
Variable Question text Label
eff_2How many days of paid or unpaid sick leave did you take in the last 6 months?days of paid or unpaid sick leave take in the last 6 months
eff_3How many days of paid or unpaid leave of absence did you take in the last 6 months?days of paid or unpaid leave of absence take in the last 6 months
eff_4How many days of vacation did you take in the last 6 months?days of vacation take in the last 6 months
eff_5Have you received a raise or a promotion in the last 6 months?received raise or promotion in last 6 months
eff_6How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

"Overall, I do my job well"
overall, do job well
eff_7_totalTotaltotal time saved leisure or relaxation
eff_7aWorkfraction time saved work
eff_7bRun errands and take care of the house fraction time saved run errands and take care of the house
eff_7cExercise fraction time saved exercise
eff_7dSpend time with my family and friends fraction time saved spend time with my family and friends
eff_7eChildcare fraction time saved childcare
eff_7fCaring for other relatives fraction time saved caring for other relatives
eff_7gSleep fraction time saved sleep
eff_7hLeisure or relaxation (for example, watch TV, read a book, play videogames)fraction time savedleisure or relaxation
td_1_am_preparingPreparing for workhours preparing in am
td_1_am_workingWorkinghours working in am
td_1_pm_preparingPreparing for workhours preparing in pm
td_1_pm_workingWorkinghours working in pm
td_2_am_commutingCommutinghours commuting in am on business premises
td_2_am_preparingPreparing for workhours preparing in am on business premises
td_2_am_workingWorkinghours working in am on business premises
td_2_pm_commutingCommutinghours commuting in pm on business premises
td_2_pm_preparingPreparing for workhours preparing in pm on business premises
td_2_pm_workingWorkinghours working in pm on business premises