Variable | Question text | Label |
B000_ | Now, please think about your life-as-a-whole. How satisfied are you with it? | LIFE SATISFATION |
B002_ | Were you born in the United States? | BORN IN US |
B003_ | In what state were you born? | STATE BORN - MASKED |
B006_ | In about what year did you first come to live in the United States? | ARRIVE IN US-YEAR |
B014_ | What is the highest grade of school or year of college you completed? | R HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION |
B015_ | Did you get a high school diploma or pass a high school equivalency test? | R EARN HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA/GED |
B016_ | Did you get a college degree? | R COLLEGE DEGREE |
B017M | What is the highest degree you have earned? | R HIGHEST DEGREE - MASKED |
B019_ | Consider your health while you were growing up, before you were 16 years old. Would you say that your health during that time was excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor? | RATE HEALTH AS CHILD |
B020_ | Now think about your family when you were growing up, from birth to age 16. Would you say your family during that time was pretty well off financially, about average, or poor? | RATE FAMILY FINANCIAL SITUATION - SES |
B021_ | While you were growing up, before age 16, did financial difficulties ever cause you or your family to move to a different place? | MOVE DUE TO FINANCIAL DIFFICULTY |
B022_ | Before age 16, was there a time when you or your family received help from relatives because of financial difficulties? | FAMILY GET FINANCIAL HELP IN CHILDHOOD |
B023_ | Before age 16, was there a time of several months or more when your father had no job? | FATHER UNEMPLOYED DURING CHILDHOOD |
B025_ | Did you ever live in the same household with a grandparent for a year or more before age 17? | LIVE WITH GRANDPARENTS DURING CHILDHOOD |
B026_ | What is the highest grade of school your father completed? | FATHER EDUCATION- HIGHEST GRADE |
B027_ | ^FL_B027 is the highest grade of school your mother completed? | MOTHER EDUCATION- HIGHEST GRADE |
B028_ | Do you consider yourself Hispanic or Latino? | R HISPANIC/LATINO |
B029M | Would you say you are Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban American or something else? Please choose all that apply. | TYPE HISPANIC |
B033_ | We would like to clarify some aspects of your family history.
How many children have you ^FLB033_? Please don't count miscarriages or still-births, or adopted or step-children for this question. | NUMBER CHILDREN EVER |
B034_ | How many of them are still living? | NUMBER LIVING CHILDREN |
B035_ | Have you ever served in the active military of the United States? | R SERVED IN MILITARY |
B036_ | During what years were you in active service? | YEAR MILITARY BEGIN |
B038_ | Do you have a disability connected with military service? | MILITARY RELATED DISABILITY |
B039_ | In what year did you move to your current home in^FLB039 ^FLMainResidence? | YEAR MOVED TO MAIN RESIDENCE |
B040_ | In what month was that? | MONTH MOVED TO MAIN RESIDENCE |
B041m | What were your reasons for moving to your current home in ^X025_MainCty, ^X026_MainSt? Please select up to two reasons. | why move |
B047M | In what state did you live most of the time when you were ^FLB047? | ST/COUNTRY R LIVED DURING SCHOOL-MASKED |
B049_ | Were you living in a rural area most of the time when you were ^FLB047? | LIVED RURAL AREA DURING SCHOOL |
B050_ | What is your religious preference? | R RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE |
B054_ | Is English the language you usually speak at home? | ENGLISH USUALLY SPOKEN IN HOME |
B055_ | Sometimes marital situations are not entirely clear from what we've asked so far. Please bear with us for a few more questions on this. We are interested in changes to your marital status since your last interview. Were you married at any time since ^z092, ^z093? | married at any time since previous wave |
B056_ | ^FL_B056 In what month and year were you married? | month married |
B057_ | year married | |
B058_D | Did you divorce or become widowed since your last interview in ^z092, ^z093? | divorced or widowed at any time since previous wave |
B059_ | In what month and year did you ^FL_B059? | month married |
B060_ | year divorced or widowed | |
B061_ | Just to clarify, are you currently separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married? ^FL_B061 | MARITAL STATUS IF UNMARRIED |
B065_ | Altogether, how many times have you been married^FLB065? | NUMBER OF MARRIAGES |
B066_ | In what year and month did your ^FLB066 marriage begin? | MARRIAGE YEAR BEGAN |
B068_ | Did that marriage end in divorce or were you widowed? | MARRIAGE END DIVORCE/WIDOW |
B070_ | About how many years did that marriage last? | MARRIAGE-YEARS MARRIED |
B076_ | How often did you receive assistance with answers to these questions? | ASSIST SECTION B-DEMOGRAPHICS |
B078_ | Did you ever live with your mother for a period of 6 months or more as an adult, that is, at age 25 or older? | ST/COUNTRY R LIVED DURING SCHOOL |
B079_ | Would you say that living with her was mainly to help your mother out, to help you out, or because it would be helpful to both of you? If you lived with your mother more than once and both you and your mother were helped at different times, select option "Help both". | DID MOVE HELP YOU- YOUR MOTHER- OR BOTH |
B080_ | Did any of your brothers or sisters ever live with your mother for a period of 6 months or more as an adult, that is, at age 25 or older? | SIBS LIVE W/ MOTH 6 MO OR MORE AS ADULT |
B081_ | Would you say that living with her was mainly to help your mother out, to help the sibling out, or because it would be helpful to all of them? | MOVE MADE TO HELP MOTHER-SIBLINGS-BOTH |
B082_ | About how often have you attended religious services during the past year? | HOW OFTEN ATTEND RELIGIOUS SERV |
B083M | In what country were you born? | COUNTRY BORN - Mexico |
B084 | Mode of interview | |
B085_ | Are you a citizen of the United States? | US CITIZENSHIP |
B086_ | Were you born a citizen of the United States? [DEF: By "U.S.-born citizens" we mean people born abroad of an American parent or parents, and those born in U.S. territories and possessions, including Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas.] | BORN US CITIZEN |
B087_ | In what year did you become a United States citizen? | YEAR BECAME US CITIZEN |
B088_ | What portion of the time did your mother work outside the home when you were growing up? | MOTHER WORK DURING CHILDHOOD |
B089M | What race do you consider yourself to be? Please choose all that apply. | R RACE - MULTIPLE RESPONSE |
B091_ | Do you consider yourself primarily | R RACE - PRIMARY - MASKED |
B096_ | Were you a commissioned officer, a warrant officer, or enlisted personnel when you left the armed forces for the last time?
