
Variable Question text Label
f001Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

"I am concerned that the money I have, or will have access to, won’t last for the rest of my life."
concerned money wont last for life
f002Since Spring 2020, has your household experienced a large drop in income? household experienced a large drop in income
f003Since Spring 2020, which one of the following best describes your household income? best description of household income
f004Since Spring 2020, have you earned any money from work? earned money from work
f005Since Spring 2020, have you been laid-off, terminated from, or lost your job? laid off or lost job
f006Since Spring 2020, I or someone in my household did not get healthcare we needed because we couldn’t afford it. did not get healthcare needed because couldn't afford it
f007Since Spring 2020, I or someone in my household stopped taking a medication or took less than directed due to the costs. stopped taking medication or took less due to costs