
Variable Question text Label
FinOrderIndicates order of finplan6 and finplan7order of finplan6 and finplan7
FinPlan1I have put a lot of effort and time developing a financial plan for my long-term future.put lot of effort in developing financial plan
FinPlan2Before going on a vacation, I put a lot of effort and time examining where I would most like to go and what I would most like to do.vacation put a lot of effort and time examining where would most like go
FinPlan3I regularly set a detailed budget for my overall spending.regularly set a detailed budget for overall spending
FinPlan4When you were a child, did you receive an allowance? By allowance we mean some amount of money given to you on a regular basis by your parents or guardians. child receive allowance
FinPlan5How often did you spend your whole allowance as soon as possible?how often spend whole allowance as soon as possible
FinPlan6When I was a child, I remember my mother (or primary female guardian) being a careful planner.mother being careful planner
FinPlan7When I was a child, I remember my father (or primary male guardian) being a careful planner.father being careful planner