cr015_order | | order of cr015 series |
cr015a | Gone out to a bar, club, or other place where people gather | Gone out to a bar, club, or other place where people gather |
cr015b | Gone to the grocery store or pharmacy | Gone to the grocery store or pharmacy |
cr015c | Gone to a friend, neighbor, or relative’s residence (that is not your own) | Gone to a friend, neighbor, or relative’s residence (that is not your own) |
cr015d | Had visitors such as friends, neighbors or relatives at your residence | Had visitors such as friends, neighbors or relatives at your residence |
cr015e | Attended a gathering with more than 10 people, such as a reunion, wedding, funeral, birthday party, concert, or religious service | Attended a gathering with more than 10 people, such as a reunion, wedding, funeral, birthday party, concert, or religious service |
cr015f | Sought care from a hospital or health care facility | Sought care from a hospital or health care facility |
cr015g | Been placed in isolation or quarantine | Been placed in isolation or quarantine |
cr015h | Remained in your residence at all times, except for essential activities or exercise | Remained in your residence at all times, except for essential activities or exercise |
cr015i | Shared items like towels or utensils with other people | Shared items like towels or utensils with other people |
cr015j | Had close contact (within 6 feet) with people who live with you | Had close contact (within 6 feet) with people who live with you |
cr015k | Had close contact (within 6 feet) with people who do not live with you | Had close contact (within 6 feet) with people who do not live with you |
cr015l | Gone outside to walk, hike, or exercise | Gone outside to walk, hike, or exercise |
cr016_order | | order of cr010 series |
cr016b | Washed your hands with soap or used hand sanitizer several times per day | Washed your hands with soap or used hand sanitizer several times per day |
cr016c | Canceled or postponed travel for work | Canceled or postponed travel for work |
cr016d | Canceled or postponed travel for pleasure | Canceled or postponed travel for pleasure |
cr016e | Canceled or postponed work or school activities | Canceled or postponed work or school activities |
cr016f | Canceled or postponed personal or social activities | Canceled or postponed personal or social activities |
cr016g | Visited a doctor | Visited a doctor |
cr016h | Canceled or postponed a doctor's appointment | Canceled a doctor's appointment |
cr016i | Stockpiled food or water | Stockpiled food or water |
cr016j | Avoided contact with people who could be high-risk | Avoided contact with people who could be high-risk |
cr016k | Avoided public spaces, gatherings, or crowds | Avoided public spaces, gatherings, or crowds |
cr016l | Prayed | Prayed |
cr016m | Avoided eating at restaurants | Avoided eating at restaurants |
cr016n | Stockpiled hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes | Stockpiled hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes |
cr016o | Worked or studied at home | Worked or studied at home |
cr016p | Worn a mask or other face covering | Worn a mask or other face covering |
cr016r | Stockpiled medication | Stockpiled medication |
cr021 | We'd like to ask about your family, as well as your close friends. How many family or close friends do you have? Only include people who are still alive, regardless of where they live. | how many family or close friends |
cr022 | You said that you have ^cr021 family and close friends. Of these people, how many do you think have been infected with the coronavirus? | infected how many family or close friends |
cr022a | You said that you have ^cr021 family and close friends. Of these people, how many do you think have been hospitalized (spent at least one night in the hospital) from the coronavirus? | hospitalized how many family or close friends |
cr022b | You said that you have ^cr021 family and close friends. Of these people, how many do you think have died from the coronavirus? | died how many family or close friends |
cr023 | On a scale of 0 to 100 percent, what is the chance that you will get the coronavirus in the next three months? If you’re not sure, please give your best guess. | chance get coronavirus |
cr023b | If you do get the coronavirus, what is the percent chance you will be hospitalized (spend at least one night in the hospital) from it? If you’re not sure, please give your best guess. | chance hospitalized if get coronavirus |
cr024 | If you do get the coronavirus, what is the percent chance you will die from it? If you’re not sure, please give your best guess. | chance die from coronavirus |