B097_ | Did you ever fire a weapon against the enemy or come under enemy fire? | EVER FIRE WEAPON |
B099_ | When you were growing up, before you were 16 years old, did you miss a month or more of school because of a health problem? | Childhood - Missed School |
B100_ | Measles? | Measles Before Age 16 |
B101_ | Mumps? | Mumps Before Age 16 |
B102_ | Chicken Pox? | Chicken Pox Before Age 16 |
B103_ | Difficulty seeing, even with eye glasses or prescription lenses? | Difficulty Seeing Before Age 16 |
B104_ | Did your parents or guardians smoke during your childhood? | Parents/Guardians Smoke |
B105_ | Asthma? | Asthma Before Age 16 |
B106_ | Diabetes? | Diabetes Before Age 16 |
B107_ | A respiratory disorder such as bronchitis, wheezing, hay fever, shortness of breath, or sinus infection? | Respiratory Disorder Before Age 16 |
B108_ | A speech impairment? | Speech Impairment Before Age 16 |
B109_ | An allergic condition? | Allergic Condition Before Age 16 |
B110_ | Heart trouble? | Heart Trouble Before Age 16 |
B111_ | Chronic ear problems or infections?
[DEF: By "chronic" we mean recurring, that is, coming back again and again, persistent, lasting, or not going away.] | Ear Problems Before Age 16 |
B112_ | Epilepsy or seizures? | Epilepsy or Seizures Before Age 16 |
B113_ | Severe headaches or migraines? | Headaches or Migraines Before Age 16 |
B114_ | Stomach problems? | Stomach Problems Before Age 16 |
B115_ | High blood pressure? | High BP Before Age 16 |
B116_ | Depression? | Depression Before Age 16 |
B117_ | Drug or alcohol problems? | Drugs/Alcohol Problems Before Age 16 |
B118_ | Any other emotional or psychological problems? | Other Psych Problems Before Age 16 |
B119_ | Before you were 16 years old, did you have a blow to the head, a head injury or head trauma that was severe enough to require medical attention, to cause loss of consciousness or memory loss for a period of time? | Childhood- Concussion or Severe Head Injury |
B120_ | Before you were 16 years old, were you ever disabled for six months or more because of a health problem? That is, were you unable to do the usual activities of classmates or other children your age? | Childhood- Disability |
B122_ | Did you regularly smoke cigarettes while you were in grade school or high school? By "regularly" we mean at least one cigarette a day for most days of the week, for six months or more. | Childhood-Smoking |
B123_ | In grade school or high school, did you ever have a problem in learning the usual lessons, such that you regularly attended special classes, received special training sessions, or had to attend a different school for more than six months? | Childhood-Learning Problems |
B124_ | Were there any other important or serious health problems that you had before age 16 that you could tell us about? | Childhood-Any Other Conditions |
B127_ | At what age were you first diagnosed with ^FLB129[Bcnt]? If you don't know the exact age, please give us your best estimate. Please just enter 1 if it was before age 1. If you had multiple occurrences of the same condition, how old were you when it was first diagnosed? | Age first diagnosed |
B127_after | At what age were you first diagnosed with ^FLB129[Bcnt]? If you don't know the exact age, please give us your best estimate. Please just enter 1 if it was before age 1. If you had multiple occurrences of the same condition, how old were you when it was first diagnosed? | Age first diagnosed after 16 |
B128_ | Would you say it was before age 12, after age 12, or what? | Age first diagnosed after no response |
B129_ | Until what age did you have ^FLB129[Bcnt]? If you don't know the exact age, please give us your best estimate. If you had multiple occurrences of the same condition, how old were you when the first episode ended? | Age condition stopped |
B132_ | Are you generally a person who tries to avoid taking risks or one who is fully prepared to take risks? Please rate yourself from 0 to 10, where 0 means "not at all willing to take risks" and 10 means "very willing to take risks." | RISK AVERSION |
B135_ | Next, we'd like to ask you a question about how you think of yourself. ^FL_B135 | sexual identity |
B136_ | Did your mother ever work outside of the home? | mother ever work outside of home |
UAS089 | Are you of Middle Eastern or North African descent? | middle eastern or north african ascend |