
Variable Question text Label
DE010Please tell us the total combined income of all members of your family living here during the past 12 months?

This includes money from jobs, net income from business, farm or rent, pensions, dividends, interest, social security payments and any other money income received by members of your family who are 15 years of age or older.
DE011Where does your own personal income rank within your household? PERSONAL INCOME RANK WITHIN HOUSEHOLD
DE012The dollar amount you entered for total household income is unusually large. You reported an amount of $^FLDE012.

Please confirm that this is the correct amount. If the dollar amount is not accurate, select “No” below and enter the correct amount on the following screen.

Is the amount you reported correct?
DE013Do you and/or your spouse/partner own your primary home?

NOTE: Even if you have an unpaid mortgage, you are considered the owner of the home.
DE014What is the approximate market value of your primary home?MARKET VALUE OF PRIMARY HOME
DE015About how much do you owe on loans for your primary home, including mortgages, home equity loans, and home equity lines of credit? OWE ON LOANS FOR PRIMARY HOME
DE018While answering this survey, did you look at your financial statements, receipts, old checks, websites, or other records at any time? (It is ok if you did).CHECKED RECORDS
FLIncentiveincentive amount
consentAs part of our research study to understand how people make decisions involving their credit, we have a request for you to consider.

In addition to the survey, we would like your permission to request your credit report. The process we would use is called a “soft pull.” A soft pull is simply an inquiry, versus a "hard pull," which is part of an application for credit. Soft pulls will not affect your credit in any way. This component is completely optional and you can complete the survey without authorizing soft pulls of your credit report.

Any information we do receive will be kept confidential. As a reminder your survey responses and personal information is never linked with your name.

Do we have your permission to pull your credit report?
consent2015{Respondent credit score consent 2015]credit score consent 2015
consent2016{Respondent credit score consent 2016]credit score consent 2016
consent2017{Respondent credit score consent 2017]credit score consent 2017
consent_incentiveWe respect your answer. This information is very important to survey quality, so we will pay you $^FLIncentive in return for permission to match your credit report information to your survey responses.

In return for $^FLIncentive, will you allow us to match your credit report to your survey responses?
consent for incentive
consent_newrWe would like your permission to match your credit report information to your survey responses without linking to your name. This helps us understand your survey responses better and improves researchers’ ability to analyze survey results.
  • The process will not affect your credit or your credit score in any way.
  • No other action is required on your part.
  • Researchers will not have access to any identifying information.
  • Your credit information will be kept without any links to your personal information, just like your survey responses.
Do we have your permission to match your credit report to your survey responses?
new r consent yes
consent_previousyesLast year, you allowed us to match your survey responses to your credit report without linking to your name. Would you agree to this again this year?
  • The process will not affect your credit or your credit score in any way.
  • No other action is required on your part.
  • Researchers will not have access to any identifying information.
  • Your credit information will be kept without any links to your personal information, just like your survey responses.
Do we have your permission to match your credit report to your survey responses?
previous year consent yes
selectedincentiveselected incentive amount
selectedincentive2016selected incentive amount 2016
selectedincentive2017selected incentive amount 2017