
Variable Question text Label
h001Which of the following statements best describes you? receiving social security
h002At what age did you start receiving Social Security benefits?age start receiving Social Security benefits
h003At what age do you plan to start receiving Social Security benefits?age plan to start receiving Social Security benefits
h004Have you ever received a distribution or payout from an employer retirement account such as a pension plan (defined benefit plan) or a retirement saving account (such as 401(k), 403(b), 457 plan)?ever received distribution or payout from employer retirement account
h005What type of pension plan or retirement account provided this distribution?

Some pension plans and retirement accounts base benefits on a formula involving age, years of service and salary, often called a defined benefit plan. Some plans base benefits on how much money has accumulated in a person's pension or retirement account, often called a defined contribution plan. Other plans use both ways of setting benefits.

Was the plan that gave you a distribution a defined benefit formula type or a defined contribution account type plan? Defined Contribution plans include 401-K, 403-B, ESOP, SRA, thrift/savings, stock/profit sharing, and money purchase plans.
type of pension plan or retirement account provided
h006What type of distribution did you receive from this defined benefit plan? type of distribution received from defined benefit plan
h006_leaveAbout how much did you leave in the account?how much left amount benefit
h006_lumpsumAbout how much money did you receive?lumpsum amount benefit
h006_monthlyAbout how much do you receive per month?monthly amount benefit
h006_startWhen did this benefit start?when benefit started
h006_withdrewWhen did you withdraw all the money?when benefit withdrawn
h007What type of distribution did you receive from this defined contribution plan?type of distribution received from defined contribution plan
h007_leaveAbout how much did you leave in the account?how much left amount benefit
h007_lumpsumAbout how much money did you receive?lumpsum amount benefit
h007_monthlyAbout how much do you receive per month?monthly amount benefit
h007_withdrewWhen did you withdraw all the money?when benefit withdrawn
h008Do you expect to receive any money or payments from an employer-provided pension plan or retirement account in the future? expect to receive any money or payments from employer-provided pension plan
h009At what age do you expect to start receiving benefits from this employer-provided pension or retirement plan? age expect to start receiving benefits
h010What type of pension or retirement account is this plan?

Some pension plans and retirement accounts base benefits on a formula involving age, years of service and salary, often called a defined benefit plan. Some plans base benefits on how much money has accumulated in a person's pension or retirement account, often called a defined contribution plan. Other plans use both ways of setting benefits.

Is the plan from which you expect a distribution a defined benefit formula type or a defined contribution account type plan? Defined Contribution plans include 401-K, 403-B, ESOP, SRA, thrift/savings, stock/profit sharing, and money purchase plans.
type of pension plan or retirement account provided
h011What type of distribution do you expect to receive from this defined benefit plan?type of distribution expect to receive from defined benefit plan
h011_endWhen do you expect the benefit to end? when benefit expected to end
h011_leaveAbout how much will you leave in the plan?how much plan to leave amount benefit
h011_lumpsumAbout how much money will you receive?lumpsum amount benefit
h011_minimumminimum when benefit expected to end
h011_monthlyAbout how much do you expect to receive per month?expected monthly amount benefit
h011_startWhen do you expect the benefit to start? when benefit expected to start
h011_withdraw_whenWhen do you expect to receive this money?when benefit expect to receive
h012What type of distribution do you plan to take from this defined contribution plan?type of distribution expect to receive from defined contribution plan
h012_leaveAbout how much money will you leave in the plan?how much expect to leave amount benefit
h012_lumpsumAbout how much money do you expect to receive?how much expect to receive lumpsum
h012_monthlyHow much do you expect to receive per month?expected monthly amount benefit
h012_withdrawAbout how much money do you expect to withdraw?lumpsum amount benefit
h012_withdraw_some_whenWhen do you expect to receive this money?when expected to withdraw some money
h012_withdraw_whenWhen do you expect to do this? when expected to withdraw