
Variable Question text Label
ldj001Do you currently experience persistent pain (i.e., pain that has lasted at least three months) that is bothersome to you? currently experience persistent pain
ldj002Please rate your pain by selecting the one number that best describes your pain on average in the past three months. average pain in last 3 months
ldj003Are you currently receiving medical care for your persistent pain from a healthcare provider? currently receiving medical care for persistent pain
ldj004aI can manage my persistent pain without medical care from a healthcare provider manage my persistent pain without medical care from a healthcare provider
ldj004bI do not have access to a healthcare providerdo not have access to a healthcare provider
ldj004cI do not like talking to a healthcare provider about my persistent paindo not like talking to a healthcare provider about persistent pain
ldj004dI have other things going on (e.g., health or personal issues) that are more important than receiving medical care for my persistent painhave other things going on
ldj004eThe medical care that I previously received from a healthcare provider did not help my persistent pain medical care received from a healthcare provider did not help persistent pain
ldj004fSome other reasonother reason
ldj004f_otherPlease describe the other reason(s):specify other reason
ldj005aIt is difficult to describe my pain to my familydifficult to describe pain to family
ldj005bIt is difficult to describe my pain to my close friendsdifficult to describe pain to close friends
ldj005cIt is difficult to describe my pain to my health care providersdifficult to describe pain to health care providers
ldj005dIt is difficult to describe my pain to other people (e.g., co-workers)difficult to describe pain to other people (e.g., co-workers)
ldj006When you are around other people, do you ever minimize or downplay the intensity of your persistent pain? (these can be your family, friends, healthcare provider, and/or co-workers)?minimize intensity of persistent pain
ldj007How satisfied are you with the medical care that you are currently receiving for your persistent pain? how satisfied with current medical care