
Variable Question text Label
se007a^selectednames[selectedchild]'s psychological well-being child psychological well-being
se007b^selectednames[selectedchild]'s relationships with peers child relationships with peers
se007eThe amount ^selectednames[selectedchild] learned this year compared to a typical school yearchild amount learned
se007fHow engaged ^selectednames[selectedchild] was in school this year child how engaged
se007gHow ^selectednames[selectedchild] is doing sociallychild doing socially
se007hHow ^selectednames[selectedchild] is doing emotionally child doing emotionally
se007i^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in math child progress in math
se007j^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in science child progress in science
se007k^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in reading/language arts child progress in reading/language arts
se008Are you planning to send ^selectednames[selectedchild] to school in-person at the beginning of the 2021-22 school year? plan to send to school in person
se008aAre you planning to continue homeschooling ^selectednames[selectedchild] next year?planning to continue homeschooling next year