
Variable Question text Label
attentionPeople vary in the amount of attention to these kinds of surveys. Some take them seriously and read each question, whereas others go very quickly and barely read the questions at all. If you have read this question carefully, please type the word "yes" in the blank box below labeled "Other". There is no need for you to respond to the scale below.attention checker
attention_okattention ok
attention_otherother attention checker

We are conducting this study on behalf of researchers from Stanford University .

The study consists of two surveys with roughly 2 weeks in between. By participating in this study, you commit to completing both surveys. The first survey (this one) takes about 5 minutes to complete. The second survey should take about 15 minutes and can be completed between February 1st and February 3rd. If you complete both surveys, you will earn a total of $21. You will receive $1 after completing this survey, and an additional $20 upon completion of the second survey. It is very important to us that you complete both surveys.

Do you agree to participate in this study by committing to complete both surveys?
sc002Generally speaking, who in your household is most knowledgeable about your household's finances? most knowledgeable finances
sc002_preloadGenerally speaking, who in your household is most knowledgeable about your household's finances? preload uas133 q018 most knowledgeable finances
scr001Which category represents the total combined income of all members of your family (living in your house) during the past 12 months? This includes money from jobs, net income from business, farm or rent, pensions, dividends, interest, Social Security payments and any other monetary income received by members of your family who are 15 years of age or combined income
scr002Over the past 12 months, have any of the following happened to you because of a shortage of money? Please check all that apply (multiple answers are possible).Could not pay electricity, gas or telephone bills on time