Variable | Question text | Label |
C001_ | Next we have some questions about your health. Would you say your health is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor? | RATE HEALTH |
C002_ | Compared with your health when you last answered this question in ^Z092, ^Z093, would you say that your health is better now, about the same, or worse? | HEALTH COMPARED TO LAST IW |
C005_ | ^FLC005
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE |
C006_ | ^FLC006 In order to lower your blood pressure, are you now taking any medication? | BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICATION |
C010_ | ^FLC010
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | DIABETES |
C011_ | ^FLC011_2 In order to treat or control your ^FLC011, are you now taking medication that you swallow? | SWALLOWED MEDICATION FOR DIABETES |
C012_ | Are you now using insulin shots or a pump? | TAKING INSULIN - DIABETES |
C018_ | ^FLC018
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | CANCER OF ANY KIND EXCLUDING SKIN |
C019_ | ^FLC019, have you seen a doctor about your cancer? [DEF: Include appointments with nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | R SEEN DOC CONCERNING CANCER |
C020_ | We want to know about any cancer treatment that may have taken place during the last two years.
^FLC020, have you received any treatment for cancer? | PAST CANCER TREATED |
C021M | During the last two years, what sort of treatments have you received for cancer? Please choose all that apply. | CANCER TREATMENT-TYPE |
C023_ | Since your last survey in ^Z092, ^Z093, has the cancer gotten worse, better, or stayed the same? | CANCER GOTTEN BETTER/WORSE |
C024 | Since your last survey in ^Z092, ^Z093, has a doctor told you that you had a new cancer or malignant tumor, excluding minor skin cancer? [DEF: (Medical doctors include specialists such as Dermatologists, Psychiatrists, Ophthalmologists, Osteopaths, Cardiologists, as well as family doctors, internists and physicians’ assistants. Also include diagnoses made by Nurses and Nurse Practitioners.)] | NEW CANCER |
C028_ | In what year was your most recent cancer diagnosed? | YEAR RECENT CANCER |
C029_ | In what month was that? | MONTH RECENT CANCER |
C030_ | ^FLC030
Do not include asthma. [DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | LUNG DISEASE |
C031_ | ^FLC031 Since then, has this condition gotten better, worse, or stayed about the same? | LUNG DISEASE BETTER/WORSE |
C032_ | Are you now taking medication or other treatment for your lung condition? | LUNG MEDICATION |
C033_ | Are you receiving oxygen for your lung condition? | LUNG OXYGEN |
C034_ | Are you receiving physical or respiratory therapy for your lung condition? | LUNG RESPIRATORY THERAPY |
C036_ | ^FLC036
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | HEART CONDITION |
C037_ | ^FLC037 Are you now taking or carrying medication for your heart problem? | HEART MEDICATION |
C038_ | ^FLC039, have you seen a heart doctor for your problem?
[DEF: Include appointments with nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | HAS R SEEN HEART DOCTOR |
C039_ | ^FLC039, has this condition gotten better, worse, or stayed about the same? | HEART PROBLEM BETTER/WORSE |
C040_ | ^FLC039, have you had a heart attack or myocardial infarction? | HEART ATTACK |
C042_ | Are you now taking or carrying medication because of your heart attack? | HEART ATTACK MEDICATION |
C043_ | In what year was your (most recent) heart attack? | YR RECENT HEART ATTACK |
C044_ | In what month was that? | MO RECENT HEART ATTACK |
C045_ | ^FLC045, have you any angina or chest pains due to your heart? | ANGINA |
C046_ | Are you now taking or carrying medications because of angina or chest pain? | ANGINA MEDICATION |
C048_ | ^FLC048, has a doctor told you that you have congestive heart failure?
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE |
C049_ | ^FLC049, have you been admitted to the hospital overnight because of congestive heart failure? | HOSPITALIZED DUE TO HEART FAILURE |
C050_ | Are you taking or carrying any medication for congestive heart failure? | CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE MEDICATION |
C051_ | ^FLC051, have you had a special test or treatment of your heart where tubes were inserted into your veins or arteries (cardiac catheterization, coronary angiogram, angioplasty, or bypass graft notation)? | HEART TREATMENT |
C052_ | ^FLC051, have you had surgery on your heart? | HEART SURGERY |
C053_ | ^FLC053
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | STROKE |
C054_ | ^FLC054_2
^FLC054, have you seen a doctor because of this or any other stroke?
