Variable | Question text | Label |
home_IV | Outpatient intravenous (IV) therapy and injections | Outpatient intravenous (IV) therapy and injections |
home_OT | Occupational therapy | Occupational therapy |
home_PT | Rehabilitation/Physical therapy | Rehabilitation/Physical therapy |
home_chronic | Chronic condition monitoring | Chronic condition monitoring |
ip_prefer | Are there any attributes below that would make you prefer an in-person visit over a video visit? Please check all that apply. | why prefer in-person over video |
match_chronic | Chronic care check-ins | Chronic care check-ins |
match_chronic_amt | How much would you be willing to pay out-of-pocket for the video visit for chronic care check-ins? | how much more Chronic care check-ins |
match_chronic_cnt | warning count Chronic care check-ins | |
match_chronic_pm | Remember that this health insurance plan has a $20 co-payment for a video visit. Would you be willing to pay more than $20 for a video visit for chronic care check-ins? | pay more Chronic care check-ins |
match_chronic_t | Now think about how long it could take to travel to the doctor’s office. At what point would you prefer a video visit with your doctor instead of traveling for an in-person visit for chronic care check-ins.
I would prefer a video visit if it takes me this long to travel to the doctor’s office: | when prefer Chronic care check-ins |
match_mh | Regular mental health visits | Regular mental health visits |
match_mh_amt | How much would you be willing to pay out-of-pocket for the video visit for regular mental health visits? | how much more Regular mental health visits |
match_mh_cnt | warning count Regular mental health visits | |
match_mh_pm | Remember that this health insurance plan has a $20 co-payment for a video visit. Would you be willing to pay more than $20 for a video visit for regular mental health visits? | pay more Regular mental health visits |
match_mh_t | Now think about how long it could take to travel to the doctor’s office. At what point would you prefer a video visit with your doctor instead of traveling for an in-person visit for regular mental health visits.
I would prefer a video visit if it takes me this long to travel to the doctor’s office: | when prefer Regular mental health visits |
match_newdr | Initial meeting with a doctor | Initial meeting with a doctor |
match_newdr_amt | How much would you be willing to pay out-of-pocket for the video visit for an initial meeting with a doctor? | how much more Initial meeting with a doctor |
match_newdr_cnt | warning count Initial meeting with a doctor | |
match_newdr_pm | Remember that this health insurance plan has a $20 co-payment for a video visit. Would you be willing to pay more than $20 for a video visit for an initial meeting with a doctor? | pay more Initial meeting with a doctor |
match_newdr_t | Now think about how long it could take to travel to the doctor’s office. At what point would you prefer a video visit with your doctor instead of traveling for an in-person visit for an initial meeting with a doctor.
I would prefer a video visit if it takes me this long to travel to the doctor’s office: | when prefer Initial meeting with a doctor |
match_pcp | Wellness check with primary care provider | Wellness check with primary care provider |
match_pcp_amt | How much would you be willing to pay out-of-pocket for the video visit for a wellness check with your primary care provider? | how much more Wellness check with primary care provider |
match_pcp_cnt | warning count Wellness check with primary care provider | |
match_pcp_pm | Remember that this health insurance plan has a $20 co-payment for a video visit. Would you be willing to pay more than $20 for a video visit for a wellness check with your primary care provider? | pay more Wellness check with primary care provider |
match_pcp_t | Now think about how long it could take to travel to the doctor’s office. At what point would you prefer a video visit with your doctor instead of traveling for an in-person visit for a wellness check with your primary care provider.
I would prefer a video visit if it takes me this long to travel to the doctor’s office: | when prefer Wellness check with primary care provider |
match_rx | Prescription renewal visits | Prescription renewal visits |
match_rx_amt | How much would you be willing to pay out-of-pocket for the video visit for prescription renewal visits? | how much more Prescription renewal visits |
match_rx_cnt | warning count Prescription renewal visits | |
match_rx_pm | Remember that this health insurance plan has a $20 co-payment for a video visit. Would you be willing to pay more than $20 for a video visit for prescription renewal visits? | pay more Prescription renewal visits |
match_rx_t | Now think about how long it could take to travel to the doctor’s office. At what point would you prefer a video visit with your doctor instead of traveling for an in-person visit for prescription renewal visits.
I would prefer a video visit if it takes me this long to travel to the doctor’s office: | when prefer Prescription renewal visits |
match_surgicalfu | Post-discharge surgery follow-up | Post-discharge surgery follow-up |
match_surgicalfu_amt | How much would you be willing to pay out-of-pocket for the video visit for a post-discharge surgery follow-up? | how much more Post-discharge surgery follow-up |
match_surgicalfu_cnt | warning count Post-discharge surgery follow-up | |
match_surgicalfu_pm | Remember that this health insurance plan has a $20 co-payment for a video visit. Would you be willing to pay more than $20 for a video visit for a post-discharge surgery follow-up? | pay more Post-discharge surgery follow-up |
match_surgicalfu_t | Now think about how long it could take to travel to the doctor’s office. At what point would you prefer a video visit with your doctor instead of traveling for an in-person visit for a post-discharge surgery follow-up.
I would prefer a video visit if it takes me this long to travel to the doctor’s office: | when prefer Post-discharge surgery follow-up |
match_urgent | Urgent care | Urgent care |
match_urgent_amt | How much would you be willing to pay out-of-pocket for the video visit for urgent care? | how much more Urgent care |
match_urgent_cnt | warning count Urgent care | |
match_urgent_pm | Remember that this health insurance plan has a $20 co-payment for a video visit. Would you be willing to pay more than $20 for a video visit for urgent care? | pay more Urgent care |
match_urgent_t | Now think about how long it could take to travel to the doctor’s office. At what point would you prefer a video visit with your doctor instead of traveling for an in-person visit for urgent care.
I would prefer a video visit if it takes me this long to travel to the doctor’s office: | when prefer Urgent care |
savings_chronic | Chronic care check-ins | savings Chronic care check-ins |
savings_mh | Regular mental health visits | savings Regular mental health visits |
savings_newdr | Initial meeting with a doctor | savings Initial meeting with a doctor |
savings_pcp | Wellness check with primary care provider | savings Wellness check with primary care provider |
savings_rx | Prescription renewal visits | savings Prescription renewal visits |
savings_surgicalfu | Post-discharge surgery follow-up | savings Post-discharge surgery follow-up |
savings_urgent | Urgent care | savings Urgent care |
warning | You said you would pay $^amount. That is $^diff more than the $20 co-payment for the in-person visit. Is that what you meant? |