
Variable Question text Label
CS_001Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?HOW PLEASANT INTERVIEW
askConsentask consent or not
consentHHMemberWe are inviting you to take part in an interview study because you noted that you or a household member spent time in jail and/or prison. For this study, we are interviewing people who have been, or have household members who have been in prison or jail.

The aim of the study is to help us understand the financial challenges people face before, during and after incarceration, and to find better ways to meet their needs.

The interviews will be approximately one hour and we will give you $100 as a thank you for your time and your valuable input.

Are you willing to participate in an in-depth interview?
consent household member in prison
consentRWe are inviting you to take part in an interview study because you noted that you or a household member spent time in jail and/or prison. For this study, we are interviewing people who have been, or have household members who have been in prison or jail.

The aim of the study is to help us understand the financial challenges people face before, during and after incarceration, and to find better ways to meet their needs.

The interviews will be approximately one hour and we will give you $100 as a thank you for your time and your valuable input.

Are you willing to participate in an in-depth interview?
consent R in prison