
Variable Question text Label
HRA_discDid you receive a discount on your premium, co-payments, or other financial incentive for participating in this health risk assessment or biometric screening? risk assessment receive discount on premium, co-payments, or other financial incentive
HRA_everHave you ever completed a health risk assessment or biometric screening associated with your health insurance plan? ever completed a health risk assessment or biometric screening with insurance plan
HRA_satisfiedHow satisfied were you with your health risk assessment?how satisfied with with health risk assessment
WTP_vHow much ^FLMore would you expect to pay for a video visit? how much expect to pay for video visit
WTP_vcatYour answers are important to us.

How much ^FLMore would you expect to pay for a video visit?
categorical how much expect to pay for video visit
expectpay_vConsider the typical amount you pay out-of-pocket for an in-person visit. Would you expect to pay more, less, or the same for a video visit? expect to pay for video visit
interest_PCPvHow interested would you be to see your primary care provider over video for some appropriate visits? how interested in video visit
interest_PCPv_whyThinking about why a video visit with your doctor is appealing to you, please choose all that apply. why appealing video visit
mailrx_everHave you ever used a mail-order pharmacy service for prescriptions, such as regular deliveries of your prescriptions to your home? ever used a mail-order pharmacy service for prescriptions
mailrx_satisfiedHow satisfied were you with the mail-order pharmacy service? how satisfied with mail-order pharmacy service
th_6mDo you plan to use telehealth again in the next six months? plan to use telehealth again in the next six months
th_OOPHow much did you pay out-of-pocket for the telehealth visit? How much pay out-of-pocket for telehealth visit
th_OOP_compIs that more, less, or the same as what you typically pay out-of-pocket for an in-person visit? compare how much pay out-of-pocket for telehealth visit
th_familyWould you consider scheduling a telehealth visit for members of your family? consider scheduling telehealth visit for members of family
th_family_whoFor whom? Please check all that apply. who schedule telehealth visit
th_futureHow often do you expect to use telehealth in the future? how often expect to use telehealth in the future
th_modalityThinking about your most recent telehealth encounter ^th_type_dummy, what kind of interaction best describes this visit?modaility most recent telehealth encounter
th_satisfiedOverall, I was satisfied with my telehealth encounter Overall, I was satisfied with my telehealth encounter
th_satisfied_sameMy telehealth encounter was as satisfactory as an in-person encounter would have been My telehealth encounter was as satisfactory as an in-person encounter would have been
th_typeWhat type of provider did you interact with for your most recent telehealth encounter?provider interact most recent telehealth encounter
th_yrA telehealth encounter is a virtual visit with your doctor or other health care provider where you are interacting with your provider by video, telephone, or an online portal. Have you had a telehealth encounter with your health care provider in the last year?telehealth encounter in last year
wp_discDid you receive a discount on your premium, co-payments, or other financial incentive for participating in this wellness program? wellness program receive discount on premium, co-payments, or other financial incentive
wp_everHave you ever participated in a wellness program associated with your health insurance plan; such as a program to stop smoking, lose weight, or other lifestyle or behavioral coaching program?evr participated in wellness program with health insurance plan
wp_satisfiedHow satisfied were you with your wellness program? how satisfied with wellness program