
Variable Question text Label
W303Do you regularly use the Internet (or the World Wide Web), for sending and receiving e-mail or for any other purpose, such as making purchases, searching for information, or making travel reservations?regularly use internet
W310One of the most important parts of our study is to understand the financial situations of Americans. This is an important and challenging part of our research, and in order to obtain complete data for this research, we would like to explore the possibility of asking our respondents to share their social security number with us.

Would you be willing to provide your Social Security Number for the research purposes described?

Note: we are not asking you for your Social Security Number now. Even if you say yes now, you can always change your mind later.
permission to use full ssn
W310_followupWe understand you may feel reluctant to share your full social security number. Would you be willing to share the last four digits of your Social Security Number for the research purpose described? Again, please note that we are NOT asking you to provide any number at this time. Even if you say yes now, you can always change your mind later. permission to use last four digits ssn