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | R SEEN DOCTOR FOR STROKE |
C055_ | Do you still have any remaining problems because of your stroke(s)? | STROKE PROBLEMS |
C060_ | Are you now taking any medications because of your stroke or its complications? | STROKE MEDICATION |
C061_ | Are you receiving physical or occupational therapy because of your stroke or its complications? | STROKE THERAPY |
C062_ | Since ^z092, ^z093, has a doctor told you that you had another stroke?
[DEF: Medical doctors include specialists such as Dermatologists, Psychiatrists, Ophthalmologists, Osteopaths, Cardiologists, as well as family doctors, internists and physicians’ assistants. Also include diagnoses made by Nurses and Nurse Practitioners.] | R HAS HAD OTHER STROKE |
C063_ | In what month was that? | MONTH MOST RECENT STROKE |
C064_ | In what year was your most recent stroke? | YEAR MOST RECENT STROKE |
C065_ | ^FLC065
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | EMOTIONAL/PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS |
C067_ | Do you now get psychiatric or psychological treatment for your problems? | PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT |
C070_ | ^FLC070 [DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | ARTHRITIS |
C071_ | ^FLC071 Since ^z092, ^z093, has this arthritis gotten better, worse, or stayed about the same? | ARTHRITIS BETTER OR SAME |
C076_ | ^FLC076, have you had surgery or any joint replacement because of arthritis? | ARTHRITIS JOINT REPLACE |
C077M | Which joint was replaced or affected? | WHICH JOINT |
C079_ | Have you fallen down ^FLC079? | FALLEN IN PAST TWO YEARS |
C080_ | How many times have you fallen ^FLC079? | NUMBER TIMES FALLEN |
C081_ | ^FLC081, did you injure yourself seriously enough to need medical treatment? | INJURY DUE TO FALL |
C082_ | ^FLC082 | BROKEN HIP |
C083_ | How often do you have trouble falling asleep? | TROUBLE FALLING ASLEEP |
C084_ | How often did you wake up during the night? | TROUBLE WAKING UP DURING NIGHT |
C085_ | How often do you have trouble with waking up too early and not being able to fall asleep again? | TROUBLE WAKING UP TOO EARLY |
C086_ | How often do you feel really rested when you wake up in the morning? | FEEL RESTED IN MORNING |
C087_ | This might not be easy to talk about, but during the last 12 months, have you lost any amount of urine beyond your control? | INCONTINENCE |
C088_ | On about how many days in the last month have you lost any urine? Please enter "31" for every day. | INCONTINENCE # DAYS |
C089_ | In the last month, have you lost any urine on more than 5 days? | INCONTINENCE 5 DAYS DK-1 |
C090_ | In the last month, have you lost any urine on more than 15 days? | INCONTINENCE 15 DAYS DK-2 |
C095_ | Is your eyesight excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor -- using glasses or corrective lens as needed? | RATE EYESIGHT |
C096_ | How good is your eyesight for seeing things at a distance, like recognizing a friend across the street -- using glasses or corrective lens as needed? | RATE DISTAL VISION |
C097_ | How good is your eyesight for seeing things up close, like reading ordinary newspaper print -- using glasses or corrective lens as needed? | RATE NEAR VISION |
C098_ | ^FLC098 | Cataract surgery |
C099_ | Have you had cataract surgery on both eyes, or just one? | CATARACT SURGERY ON ONE OR BOTH EYES |
C100_ | Did the cataract surgery (on either eye) include implanting a lens? | CATARACT IMPLANT LENS |
C101_ | Has a doctor ever treated you for glaucoma? [DEF: Medical doctors include specialists such as Dermatologists, Psychiatrists, Ophthalmologists, Osteopaths, Cardiologists, as well as family doctors, internists and physicians’ assistants. Also include diagnoses made by Nurses and Nurse Practitioners.] | GLAUCOMA |
C102_ | Do you ever wear a hearing aid? | WEAR HEARING AID |
C103_ | Is your hearing excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor^FLC103? | RATE HEARING |
C104_ | Are you often troubled with pain? | TROUBLED WITH PAIN |
C105_ | How bad is the pain most of the time? | DEGREE PAIN MOST OF TIME |
C106_ | Does the pain make it difficult for you to do your usual activities such as household chores or work? | DOES PAIN LIMIT ACTIVITIES |
C107_ | Are there any medical diseases or conditions that are important to your health now, that we have not asked about? | OTHER MEDICAL CONDITIONS |
