
Variable Question text Label
se001aRemote school when weather is bad or when school buildings have to be closed for another reason Remote school when weather is bad or when school buildings have to be closed for another reason.
se001bTutoring students, or giving extra instruction to students, remotely (through zoom or other video tool) Tutoring students, or giving extra instruction to students, remotely (through zoom or other video tool)
se001c"Asynchronous," class work when students work on their own time, without a teacher physically presentuuse asynchronous learning
se001dZoom or other video software for parents to meet with teachersZoom or other video software for parents to meet with teachers
se001fMore online reading materials than hard-copy books/textbooksmore online reading materials than hard-copy books/textbooks
se001gAsking students to submit assignments online more than handing in work on paperAsking students to submit assignments online more than handing in work on paper
se001hUsing online platforms (like canvas, google classroom) to store, organize and hand out class materialsUsing online platforms (like canvas, google classroom) to store, organize and hand out class materials
se001iStudents using email and other forms of electronic communication to talk to teachersStudents using email and other forms of electronic communication to talk to teachers
se002aLonger school daysLonger school days
se002bA longer school year (more days of instruction, fewer days off)A longer school year (more days of instruction, fewer days off)
se002cNo longer requiring tests like the SAT or ACT to get in to college No longer requiring tests like the SAT or ACT to get in to college
se002dSending students on to the next grade level even if they do not meet requirements for advancingSending students on to the next grade level even if they do not meet requirements for advancing
se002eOffering students the option to repeat their 2020-21 grade level Offering students the option to repeat their 2020-21 grade level
se002fUsing pass/fail for grades instead of A-F letter gradesUsing pass/fail for grades instead of A-F letter grades
se002gA shorter summer vacationA shorter summer vacation
se003aLectures help lectures
se003bProjects help projects
se003cSmall groups of students discussing a topic, with the teacher walking around from group to group help small groups of students discussing a topic, with the teacher walking around from group to group
se003dLarge group class discussions, led by the teacher help large group class discussions, led by the teacher
se003eTechnology in the classroom help technology in the classroom
se003fOral presentationshelp oral presentations
se003gDebateshelp debates
se004aPolitical issues like immigration or gun control Political issues like immigration or gun control
se004bHow the U.S. government system works (e.g. the three branches of the federal government, the U.S. Constitution) How the U.S. government system works (e.g. the three branches of the federal government, the U.S. Constitution)
se004cRacism in the United Statesracism in the United States
se004dRequirements for votingRequirements for voting
se004eIncome inequality in the United StatesIncome inequality in the United States
se004fThe United States' leadership role in the worldThe United States' leadership role in the world
se004gThe federal government's influence over state and local affairsThe federal government's influence over state and local affairs
se004hBenefits and challenges of social programs like Medicare and Social Security Benefits and challenges of social programs like Medicare and Social Security
se004iHow students can get involved in local government or politics How students can get involved in local government or politics
se004jThe contributions of historical figures who are racial and/or ethnic minoritiesThe contributions of historical figures who are racial and/or ethnic minorities
se004kThe contributions of historical figures who are womenThe contributions of historical figures who are women
se005aExplains why they make the decisions they makeExplains why they make the decisions they make
se005bAsks for parent input before making decisions Asks for parent input before making decisions
se005cCares about the studentsCares about the students
se005dCares about all school staff (e.g., teachers, custodians, bus drivers) Cares about all school staff (e.g., teachers, custodians, bus drivers)
se005eCares about our school communityCares about our school community
se005fCares about minimizing racial inequitiesCares about minimizing racial inequities
se005gListens more to the needs of some parents more than othersListens more to the needs of some parents more than others
se005hAttends to the needs of students and families hardest hit by COVID-19Attends to the needs of students and families hardest hit by COVID-19
se006Which of the following are reasons for why ^selectednames[selectedchild] is not attending in-person? Check all that apply.why child not attending in person
se006_orderorder answer options why child not attending in person
se007_se008_orderIndicates order of se007 and the se008 questionsorder se007 se008 questions
se007a^selectednames[selectedchild]'s psychological well-being child psychological well-being
se007b^selectednames[selectedchild]'s relationships with peers child relationships with peers
se007c^selectednames[selectedchild]'s relationships with teachers child relationships with teachers
se007d^selectednames[selectedchild] missing out on school-sponsored extracurricular activities child missing out on school-sponsored extracurricular activities
se007eThe amount ^selectednames[selectedchild] is learning this year compared to a typical school yearchild amount learning
se007fHow engaged ^selectednames[selectedchild] is in school this year child how engaged
se007gHow ^selectednames[selectedchild] is doing sociallychild doing socially
se007hHow ^selectednames[selectedchild] is doing emotionally child doing emotionally
se007i^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in math child progress in math
se007j^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in science child progress in science
se007k^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in reading/language arts child progress in reading/language arts
se008Are you planning to send ^selectednames[selectedchild] to school in-person at the beginning of the 2021-22 school year? plan to send to school in person
se008aAre you planning to continue homeschooling ^selectednames[selectedchild] next year?planning to continue homeschooling next year
se009aCommunication between you and your child's teacher(s)Communication between you and your child's teacher(s)
se009bCommunication between you and the school principal (or assistant principal)Communication between you and the school principal (or assistant principal)
se009cHow involved you are in your child's educationHow involved you are in your child's education
se009d^selectednames[selectedchild]'s engagement with schoolchild engagement with school
se009e^selectednames[selectedchild]'s ability to complete school workchild ability to complete school work
se009f^selectednames[selectedchild]'s ability to do well in school child ability to do well in school
se009g^selectednames[selectedchild]'s confidencechild confidence
se009h^selectednames[selectedchild]'s mental healthchild mental health
se009i^selectednames[selectedchild]'s communication with teachers child communication with teachers
se009jHow much ^selectednames[selectedchild] is learningchild how much learning
se010aSummer Schooloffering summer School
se010bIn-person tutoring during schooloffering in-person tutoring during school
se010cIn-person tutoring after schooloffering in-person tutoring after school
se010dLearning pods: in-person groups of students learning together with the help of an in-person tutor or teacher. Students in pods are engaging in the school's curriculum and following the school schedule.offering learning pods
se011aSummer Schoolparticipating summer school
se011bIn-person tutoring during schoolparticipating in-person tutoring during school
se011cIn-person tutoring after schoolparticipating in-person tutoring after school
se011dLearning pods: in-person groups of students learning together with the help of an in-person tutor or teacher. Students in pods are engaging in the school's curriculum and following the school schedule.participating learning pods
se012aSummer Schoolsign up summer school
se012bIn-person tutoring during schoolsign up in-person tutoring during school
se012cIn-person tutoring after schoolsign up in-person tutoring after school
se012dLearning pods: in-person groups of students learning together with the help of an in-person tutor or teacher. Students in pods are engaging in the school's curriculum and following the school schedule.sign up learning pods
se099Are you a student or employee at a college or university? student or employee at a college or university