
Variable Question text Label
ondeviceaskWelcome and thanks for your interest in playing this game!

Before we get started could you please tell us what kind of device you are currently using?
Ask device
onkeyboard_dhdont have device with keyboard
onkeyboardaskWelcome and thanks for your continued interest in playing this game!

We would like you to do the second game using your computer or laptop which uses a keyboard.

Are you currently using a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard?
Ask on keyboard device
onkeyboardconfirmWelcome and thanks for your continued interest in playing this game!

We would like you to do the second game using your computer or laptop which uses a keyboard. However, it looks like you are trying to do this survey on a smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard.

Are you using a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard right now?

Confirm on device with keyboard
onmobile_dhdont have device with mobile
onmobile_scanAuto-scan of device usedscanned on mobile device
onmobileaskWelcome and thanks for your continued interest in playing this game!

We would like you to do the second game using your smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard.

Are you currently using a smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard?
Ask on mobile device
onmobileconfirmWelcome and thanks for your continued interest in playing this game!

We would like you to do the second game using your smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard. However, it looks like you are trying to do this survey on a computer or laptop which uses a keyboard.

Are you using a smartphone or a tablet without a keyboard right now?

Confirm on mobile device
onmobileguess_incorrectIndicates if guess on mobile was correct or not.incorrect on mobile gues
preload_conditionpreloaded uas323 conditionpreloaded uas323 condition