
Variable Question text Label
fd001What is the percent chance that you will be able to afford the food you need over the next three months? If you are not sure, please give your best guess.chance afford food over next three months
fd008_orderorder fd008 series
fd008aGrocery store / supermarket (Ralphs, Vons, Trader Joe’s, etc.)last 14 days grocery store / supermarket (Ralphs, Vons, Trader Joe’s, etc.)
fd008bConvenience store (7-Eleven, ampm, etc.)last 14 days convenience store (7-Eleven, ampm, etc.)
fd008cDrug store (CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, etc.)last 14 days drug store (CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, etc.)
fd008dBig-box store (Target, Walmart, Costco, etc.)last 14 days big-box store (Target, Walmart, Costco, etc.)
fd008eFood pantrylast 14 days food pantry
fd008f1Full service restaurant or cafélast 14 days full service restaurant or café
fd008f2Fast food restaurantlast 14 days fast food restaurant
fd008hOnline retailer (Amazon Fresh, Fresh Direct, etc.)last 14 days online retailer (Amazon Fresh, Fresh Direct, etc.)
fd008lOther, please specify: ~fd008l_otherlast 14 days other get food
fd008mFood donations from a faith-based organization, or other community-based organization (e.g. YMCA, local health organization, etc.) last 14 days food donations
fd009_orderorder of fd009 answer options
fd009aYou selected the following as the places where you usually got your food in the last 14 days. Please select your most frequent source of food in the last 14 days. last 14 days most frequent source
fd009a_askedasked or set fd009a
fd020aAbout how far away from your home did you have to travel to get food from the food pantry? how far to food pantry
fd020bAbout how far away from your home did you have to travel to get these food donations?how far to food donations
fd021When you currently get your food from your most frequent source - ^fd009a_dummy - how do you usually get it? Please select one answer:how usually get from most frequent food source
fd022About how far away from your home is the ^fd009a_dummy where you most frequently got your food in the last 14 days? how far away most frequent source
fd023aSince L.A. County’s stay-at-home orders started in March 2020, have you been eating more than usual, less than usual, or about the same as usual? (Choose one answer)eating more or less compared ot before corona
fd023bSince L.A. County’s stay-at-home orders started in March 2020, have you been eating different types of foods?eating different than before
fd024Which category represents the total combined income of all members of your family (living in your house) during the past month? This includes money from jobs, net income from business, farm or rent, pensions, dividends, interest, Social Security payments and any other monetary income received by members of your family who are 15 years of age or older. household income
fd025How long have you lived at your current address?how long lived at current address