
Variable Question text Label
ba001In general, would you say your health is:overall health
ba002In the past 12 months, have you talked to a health care provider about sleep problems?talked to health care provider about sleep problems
ba003aMy thinking has been slow.thinking has been slow
ba003bIt has seemed like my brain was not working as well as usual.brain was not working as well as usual
ba003cI have had to work harder than usual to keep track of what I was doing.had to work harder than usual to keep track of what was doing
ba003dI have had trouble shifting back and forth between different activities that require thinking.had trouble shifting back and forth between different activities that require thinking
ba004In the past 12 months, have you talked to a health care provider about memory problems?talked to health care provider about memory problems
ba005Has a doctor ever told you that you have a memory-related disease?doctor ever told have memory-related disease
ba006aLittle interest or pleasure in doing things.little interest or pleasure in doing things
ba006bFeeling down, depressed, or hopelessfeeling down, depressed, or hopeless
ba007During the past 12 months have you seen a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or clinical social worker? past 12 months seen mental health professional
ba008Has a doctor ever told you that you have had problems with depression? doctor ever told have problems with depression
ba009aAre you enrolled in Medicare Part B?enrolled in Medicare Part B
ba009bDid you have a Welcome to Medicare Visit?have a Welcome to Medicare Visit
ba009cHave you had Medicare’s Annual Wellness Visit in the past 12 months?had Medicare Annual Wellness Visit in past 12 months
ba009dWas your most recent Annual Wellness Visit in-person or via telehealth (e.g., via smartphone)? most recent Annual Wellness Visit in-person or via telehealth
ba010aIn the past 12 months, did you have any of the following at an Annual Wellness Visit? Please check all that apply. parts of annual wellness visit
ba010bIn the past 12 months, did you have any of the following at a visit other than the Annual Wellness Visit? Please check all that of other wellness visit
ba011Did you find the assessment and information you received from the assessment useful? assessment and information useful
ba012What types of follow up recommendations did you receive after the assessment? Please check all that apply. types of follow up recommendations
ba013Which, if any of the recommendations, did you follow? Please check all that apply.which recommendations done
ba014Please tell us if you strongly agree, neither agree nor disagree or strongly disagree with the following statement:

Generally, cognitive assessment is a good addition to medical services.
cognitive assessment is a good addition to medical services
ba015Which of the following words belongs to the same category as bicycle? attention check