
Variable Question text Label
fi001In the past 12 months, did you spend any time assisting a family member or close friend (for example, a parent, grandparent, wife, husband, adult child, other family member, neighbor or close friend) with their basic personal activities? By that we mean daily activities such as dressing, eating, bathing, paying bills, managing medication, food preparation, grocery shopping, doctor visits, emotional support, driving, and other types of personal assistance. spend any time assisting a family member or close friend
fi002Have you or has anyone in your household spent time in jail or prison? anyone in household spent time in jail
fi003Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard? ever served on active duty
q023Taking into account all sources of income for everyone in your household, what was your total household income over the last 12 months?

Please consider all sources of income, including:
  • wages, tips, bonuses
  • income from self-employment
  • income from investments or retirement savings
  • payments from government benefits (including unemployment and Social Security benefits)
  • and settlements such as alimony and child support
hh income