Variable | Question text | Label |
check_lr011 | You entered an amount over $50,000. Is this correct? | amount over 50k |
check_lr011c | You entered an amount over $50,000. Is this correct? | takeaway amount over 50k |
check_lr017 | You entered an amount over $5,000. Is this correct? | amount over 5k |
lr001 | The next set of questions are about your primary job. If you have multiple jobs, think of the job in which you work the most hours or receive the most pay.
You told us on ^FLDateEarlierSurvey that you had a job. Which statement best reflects your current employment status: | employment status |
lr002 | Are you still receiving benefits such as health insurance through your former job? | still receiving benefits |
lr003 | You told us on ^FLDateEarlierSurvey that you did not have a job. Which statement best reflects your current employment status: | employment status prev no job |
lr003a | Do you currently have a job? | currently have job |
lr003aa | You told us on ^FLTimeReferenceOn that you were temporarily laid off from your job. Which statement best reflects your current employment status? | job status after laid off |
lr003bb | You told us on ^FLTimeReferenceOn that you were on sick leave or other leave from your job. Which statement best reflects your current employment status? | job status after sick leave |
lr003cc | You told us on ^FLTimeReferenceOn that you were retired. Which statement best reflects your current employment status? | job status after retired |
lr003dd | You told us on ^FLTimeReferenceOn that you were not in the labor force. Which statement best reflects your current employment status? | job status after not in labor force |
lr004 | r currently has a job | r currently has a job |
lr005 | In your primary job, are you self-employed or do you work for an employer? | self employed or work for employer |
lr006 | Out of the past seven days, how many days did you work at your job?
| how many day work past seven days |
lr007 | Out of the past seven days, how many days did you work from home?
| how many day work from home past seven days |
lr008 | Think of every day you worked in the past seven days. How many total hours did you work for pay across all the days? | home many hours work for pay past 7 days |
lr009 | Have your work hours been reduced^FLTimeReferenceLR009? | hours reduced since previous survey |
lr010 | How frequently are you paid for your job? | how frequently paid |
lr011 | What was the amount on your most recent paycheck? | amount most recent paycheck |
lr011a | You said your last paycheck was $^lr011. Is this correct? | confirm paycheck amount |
lr011b_i | For the most recent paycheck for your job, would you say the amount was | paycheck monthly |
lr011b_ii | For the most recent paycheck for your job, would you say the amount was | paycheck twice a month or every two weeks |
lr011b_iii | For the most recent paycheck for your job, would you say the amount was | paycheck every week |
lr011b_iv | For the most recent paycheck for your job, would you say the amount was | paycheck every day |
lr011b_v | For the most recent paycheck for your job, would you say the amount was | paycheck other frequency |
lr011c | Overall, taking into account all sources of income related to your job(s) and/or business, what was your income or “take home pay” in the past month? | takeaway amount last month |
lr011c_i | Would you say that your income or "take home pay" in the past month was: | followup takeaway amount past month |
lr012 | Is that amount before or after taxes were withheld? | amount before or after taxes |
lr012_ask | indicates whether conditions met to ask lr012 | |
lr013 | If you get sick, how many days can you stay home from your job and still get paid? | how may days stay home and still get paid |
lr014 | Do you require your employer’s permission to use these sick days? | require permission to use sick days |
lr015 | The coronavirus may cause economic challenges for some people regardless of whether they are actually infected.
What is the percent chance that you will lose your job because of the coronavirus within the next three months? | percent chance you lose your job |
lr016 | Have you received unemployment insurance benefits in the past fourteen days? | received unemployment insurance past 14 days |
lr016a | Why are you unsure about whether you have received unemployment insurance in the past 14 days? | why unsure about whether received unemployment insurance in past 14 days |
lr017 | How much did you receive in unemployment insurance in your most recent payment? | amount unemployment insurance |
lr017a | How often do you expect to receive this amount? | how often receive unemployment insurance |
lr017b | You said your most recent payment for unemployment compensation was $^lr017. Is this correct? | confirm unemployment amount |
lr017b_i | Would you say the amount was? | followup unemployment amount |
lr019 | Do any of the following describe your primary job? Please check all that apply. | describe primary job |
lr019a | Thinking back to February 2020, were you employed by the government, employed by a private company, employed by a nonprofit organization, self-employed, not employed or retired? | February 2020 employment type |
lr020 | Has your employer instructed you to work from home? | employer instructed you to work from home |
lr020a | Some people have jobs that require them to interact with people face to face in the same location. Thinking back to February 2020, how often did your job require you to come within six feet of other people (such as customers, clients, patients, or coworkers)? | February 2020 interaction within six feet |
lr021 | About how many employees (including yourself) worked for this company or organization? If the company or organization has more than one location, add up all employees at the different locations. | February 2020 number of employees |
lr022 | Including yourself, how many people worked in your business or organization in February 2020? | February 2020 self-employed number of employees |
lr023a | Ordered them to close completely | Ordered them to close completely |
lr023b | Ordered them to substantially limit operations | Ordered them to substantially limit operations |
lr023c | Ordered employees to work from home | Ordered employees to work from home |
lr024a | Has the government allowed businesses or organizations like yours to reopen? | government allowed to reopen |
lr024b | Has the government allowed businesses or organizations like yours to resume normal operations? | government allowed to resume fully |
lr024c | Has the government allowed employees to stop working from home? | government allowed to stop working from home |
lr025 | Has the government identified your business or organization as "essential" during the coronavirus epidemic? | government identified business as essential |
lr026 | How often does your job currently require you to come within six feet of other people (such as customers, clients, patients, or coworkers)? | currently interaction within six feet |
lr026a | Are you married, or do you have a partner who you live with? | married or with partner |
lr027 | Which statement best reflects the employment status of your spouse or partner in February 2020? | February 2020 employment status spouse/partner |
lr028 | Which statement best reflects the current employment status of your spouse or partner? | current employment status spouse/partner |
lr029_day | day unemployment status changed | |
lr029_month | month unemployment status changed | |
lr030 | Have your spouse or partner's hours been reduced since February 2020? | spouse/partner hours reduced |
lr030a | Have your spouse or partner’s hours been reduced since ^FLTimeReferenceOn? | spouse/partner hours reduced |
lr031 | Have you applied for unemployment insurance since February 2020? | applied for unemployment benefits since february 2020 |
lr032_day | day applied unemployment | |
lr032_month | When did you apply? If you’re not sure, just give your best guess. If you have applied more than once since February 2020, please tell us about the first time that you applied. | month applied unemployment |
lr033 | Why haven't you received unemployment insurance benefits? | why not received unemployment |
lr034 | Why haven't you applied for unemployment insurance benefits? | why not applied unemployment |
lr035 | Has your spouse or partner received unemployment insurance benefits in the past fourteen days? | spouse or partner received unemployment |
lr036 | Other than you^FLlr036, has anyone else in your household received unemployment insurance benefits in the past fourteen days? | anyone else in household received unemployment |
lr037 | Over the past month, how much did you and other household members receive from unemployment insurance? If you are not sure, please give your best guess. | unemployment household received |