
Variable Question text Label
st001aDo you or anyone else in your household currently have any of the following student loans? (check all that apply). Please include loans that your household has to pay for the education of someone who may not be part of your household now, such as a grandchild or a child who no longer lives with you.Federal student loans (including Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS))
st002aPlease estimate the amount your household currently owes from federal student loans. If you aren't sure, your best guess will do. For example, if you or someone in your household currently have a $5000 balance on a federal student loan and $1000 on another federal loan, your total federal student loan balance would be $6000.amount owed from federal student loans
st002bDuring the past 12 months, did you take advantage of the federal student loan payment pause under the COVID-19 moratorium?federal students quality for covid student loan pause
st003aPlease estimate the amount your household currently owes from private student loans. If you aren't sure, your best guess will do. For example, if you or someone in your household currently have a $2000 balance on a private student loan and $1000 on another private loan, your total private student loan balance would be $3000.amount owed from private student loans