preload_sv004_day, ^preload_sv004_year. Is this correct? preloaded confirmation selected child when gotten first dose
preload_sv015You previously told us that ^selectednames[selectedchild] received their second dose of the coronavirus vaccine on ^preload_sv005_month ^preload_sv005_day, ^preload_sv005_year. Is this correct? preloaded confirmation selected child when gotten second dose
preload_sv016You previously told us that ^selectednames[selectedchild] received their third dose of the coronavirus vaccine on ^preload_sv006_month ^preload_sv006_day, ^preload_sv006_year. Is this correct? preloaded confirmation selected child when gotten third dose
sc026What is your relationship to ^selectednames[selectedchild]? relationship to selected child
sc027Are you the parent or a legal guardian of ^selectednames[selectedchild]? parent guardian to selected child
sc028What is ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s gender?gender selected child
sc029Would you be willing to answer some questions about ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s vaccination-related experiences over the past 6 months? You will have the option to skip any questions you don’t want to answer.willing to answer child if not parent or guardian
school_beginbegin timestamp school section
school_endend timestamp school section
school_timetime spent school section
selectedchildselected child
sl082How many members of your household are 5-17 years old? number of hh members 5-17 years old
sl090In our last survey a few months ago you answered questions about ^preload_selectednames[preload_selectedchild]'s experiences. Is ^preload_selectednames[preload_selectedchild] still under the age of 18 and still living in your household? confirmation 5-18 selected child still in household
sv001How old is ^selectednames[selectedchild]? how old selected child
sv002Has ^selectednames[selectedchild] gotten vaccinated for the coronavirus?vaccinated selected child
sv003How many doses of the vaccine has ^selectednames[selectedchild] received?how many doses vaccinated selected child
sv004_dayday first dose selected child
sv004_monthWhen did ^selectednames[selectedchild] receive his or her first dose?month first dose selected child
sv004_yearyear first dose selected child
sv005_dayday second dose selected child
sv005_monthWhen did ^selectednames[selectedchild] receive his or her second dose?month second dose selected child
sv005_yearyear second dose selected child
sv006_dayday third dose selected child
sv006_monthWhen did ^selectednames[selectedchild] receive his or her third dose?month third dose selected child
sv006_yearyear third dose selected child
sv008Why hasn't ^selectednames[selectedchild] been vaccinated for the coronavirus yet? Please mark all that apply.^selectednames[selectedchild] doesn't want to get vaccinated.
sv008_orderorder why not vaccinated selected child
sv009Has ^selectednames[selectedchild] been tested for the coronavirus^FLTimeReference_sv009?been tested covid selected child
sv010_dayday selected child first positive covid
sv010_monthOn what date did ^selectednames[selectedchild] first test positive^FLTimeReference_sv009? month selected child first positive covid
sv010_yearyear selected child first positive covid
sv012You previously told us that ^selectednames[selectedchild] got vaccinated for the coronavirus. Is this correct?confirmed vaccinated selected child
sv013You previously told us that ^selectednames[selectedchild] had received ^FL_sv013 of the coronavirus vaccine. Is this still correct, or has ^selectednames[selectedchild] received any additional doses or boosters since then?confirmation selected child gotten number of doses
sv014You previously told us that ^selectednames[selectedchild] received their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine on ^preload_sv004_month ^preload_sv004_day, ^preload_sv004_year. Is this correct? confirmation selected child when gotten first dose
sv015You previously told us that ^selectednames[selectedchild] received their second dose of the coronavirus vaccine on ^preload_sv005_month ^preload_sv005_day, ^preload_sv005_year. Is this correct? confirmation selected child when gotten second dose
sv016You previously told us that ^selectednames[selectedchild] received their third dose of the coronavirus vaccine on ^preload_sv006_month ^preload_sv006_day, ^preload_sv006_year. Is this correct? confirmation selected child when gotten third dose
sv017How many times has ^selectednames[selectedchild] been tested^FLTimeReference_sv009?how often tested for covid selected child
sv018What were the results?results tested for covid selected child
sv019How likely is ^selectednames[selectedchild] to receive the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine once enough time has passed since his or her first dose?how likely get second dose selected child
sv020How likely is ^selectednames[selectedchild] to receive the third dose of the coronavirus vaccine once enough time has passed since his or her second dose?how likely get third dose selected child
sv021How likely is ^selectednames[selectedchild] to receive the fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine once enough time has passed since his or her third dose?how likely get fourth dose selected child
sv024_dayday fourth dose selected child
sv024_monthWhen did ^selectednames[selectedchild] receive his or her fourth dose?month fourth dose selected child
sv024_yearyear fourth dose selected child
sv026How likely is ^selectednames[selectedchild] to receive the fifth dose of the coronavirus vaccine once enough time has passed since his or her third dose?how likely get fifth dose selected child