C109_ | The next few questions are about medical tests or procedures that you may have had. ^FLC109, have you had any of the following medical tests or procedures? A flu shot? [DEF: A flu shot may now be given by a mist in the nose] | PREVENTATIVE FLU SHOT SINCE PREV WAVE |
C110_ | ^FLC110, have you had any of the following medical tests or procedures? A blood test for cholesterol? | CHOLESTEROL TEST SINCE PREV WAVE |
C112_ | ^FLC110, have you had any of the following medical tests or procedures? A mammogram or x-ray of the breast, to search for cancer | MAMMOGRAM/XRAY OF BREAST SINCE PREV WAVE |
C113_ | ^FLC110, have you had any of the following medical tests or procedures? A PAP Smear | PAP SMEAR SINCE PREV WAVE |
C114_ | ^FLC114, have you had any of the following medical tests or procedures? A PSA blood test or other examination to test for prostate cancer? | PROSTATE EXAM SINCE PREV WAVE |
C116_ | Have you ever smoked cigarettes? [DEF: By "ever smoked cigarettes" we mean more than 100 cigarettes in your lifetime. Do not include pipes, cigars, or e-cigarettes.] | EVER SMOKE |
C117_ | Do you smoke cigarettes now? [DEF: Do not include pipes, or cigars, or e-cigarettes.] | SMOKE CIGARETTES NOW |
C118_ | About how many cigarettes or packs do you usually smoke in a day now? There are 20 cigarettes in a pack. This question refers to cigarette smoking only. | NUM CIGARETTES SMOKED PER DAY |
C120_ | ^FLC120 About how old were you when you started smoking? | AGE START SMOKING |
C123_ | ^FLC123
When you were smoking the most, about how many cigarettes or packs did you usually smoke in a day? There are 20 cigarettes in a pack. This question refers to cigarette smoking only. | NUM CIGS PER DAY- WHEN SMOKED MOST |
C125_ | About how many years ago did you stop smoking? | YRS AGO STOP SMOKING |
C128_ | Do you ever drink any alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, or liquor? | EVER DRINK ALCOHOL |
C129_ | In the last three months, on average, how many days per week have you had any alcohol to drink? (For example, beer, wine, or any drink containing liquor.) | NUMBER DAYS PER WEEK- DRINK ALCOHOL |
C130_ | In the last three months, on the days you drink, about how many drinks do you have? | NUMBER DRINKS- PER DAY |
C131_ | In the last three months, on how many days have you had four or more drinks on one occasion? | BINGE DRINKING |
C134_ | In your entire life, have you had at least 12 drinks of any type of alcoholic beverage? | HAD 12+ DRINKS OF ALCOHOL OVER ENTIRE LIFE |
C135_ | Have you ever felt that you should cut down on drinking? | R FELT NEED TO CUT DOWN DRINKING |
C136_ | Have people ever annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? | FELT ANNOYED BY CRITICISM ABOUT DRINKING |
C137_ | Have you ever felt bad or guilty about drinking? | GUILT OVER DRINKING |
C138_ | Have you ever taken a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover? | EVER DRINK IN THE MORNING |
C139_ | About how much do you weigh? | WEIGHT IN POUNDS |
C140_ | Have you gained or lost ten or more pounds in the last 2 years? | WEIGHT GAIN/LOSS 10 LBS. SINCE PREV WAVE |
C141_ | About how tall are you? | HEIGHT FEET |
C143_ | Persistent swelling in your feet or ankles? | SWELLING FEET/ANKLES |
C144_ | Shortness of breath while awake? | SHORTNESS OF BREATH |
C145_ | Persistent dizziness or lightheadedness? | EVER BEEN DIZZY |
C146_ | Back pain or problems? | BACK PAIN OR PROBLEMS |
C147_ | Have you had persistent headaches? | PERSISTENT HEADACHE |
C148_ | Severe fatigue or exhaustion? | SEVERE FATIGUE |
C149_ | Persistent wheezing, cough, or bringing up phlegm? | PERSISTENT COUGH/WHEEZE/PHLEGM |
C150_ | During the last 12 months, was there ever a time when you felt sad, blue, or depressed for two weeks or more in a row? | FELT DEPRESSED IN PAST YR |
C151_ | Please think of the two-week period during the last 12 months when these feelings were worst. During that time did the feelings of being sad, blue, or depressed usually last all day long, most of the day, about half the day, or less than half the day? | DEPRESSED WHAT PORTION OF DAY |
C152_ | During those two weeks, did you feel this way every day, almost every day, or less often than that? | DEPRESSED EVERY DAY |
