
Variable Question text Label
self0Are you currently working?currently working
self1In the next 5-10 years, if you were to get a long-term health problem and not be able to do your current job, what do you think you would do? Please select all that apply. actions if long term health care problem
self2If you were unable to find another job you could do with your disability, would you apply for Social Security disability benefits?unable to find job would apply for disability benefits
self3If your savings or other income became insufficient, would you apply for Social Security disability benefits?savings or income insufficient would apply for disability benefits
self3aIf you were not approved for workers' compensation, would you apply for Social Security disability benefits?not approved Workers Compensation would apply for disability benefits
self4Have you ever sought or received information about Social Security disability benefits from the following sources? Please select all that apply.information sources about disability benefits
self5In the previous question you said you have sought or received information about disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. How did you go about seeking this information? Please select all that apply.information sources from Social Security Administration
self6aI am interested in learning more about Social Security disability benefitsI am interested in learning more about Social Security disability benefits
self6bI know what the best sources of information are for learning about Social Security disability benefitsI know what the best sources of information are for learning about Social Security disability benefits
self6cI can easily find the information I want/need about the Social Security disability program and benefits I can easily find the information I want/need about the Social Security disability program and benefits
self7aWhat is the chance that you will, at some point, have a disability that will prevent you from working? Answer on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means you are sure you will never have such a disability, and 100 means you are certain that you will have a disability at some point. chance have disability prevent working
self7bWhat is the chance that you will need to rely on disability insurance in the near future? Answer on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means you are certain that you will never need disability benefits, and 100 means you are certain that you will need them at some point.chance have to rely on disability insurance
self8Social Security retirement benefits and disability insurance programs are paid by a 6.2% tax rate on employers and employees. Of these, approximately 5.3% go to the fund that pays retirement benefits and 0.9% go to the fund that pays disability insurance.

If you were given a choice, would you rather:
preference to change system
self9Do you have enough work credits to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)? (That is, have you worked enough quarters in a covered job to be eligible for benefits) enough credits to quality for Social Security Disability Insurance
self9bHave you worked five of the last ten years in a job that pays into Social Security?worked five of the last ten years in a job that pays into Social Security
self9cHave you worked half of the last three years in a job that pays into Social Security?worked five of the last three years in a job that pays into Social Security
self10Do you know (approximately) the monthly Social Security payment amount you would be entitled to if you were to become disabled?know monthly payment amount entitled to
self11About how much would that be? monthly payment amount entitled to
self11_rfrefuse monthly payment amount entitled to
self12Have you ever seen your Social Security Statement?ever checked Social Security statement
self13Did you know you can check your Social Security Statement through my Social Security (an online platform on the Social Security website that provides you with all your Social Security information)?know can check Social Security statement through MySocialSecurity