ex003a | How often do you feel that you lack companionship: Hardly ever, some of the time, or often? | how often feel lack companionship |
ex003b | How often do you feel left out? | how often feel left out |
ex003c | How often do you feel isolated from others? | how often feel isolated |
ex004a | How much should major technology companies be regulated by the government? | how mich major technology companies should be regulated by government |
ex004b | Do you think technology companies should do more, do less, or keep doing what they are now to protect the integrity of elections?
| think technology companies should do more, less, or same as now to protect integrity of elections |
ex004c | Do you think technology companies should do more, do less, or keep doing what they are now to protect users from harmful experiences online?
| think technology companies should do more, less, or same as now to protect users from harmful experiences online |