C153_ | During those two weeks, did you lose more interest in things than is usual for you? | LOSS OF INTEREST |
C154_ | Thinking about those same two weeks, did you ever feel more tired out or low in energy than is usual for you? | FEELING TIRED |
C155_ | During those same two weeks, did you lose your appetite? | LOSE APPETITE |
C156_ | Did your appetite increase during those same two weeks? | APPETITE INCREASE |
C157_ | Did you have more trouble falling asleep than you usually do during those two weeks? | TROUBLE FALL ASLEEP |
C158_ | Did that happen every night, nearly every night, or less often during those two weeks? | FREQ OF TROUBLE FALLING ASLEEP |
C159_ | During that same two-week period, did you have a lot more trouble concentrating than usual? | TROUBLE CONCENTRATING |
C160_ | People sometimes feel down on themselves, and no good or worthless. During that two-week period, did you feel this way? | FEELING DOWN ON YOURSELF |
C161_ | Did you think a lot about death -- either your own, someone else's, or death in general -- during those two weeks? | THOUGHTS ABOUT DEATH |
C163_ | To review, you had two weeks in a row during the last 12 months when you were sad, blue, or depressed and also had some other feelings or problems like:
C163_asked | asked c163 | |
C166_ | Think about the most recent time when you had two weeks in a row when you felt this way. In what month was this (during the last 12 months)? | MOST RECENT MO- SAD/DEPRESSED |
C167_ | During the last 12 months, was there ever a time lasting two weeks or more when you lost interest in most things like hobbies, work, or activities that usually give you pleasure? | LOSE INTEREST- CIDI |
C168_ | Please think of the two-week period during the last 12 months when you had the most complete loss of interest in things. During that two-week period, did the loss of interest usually last all day long, most of the day, about half the day, or less than half the day? | LOSE INTEREST OFTEN- CIDI |
C169_ | Did you feel this way every day, almost every day, or less often during the two weeks? | LOSE INTEREST DYSFUNCTION- CIDI |
C170_ | During those two weeks, did you feel tired out or low on energy all the time? | FEELING TIRED- CIDI |
C171_ | During those same two weeks, did you lose your appetite? | LOST APPETITE- CIDI |
C172_ | Did your appetite increase during those same two weeks? | APPETITE INCREASE- CIDI |
C173_ | During those same two weeks, did you have more trouble falling asleep than you usually do? | TROUBLE FALLING ASLEEP- CIDI |
C174_ | Did that happen every night, nearly every night, or less often during those two weeks? | FREQUENCY OF SLEEP TROUBLE- CIDI |
C175_ | During those two weeks, did you have more trouble concentrating than usual? | TROUBLE CONCENTRATE- CIDI |
C176_ | People sometimes feel down on themselves, no good or worthless. Did you feel this way during that two-week period? | FEELING DOWN ON ONESELF- CIDI |
C177_ | Did you think a lot about death during those two weeks -- either your own, someone else's, or death in general? | INTEREST IN DEATH- CIDI |
C179_ | To review, you had two weeks in a row during the last 12 months when you lost interest in most things like hobbies, work, or activities that usually give you pleasure, and also had some other feelings or problems like:
C182_ | Think about the most recent time when you had two weeks in a row when you felt this way. In what month was this? | REVIEW LOSS OF INTEREST- MOST RECENT MO |
C183_ | How often did you receive assistance with answers to these questions about your health? | ASSIST SECTION C - HEALTH |
C184_ | ^FLC184 Do you now get psychiatric or psychological treatment for your problems? | GETTING PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT |
C210_ | ^FLC210 Are you taking any medication prescribed by a doctor to help with your dementia, senility or memory impairment? | PRESCRIPTION FOR MEMORY PROBLEM |
C214_ | In what year was your diabetes first diagnosed? | YEAR DIABETES FIRST DIAGNOSED |
C218_ | Which did you have: joint replacement, surgery not involving joint replacement, or both? | ARTHRITIS JOINT REPLACE- TYPE |
C219_ | Which type or types of arthritis do you have? Do you have osteoarthritis? [DEF: Osteoarthritis is also called degenerative or 'wear and tear' arthritis] | ARTHRITIS TYPE- OSTEOARTHRITIS |
C220_ | Do you have rheumatoid arthritis?
