re001 | Did ^FLYou have a bank account prior to incarceration?
| have bank account |
re002 | ^FLHaveHHMember attempted to open a checking or savings account after release? Please select all that apply.
| attempted to open account |
re003 | Was ^FLYours attempt to open a checking account successful?
| result attempted to open checking account |
re004 | Was ^FLYours attempt to open a savings account successful? | result attempted to open savings account |
re005 | If ^FLYou did not attempt to open a checking or savings account after release, what were the reasons? (select all that apply): | why not attempted to open account |
re006 | If ^FLYou ^FLWereOnly not able to open a checking or savings account after release, what were the reasons? (select all that apply):
| why unable to open account |
re007 | Did ^FLYou attempt to obtain a loan from a bank or non-bank lender (for example getting an auto loan) or obtain a credit card within the first three years after release? | obtain loan from bank or non-bank lender |
re008 | Was the attempt to borrow money or obtain a credit card from a bank or credit union successful?
| successful to borrow money or obtain credit card |
re009 | How would you rate ^FLYours credit score before incarceration?
| credit score before incarceration |
re010 | How would you rate ^FLYours credit score upon release? | credit score after release |
re011 | How would you rate ^FLYours credit score today? | credit score currently |
re012 | When did ^FLYou start searching for work after release? | when started searcing for work |
re013 | How long did it take ^FLYou to find a job after release? | how long take to find a job |
re014 | Did any of the following potential obstacles make it difficult to find work? (please select all that apply) | any obstacles making it difficult to work |
re015 | How long did it take ^FLYou to find permanent housing after release? | how long take to find housing |
re016 | ^FLDoesCAPS currently owe money in fines, fees, or other outstanding court debt? | currently owe money in fines, fees, debt |
re017a | How much ^FLDoes owe in outstanding fines, fees, or other court debt? | how much currently own in outstanding fines |
re017b | How much did ^FLYou owe in outstanding fines, fees, or other court debt? | how much did own in outstanding fines |
re018a | How difficult is it for you or your household to pay down the amount of fines, fees, or other court debt owed? | how difficult to pay down amount of fines, fees, debt |
re018b | How difficult was it for you or your household to pay down the amount of fines, fees, or other court debt owed? | how difficult it was to pay down amount of fines, fees, debt |
re019 | Do you or any members of your household currently have liens on any of the following due to outstanding fines, fees, or other debts owed to the court system or correctional facilities? | currently have liens |
re020a | How ^FLDoes pay the courts for fines, fees, or other court-related debts? (select all that apply) | how paying for fines, fees, debt |
re020b | How did ^FLYou pay the courts for fines, fees, or other court-related debts? (select all that apply) | how paid for fines, fees, debt |
re021 | How long did it take to pay off any court fines, fees, or other debts? | how long took to pay fines, fees, debt |
re022 | Has COVID-19 hurt you or your household's ability to make payments for fines, fees, or other court-related debts? | covid hurt ability to pay fines, fees, debt |
re023 | ^FLWereOnlyCAPS ^FLYou presented with the opportunity to reduce court fines, fees, or other court debts through court offered activities (for example community service)? | presented with opportunity to reduce fines, fees, debt |
re024 | ^FLWereOnlyCAPS ^FLYou presented with the opportunity to enter into a payment plan for court fines, fees, or other debts? | presented with opportunity to enter payment plan |
re025 | Have you ever lost housing because you or a member of the household spent time in jail or prison? This includes evictions due to the fact that a household member was incarcerated. (select all that apply) | lost housing due to jail or prison |
re026 | Has ^FLYours driver's license been suspended for any of the following reasons (select all that apply):
| driver license suspended |
re027 | ^FLWereOnlyCAPS ^FLYou able to get ^FLTheir license back? | able to get license back |
re028 | How long did it take to get ^FLTheir license back? | how long took to get license back |
re029 | ^FLHave ever been put in jail or prison due to failing to pay court fines or fees? | ever been put in jail or prison due to failing fines or fees |
re030 | Has anyone in your household ever been denied access to the following public benefits or had them taken away due to you or a member of your household having been previously incarcerated? (please select all that apply) | ever denied access to benefits because of incarceration |
re031a | Took out a payday loan or received a pay advance loan | Took out a payday loan or received a pay advance loan |
re031b | Used a pawn shop loan | Used a pawn shop loan |
re031c | Used an installment loan | Used an installment loan |
re031d | Took out a tax refund anticipation loan | Took out a tax refund anticipation loan |
re031e | Cut back on basic needs, such as groceries or medical care | Cut back on basic needs, such as groceries or medical care |
re031f | Committed a crime | Committed a crime |
re031g | Stopped making other debt payments | Stopped making other debt payments |
re031h | Delayed or stopped rent, mortgage, or utility payments | Delayed or stopped rent, mortgage, or utility payments |