
Variable Question text Label
i001Since Spring 2020, have you been tested for the COVID-19 virus?been tested for the COVID-19 virus
i002Since Spring 2020, did you or a member of your family get sick with the COVID-19 virus?did you or member family get sick with COVID-19 virus
i003The government has established a campaign to vaccinate against the COVID-19 virus. Have you been vaccinated?have been vaccinated
i004Why haven't you been vaccinated? why not vaccinated
i005Have you or other household members received any stimulus money from the Federal Government as a result of COVID-19, either in 2020 or in 2021?you or other household members received any stimulus money
i006About how much have you or other household members received or expect to receive? Your best guess is much stimuls received or expected to receive
i006_dkDon't know
i007What did you do with the money? Please check as many as apply. Spent it for current expenses
i008How often do you keep track of your actual spending? Would you say: how often track spending
i009Have you changed your spending tracking because of COVID-19?changed spending due to covid
i010How often do you set budget targets for your spending? Would you say:how often set budget