[DEF: Rheumatoid arthritis is sometimes called autoimmune arthritis] | ARTHRITIS TYPE- RHEUMATOID |
C222_ | Do you have arthritis related to a previous injury? | ARTHRITIS TYPE- RELATED TO INJURY |
C223_ | We would like to know the type and amount of physical activity involved in your daily life. How often do you take part in sports or activities that are vigorous, such as running or jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics or gym workout, tennis, or digging with a spade or shovel? | HOW OFTEN VIGOROUS ACTIVITY |
C224_ | And how often do you take part in sports or activities that are moderately energetic, such as gardening, cleaning the car, walking at a moderate pace, dancing, floor or stretching exercises? | HOW OFTEN MODERATE ACTIVITY |
C225_ | And how often do you take part in sports or activities that are mildly energetic, such as vacuuming, laundry, home repairs? | HOW OFTEN MILD ACTIVITY |
C226_ | Up to the present time, what is the most you have ever weighed? ^FLC226 | MOST EVER WEIGH- POUNDS |
C228_ | How old were you then? If you don't know your exact age, please make your best guess. | MOST EVER WEIGH- WHAT AGE |
C229_ | Aside from any hospital or nursing home stays, about how many days did you stay in bed more than half the day because of illness or injury during the last month? Please enter 0 for none. | DAYS IN BED |
C232_ | In the past two weeks, have you taken any medications or used other treatments to help you sleep? | MEDICATIONS TO SLEEP |
C233_ | Were these medications or other treatments recommended to you by a doctor? | SLEEP MEDICATIONS RECOMMENDED BY DOCTOR |
C236_ | Has a doctor ever recommended to you that you use insulin? | DOC RECOMMEND INSULIN - DIABETES |
C237_ | This question is about your teeth. Have you lost all of your upper and lower natural permanent teeth? | LOST PERMANENT TEETH |
C240_ | ^FLC240 | HAS HAD SHINGLES |
C246_ | A vaccine for shingles has been available since 2006, and a second vaccine was more recently introduced. Have you ever had a vaccine for shingles? | SHINGLES VACCINE |
C249_ | Have you ever had a hysterectomy, that is, surgery to remove your uterus or womb? | HAD HYSTERECTOMY |
C250_ | How old were you when you had your hysterectomy? | HOW OLD HYSTERECTOMY |
C251_ | Did you have your hysterectomy after your last menstrual period, that is, after you went through menopause? | HYSTERECTOMY AFTER LAST MENSTRUAL PERIOD |
C252_ | Regarding menopause, do you think you are without a sign, just beginning, in the middle, near the end, or all through? | PHASE OF MENOPAUSE |
C253_ | About how old were you when you finished going through menopause, that is, had your last menstrual period? | HOW OLD FINISHED MENOPAUSE |
C254_ | Were you older than age 50, younger than 50, or what? | MENOPAUSE AGE 50 |
C255_ | Were you older than age 45, younger than 45, or what? | MENOPAUSE AGE 45 |
C256_ | Were you older than age 55, younger than 55, or what? | MENOPAUSE AGE 55 |
C257_ | Has a doctor ever told you that you have had a heart attack?
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | EVER HAD HEART ATTACK |
C258_ | In what year were you first told by a doctor that you had a heart attack? | YEAR FIRST HAD HEART ATTACK |
C259_ | In what month was that? | MONTH FIRST HAD HEART ATTACK |
C260_ | Has a doctor ever told you that you have angina?
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | EVER HAD ANGINA |
C261_ | In what year was your angina first diagnosed? | YEAR HAD FIRST ANGINA |
C263_ | Has a doctor ever told you that you have congestive heart failure?
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | EVER HAD HEART FAILURE |
C264_ | In what year was your congestive heart failure first diagnosed? | YEAR FIRST HAD HEART FAILURE |
C266_ | Has a doctor ever told you that you have an abnormal heart rhythm?
[DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | EVER HAD ABNORMAL HEART RHYTHM |
C267_ | In what year was your abnormal heart rhythm first diagnosed? | YEAR FIRST HAD ABNORMAL HEART RHYTHM |
C269_ | ^FLC269, has a doctor told you that you have an abnormal heart rhythm? [DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | RECENT REPORT ABNORMAL HEART RHYTHM |
C271_ | ^FLC271 [DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | EVER HAD DEPRESSION |
C272_ | ^FLC272 [DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | EVER HAD ALZHEIMERS |
C273_ | ^FLC273 [DEF: Include diagnoses made by nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants and internists. Medical doctors include specialists such as cardiologists, osteopaths, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, as well as family doctors and general practitioners.] | EVER HAD DEMENTIA |
C274_ | Have you had any other heart attacks since then? | HAD OTHER HEART ATTACKS |
C275_ | How many more heart attacks have you had? | NUMBER OF OTHER HEART ATTACKS |
C276_ | In what year was your (most recent) heart attack? | YEAR OF MOST RECENT HEART ATTACK |
C277_ | In what month was that? | MONTH OF MOST RECENT HEART ATTACK |
C278_ | The next few questions are about medical tests or procedures that you may have had. ^FLC278 | HAD PNEUMONIA VACCINATION |
C279_ | Now please think about the last four years. In the last four years have you had a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or other screening for colon cancer? [DEF: A sigmoidoscopy is similar to a colonoscopy, but a shorter flexible tube is placed in the rectum and only the last part of the bowel is examined] | COLONASCOPY SINCE PREV WAVE |
C280_ | ^FLC280
[DEF: Osteoporosis is the condition when bones become thinner than normal, making them fragile and more likely to break.] | HAS OSTEOPOROSIS |
C281_ | Have you ever had a bone density or bone scan test to screen for osteoporosis? | HAD BONE DENSITY TEST FOR OSTEOPOROSIS |
C282_ | In order to regulate your heart rhythm are you now taking any medication? | HEART RHYTHM MEDICATION |
C284_ | Our records from your survey in^z092, ^z093 show that you have had cataract surgery in one eye. Since then have you had cataract surgery in the other eye? | CATARACT SURGERY IN OTHER EYE |
C285 | ^FLC285_2
Just to clarify, did the doctor say that you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, or some other blood-sugar-related problem?
[DEF: By "Pre-diabetes" we mean that your blood sugar level is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be classified as diabetes.] | diabetes or pre-diabetes |
C287_ | The next questions are about pain medications.
Over-the-counter pain medications include such things as Advil, Aleve, Tylenol, aspirin or similar medications. In the past three months have you taken any over-the-counter pain medications for the treatment of pain? | OTC MEDICATIONS |
C288_ | Another class of pain medications, called "opioids", includes such things as Vicodin, OxyContin, codeine, morphine, or similar medications. In the past three months, have you taken any opioid pain medications? | OPIOID MEDICATIONS |
C289_ | In the past 12 months, how often did you snore while you were sleeping? If you're not sure, please tell us how often you think it happened. | how often snore |
C290_ | In the past 12 months, how often did you snort, gasp or stop breathing while you were sleeping? If you're not sure, please tell us how often you think it happened. | how often snort, gasp |
C291_ | ^FLC291 | ever told have sleep disorder |
C292_ | What was the sleep disorder? | what sleep disorder |
C293_ | What treatment(s) have you had? Please check all that apply. | sleep treatments received |
C296_ | In the past year have you had any treatments for your ^FLC296 problem? | any treatmen for sleeping, snoring problem |
C297_ | Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that your immune system is weakened? | ever been told immune system is weakened |
C298_ | ^FLC298 Are you taking any medication prescribed by a doctor to help with your Alzheimer’s Disease? | TAKING MEDICATION FOR ALZHEIMER |
C299_ | What year did you get the shingles vaccine? | year got vaccine |
C300_ | ^FLC300 Do you now get psychiatric or psychological treatment for your depression? | GETTING PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT FOR DEPRESSION |
C301_ | About how much time do you usually spend on your feet - for example, standing, walking, etc. - on a typical day? This can include time at work, at home or somewhere else, or getting to and from places.
| minutes spend on feet |
C302_ | OR
| hours spend on feet |
C303_ | How much time do you usually spend sitting on a typical day? Again, this can include time at work, at home or somewhere else, getting to and from places, or with friends or family. Do not include time spent sleeping.
| minutes spend sitting |
C304_ | OR
| hours spend sitting |
C305_ | What time do you usually go to bed and start trying to fall asleep on weekdays or work days?
If you are taking this survey on a smart device, you may need to press the ‘x’ in the lower right corner of the screen to continue after selecting a time. | time go to bed on weekdays |
C308_ | What time do you usually go to bed and start trying to fall asleep on weekends?
If you are taking this survey on a smart device, you may need to press the ‘x’ in the lower right corner of the screen to continue after selecting a time. | time go to bed on weekends |
C311_ | What time do you usually wake up on weekdays or work days?
If you are taking this survey on a smart device, you may need to press the ‘x’ in the lower right corner of the screen to continue after selecting a time. | time wake up on weekdays |
C314_ | What time do you usually wake up on weekends?
If you are taking this survey on a smart device, you may need to press the ‘x’ in the lower right corner of the screen to continue after selecting a time. | time wake up on weekends |