
Variable Question text Label
ed001aPreschool or day carepreschool or day care
ed001bElementary schoolelementary school
ed001cMiddle school or junior highmiddle school or junior high
ed001dHigh schoolhigh school
ed001eCollege or trade school, including four-year colleges, community colleges, technical institutes, and vocational schoolscollege or trade school
educationrewardreward for education section
haveselectedchildprevious randomly selected child still in grade k-12
preload_selectedchildprevious survey k-12 selected child
random_section_ordersection order
sc026What is your relationship to ^selectednames[selectedchild]? relationship to selected child
sc027Are you the legal guardian of ^selectednames[selectedchild]? guardian to selected child
sc028We will be asking questions about ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s school experiences, such as the kinds of grades they get in school and the sorts of programs they may participate in. Are you knowledgeable enough about ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s school experiences to answer these types of questions? willing to answer if not parent or guardian
selectedchildselected child
sl055Over the past few months, you have answered questions about ^preload_selectednames[preload_selectedchild]'s school experiences. Is ^preload_selectednames[preload_selectedchild] a student in elementary, middle, or high school for the 2022-23 school year?random selected child is in k-12
sl056In what grade is ^selectednames[selectedchild] in this school year (the 2022-2023 school year)?grade of selected child past school year
sl057aIs ^selectednames[selectedchild] enrolled in a public, private, charter or virtual school for the 2022-23 school year, or are they homeschooled, or does some other situation apply?homeschooled or enrolled in any type of school
sl058aWhat kind of school is ^selectednames[selectedchild] enrolled in? kind of school enrolled in past school year
totalk12total number of kids in elementury, middle, or high school