
Variable Question text Label
H004H004: currently owns homecurrently owns home
H008H008: OWN OR RENT FARMcurrently owns farm
H020H020: value main residencevalue main residence
H151H151: CURRENTLY OWNS SECOND HOMEcurrently owns second home
H166H166: value second residencevalue second residence
R077_homeR077_home: indicates if H020, H016 or H166 was asked in section Hindicates if H020, H016 or H166 was asked in section H
X027X027: previous wave owned 2nd home, condo or timeshareprevious wave owned condo or timeshare
X079X079: previous wave owned homeprevious wave owned home
X086X086: previous wave owned business other than farmprevious wave owned business other than farm
X087X087: previous wave owned stockprevious wave owned stock
Z098Z098: previous wave owned other real estateprevious wave owned other real estate
hhmembercounternumber of household members
preload_H004preload_H004: OWNS OR RENTS HOME LAST IWcurrently owns home
preload_H008preload_H008: PREVIOUS WAVE OWNS FARMcurrently owns farm
preload_H014preload_H014: PREVIOUS WAVE OWNS MOBILE HOME AND SITEcurrently owns mobile home and site
preload_Q133preload_Q133: previous wave owned other real estateprevious wave owned other real estate
preload_Q147preload_Q147: previous wave owned business other than farmprevious wave owned business other than farm
preload_hhmembercounterprevious wave number of household members